- very productive; "rich seams of coal"
- containing plenty of fat, or eggs, or sugar; "rich desserts"; "they kept gorging on rich foods"
- having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources); "blessed with a land rich in minerals"; "rich in ideas"; "rich with cultural interest"
- high in mineral content; having a high proportion of fuel to air; "a rich vein of copper", "a rich gas mixture"
- of great worth or quality; "a rich collection of antiques"
- pleasantly full and mellow; "a rich tenor voice"
- possessing material wealth; "her father is extremely rich"; "many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles"
- suggestive of or characterized by great expense; "a rich display"
- 『富』,財産,豊かさ
- (形容詞)貧乏から金持ちになる[大成功する]・無一文[貧乏]から大金持ちになった・卑賎より身を起こした
- 『金持ちの』,『富んだ』,豊かな / 《名詞的に》《the~;複数扱い》金持ちの人たち / (衣服・宝石・家具などが)高価でみごとな,ぜいたくな / (想像力などが)豊かな;(土地が)肥えた / (音・声が)豊かな,深みのある;(色が)濃い,あざやかな;(料理・酒の問が)濃くておいしい;(香りが)強い / 濃度が高い;(特に食物の)栄養価が高い,(油・卵・バターなどを多く含んで)濃厚な / 《話》非常におもしろい,こっけいな;《反晴的に》とんでもない,ばかげた
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Riches may refer to:
- Wealth
- The Riches (television series)
- C. T. Hurry Riches, Locomotive Superintendent of the Rhymney Railway from 1906
- Norman Riches (1883–1975), Welsh cricketer
- Tom Hurry Riches (1846–1911), Locomotive Superintendent of the Taff Vale Railway, 1873–1910
- Riches (album), a 1988 album by Deacon Blue
- Riches & More, a compilation album by Deacon Blue
See also
English Journal
- Staging for hepatocellular carcinoma: An embarrassment of riches.
- Sherman M1.
- Journal of hepatology.J Hepatol.2016 Mar;64(3):535-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2015.11.040. Epub 2015 Dec 10.
- PMID 26682728
- WELLFOCUS PPT: Modifying positive psychotherapy for psychosis.
- Riches S1, Schrank B1, Rashid T2, Slade M1.
- Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.).Psychotherapy (Chic).2016 Mar;53(1):68-77. doi: 10.1037/pst0000013. Epub 2015 May 11.
- Positive psychotherapy (PPT) is an established psychological intervention initially validated with people experiencing symptoms of depression. PPT is a positive psychology intervention, an academic discipline that has developed somewhat separately from psychotherapy and focuses on amplifying well-be
- PMID 25961372
- Reduced-intensity transplantation for lymphomas using haploidentical related donors vs HLA-matched unrelated donors.
- Kanate AS1, Mussetti A2, Kharfan-Dabaja MA3, Ahn KW4, DiGilio A5, Beitinjaneh A6, Chhabra S7, Fenske TS8, Freytes C9, Gale RP10, Ganguly S11, Hertzberg M12, Klyuchnikov E13, Lazarus HM14, Olsson R15, Perales MA16, Rezvani A17, Riches M18, Saad A19, Slavin S20, Smith SM21, Sureda A22, Yared J23, Ciurea S24, Armand P25, Salit R26, Bolaños-Meade J27, Hamadani M5.
- Blood.Blood.2016 Feb 18;127(7):938-47. doi: 10.1182/blood-2015-09-671834. Epub 2015 Dec 15.
- We evaluated 917 adult lymphoma patients who received haploidentical (n = 185) or HLA-matched unrelated donor (URD) transplantation either with (n = 241) or without antithymocyte globulin (ATG; n = 491) following reduced-intensity conditioning regimens. Haploidentical recipients received posttranspl
- PMID 26670632
Japanese Journal
- To See or Not To See, That Is the Question : The Elusive Riches of Literary Allusions
- Language Immersion Education as a Solution to Language Policy Dilemmas : Lessons from Canada's experience with French Immersion (十川廣國教授退任記念号)
- Language Immersion Education as a Solution to Language Policy Dilemmas : Lessons from Canada's experience with French Immersion (In Honor of Professor Hirokuni Sogawa)
Related Links
- Middle English, singular or plural, from richesse wealth, from Anglo-French richesce, from riche rich, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English rīce rich ... Seen and Heard What made you want to look up riches? Please tell us where ...
- Riches definition, abundant and valuable possessions; wealth. See more. Dictionary.com Word of the Day Translate Games Blog Thesaurus.com Apps Favorites Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary.com Thesaurus.com ...
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- abound、abundance、abundant、abundantly、affluent、ample、plentiful、richly