- being controlled by passion or the supernatural
- the act of having and controlling property (同)ownership
- (sport) the act of controlling the ball (or puck); "they took possession of the ball on their own goal line"
- anything owned or possessed
- a territory that is controlled by a ruling state
- (used as a combining form) relating to--of or by or to or from or for--the self; "self-knowledge"; "self-proclaimed"; "self-induced"
- your consciousness of your own identity (同)ego
- a person considered as a unique individual; "ones own self"
- 落ち着き,冷静,沈着・= self possession
- 〈U〉(…の)『所有』,所持《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉しばしば複数形で》『所有物』;財産(property) / 〈C〉領地,領土 / 〈U〉(悪麗などに)とりつかれること
- (他人と区別して)『自己』,自分,自身 / 〈C〉(人・物の)本質,個性;性格の一面 / 〈U〉私利,私欲,私心 / 同じ材料でできた,共ぎれの
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English Journal
- Russo MT.Author information Institute of Philosophy of Scientifi c and Technological Activity, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italy. m.russo@unicampus.itAbstractThe term "human action" designates the intentional and deliberate movement that is proper and exclusive to mankind. Human action is a unified structure: knowledge, intention or volition, deliberation, decision or choice of means and execution. The integration between these dimensions appears as a task that demands strength of will to achieve the synthesis of self-possession and self-control that enables full personal realisation. Recently, the debate about the dynamism of human action has been enriched by the contribution of neurosciences. Thanks to techniques of neuroimaging, neurosciences have expanded the field of investigation to the nature of volition, to the role of the brain in decision-making processes and to the notion of freedom and responsibility.
- La Clinica terapeutica.Clin Ter.2010;161(1):87-8.
- The term "human action" designates the intentional and deliberate movement that is proper and exclusive to mankind. Human action is a unified structure: knowledge, intention or volition, deliberation, decision or choice of means and execution. The integration between these dimensions appears as a ta
- PMID 20393686
- Lelgemann M, Wieseler B, Gerd A.
- Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen.Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes.2010;104(4):281-3.
- PMID 20701106
- [Ethics of care and new profiles of the woman].
- Binetti P.Author information Area di Storia della Medicina, Campus Bio Medico, Roma, Italia.AbstractINTRODUCTION: In health professions listening represents an essential condition for any cure relation. Learning to listen is thus neither easy nor granted. It requires the ability to put oneself in somebody else's place, maintaining self-possession of judgement and the ability of evaluating events.
- La Clinica terapeutica.Clin Ter.2006 Jan-Feb;157(1):25-34.
- INTRODUCTION: In health professions listening represents an essential condition for any cure relation. Learning to listen is thus neither easy nor granted. It requires the ability to put oneself in somebody else's place, maintaining self-possession of judgement and the ability of evaluating events.P
- PMID 16669549
Japanese Journal
- 対話における文末の非ノダ文・ノダ文が示す話者の伝達態度 : 日本語母語話者印象評定の量的調査から
- 京野 千穂
- 社会言語科学 17(1), 114-127, 2014-09-30
- 対話における文末のノダ文及び非ノダ文に対し,母語話者印象評定を実施し量的分析を行った.ノダ文の複数の用法の中から,類似しない「やわらげ」,「強調」及び「説明」を取り上げ,それらに共通した母語話者の印象を検証した.その結果,ノダ文に共通していたのは,間き手との距離の近さ,親しみ,熱心さ及び感情を重視した伝達態度であった,一方,非ノダ文は,正確さを重視し,礼儀正しい印象を与えるが,親しみがなく,冷静で …
- NAID 110009895853
- NICUを退院した乳児をもつ母親の育児満足感について--退院時の看護ケア再考
- 土取 洋子,間野 雅子
- 日本新生児看護学会誌 9(1), 28-35, 2002-09
- … A multiple regression analysis (Stepwise method) was performed with Field I (childrearing attitudes) forming a sense of satisfaction with childrearing as a dependent variable and Fields I1 -1X (a sense of alienation from work, calmness, self-evaluation, infant's temperament, one's own experience of being raised. …
- NAID 120000876105
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- self-possessionとは。意味や和訳。[名詞] 感情[行動]の抑制;冷静,落ち着き,沈着.[語源]1745 - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。 ... [名詞] 感情[行動]の抑制;冷静,落ち着き,沈着.
- self-pos·ses·sion (sĕlf′pə-zĕsh′ən) n. Calm and self-assured command of one's faculties, feelings, and behavior: "Maureen ... had a blunt way of talking that was fueled by the self-possession of a working-class toughie" (Philip Roth). ...
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- 関
- have、own、ownership、possess
- 自己の
- 関
- self-pollination