- 関
- saphena
- the longest vein in the body; runs from foot to the groin where it joins the femoral vein (同)great_saphenous_vein
- a vein running from the foot up the back of the leg to the knee
- make a veinlike pattern
- any of the vascular bundles or ribs that form the branching framework of conducting and supporting tissues in a leaf or other plant organ (同)nervure
- one of the horny ribs that stiffen and support the wing of an insect (同)nervure
- a layer of ore between layers of rock (同)mineral vein
- a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart; "all veins except the pulmonary vein carry unaerated blood" (同)vena, venous blood vessel
- a distinctive style or manner; "he continued in this vein for several minutes"
- having or showing markings that resemble veins (同)venose, veinlike
- 〈C〉『静脈』 / 〈C〉(植物の)葉脈;(昆虫の)翅脈;(石の)石理;(木の)木目 / 〈C〉岩脈,鉱脈 / 〈U〉《しばしば a vein》(…の)傾向,性質《+of+名》 / 〈U〉《the vein》(…に対する)気分,気持ち《+for+名(doing)》
- しも(筋)のある,筋のついた
- (葉・昆虫の羽などの)脈模様,すじ
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/04/27 16:23:06」(JST)
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Saphenous vein may refer to:
- Great saphenous vein
- Small saphenous vein
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English Journal
- Endothelial PDGF-BB produced ex vivo correlates with relevant hemodynamic parameters in patients affected by chronic venous disease.
- Tisato V, Zamboni P, Menegatti E, Gianesini S, Volpi I, Zauli G, Secchiero P.SourceDepartment of Morphology, Surgery and Experimental Medicine and LTTA Centre, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy.
- Cytokine.Cytokine.2013 Aug;63(2):92-6. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2013.04.018. Epub 2013 May 7.
- Surgical specimens of vein were obtained from the tertiary venous network and/or saphenous vein from patients (n=20) affected by chronic venous disease (CVD). Into the venous segments, which subsequently were surgically ablated, the following hemodynamic parameters were assessed by echo-color-dopple
- PMID 23664275
- Impact of lesion location on intravascular ultrasound findings and short-term and five-year long-term clinical outcome after percutaneous coronary intervention for saphenous vein graft lesions.
- Hong YJ, Jeong MH, Ahn Y, Kang JC, Mintz GS, Kim SW, Lee SY, Kim SY, Pichard AD, Satler LF, Waksman R, Weissman NJ.SourceHeart Center of Chonnam National University Hospital, South Korea.
- International journal of cardiology.Int J Cardiol.2013 Jul 15;167(1):29-33. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2011.11.078. Epub 2011 Dec 20.
- BACKGROUND: Little is known about intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) findings and acute post-percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) outcome and long-term clinical outcome between aorto-ostial lesion and shaft lesion after PCI for saphenous vein graft (SVG) lesions.METHODS: Aorto-ostial lesion was def
- PMID 22192289
- Two-year follow-up of outcomes of second-generation everolimus-eluting stents versus first-generation drug-eluting stents for stenosis of saphenous vein grafts used as aortocoronary conduits.
- Kitabata H, Loh JP, Pendyala LK, Badr S, Dvir D, Barbash IM, Minha S, Torguson R, Chen F, Satler LF, Suddath WO, Kent KM, Pichard AD, Waksman R.SourceDivision of Cardiology, MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, District of Columbia.
- The American journal of cardiology.Am J Cardiol.2013 Jul 1;112(1):61-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2013.02.055. Epub 2013 Apr 2.
- Second-generation everolimus-eluting stents (EESs) have demonstrated superiority in efficacy and safety compared with first-generation drug-eluting stents (DESs) in the treatment of native coronary artery lesions. The present study evaluated and compared the safety and efficacy of EESs and first-ge
- PMID 23561590
Japanese Journal
- 手術の工夫 クスコ式腟鏡を用いた小切開分節大伏在静脈採取法
- 菊地 慶太,鈴木 耕太郎,遠藤 由樹 [他]
- 胸部外科 = The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery 67(12), 1066-1069, 2014-11
- NAID 40020244171
- Alternative redo sternotomy in a patient with tracheostoma and patent grafts.
- Uehara Kyokun,Minakata Kenji,Funamoto Masaki,Yamazaki Kazuhiro,Marui Akira,Sakata Ryuzo
- Asian cardiovascular & thoracic annals 22(7), 852-854, 2014-09
- … Preoperative investigations revealed that the patent right internal thoracic artery graft ran directly under the sternum just anterior to the ascending aorta, and a saphenous vein graft was adhering to a surgical wire. …
- NAID 120005477684
Related Links
- The great saphenous vein (GSV), also long saphenous vein, is the large ( subcutaneous) superficial vein of the leg and thigh. The terms "safaina" (Greek, meaning "manifest," "to be clearly seen") and "el safin" (Arabic, meaning ...
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- 英
- 関
- 大腿静脈
- 関
- saphenous vein
- 同
- SVG, 伏在静脈グラフト