- 関
- emotion、feeling、regrettable
- feel sad about the loss or absence of
- decline formally or politely; "I regret I cant come to the party"
- express with regret; "I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard"
- the experiencing of affective and emotional states; "she had a feeling of euphoria"; "he had terrible feelings of guilt"; "I disliked him and the feeling was mutual"
- an intuitive understanding of something; "he had a great feeling for music" (同)intuitive feeling
- a physical sensation that you experience; "he had a queasy feeling"; "I had a strange feeling in my leg"; "he lost all feeling in his arm"
- deserving regret; "regrettable remarks"; "its regrettable that she didnt go to college"; "its too bad he had no feeling himself for church" (同)too bad
- feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone; "felt regretful over his vanished youth"; "regretful over mistakes she had made"; "he felt bad about breaking the vase" (同)sorry, bad
- feeling no regret; "was completely unregretful about what had happened" (同)unregretting
- with regret (used in polite formulas); "I must regretfully decline your kind invitation"
- …‘を'『後悔する』;…‘を'残念に思う / 〈人が〉〈失われたもの〉‘を'惜しむ,悲しむ / 〈U〉(…に対する)『後悔』,悔い;残念な気持ち,遺憾《+『at』(『for, over』)+『名』(doing)》 / 〈U〉(…に対する)悲しみ,哀惜,哀悼の意《+『over』(『for』)+『名』》 / 〈C〉《複数形で》(招持などへのていねいな)断り[状];(断るための)遺憾の言葉
- 〈U〉(身体の)『感覚』,触覚 / 《a feeling, the feeling》(…の)感じ,意識《+『of』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈U〉(…に対する)同情,共感《+『for』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》(理性に対して)『感情』,気持ち / 《a feeling, the feeling, one's feeling》(しばしば感じに基づく)意見,感想 / 〈U〉(悪い意味で)興奮 / 感じやすい;情のこもった
- (行為・事件などが)遺憾な,残念な,悲しむべき
- 後悔の念でいっぱいの;惜しがっている
- 遺憾ながら,残念なことに
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リグレット、レグレット (Regret, REGRET)
- 楽曲
- regret - Marieのアルバム『Marie』に収録された曲
- regret - 小松未歩のアルバム『小松未歩 4 〜A thousand feelings〜』『lyrics』に収録された曲
- regret - day after tomorrowのアルバム『Primary colors』に収録された曲
- regret - RAG FAIRのアルバム『AIR』に収録された曲
- regret (星村麻衣の曲) - 星村麻衣のシングル
- regret - 今井麻美のシングル『Horizon』に収録された曲
- Regret - Λuciferのシングル
- Regret - RAZZ MA TAZZのシングル
- Regret - 坂本龍一のアルバム『スウィート・リヴェンジ』に収録された曲
- Regret - KOHLのアルバム『falling off the chair』に収録された曲
- Regret - Wizardのシングル曲
- REGRET - ガゼットのシングル
- REGRET - hitomiのシングル『LOVE 2000』およびアルバム『LOVE LIFE』に収録された曲
- REGRET - GLAYのシングル『Freeze My Love』に収録された曲
- Regrets - アンソニー・フィリップスのアルバム『ワイズ・アフター・ジ・イヴェント』に収録された曲
- Regrets - ミレーヌ・ファルメールのシングル曲
- REGRETS - KANのシングル曲
- リグレット - ニュー・オーダーのシングル曲
- regret (アルバム) - I'veのアルバム
- Regret (Linuxディストリビューション) - 音楽製作に特化したLinuxディストリビューション
- Regret - 20世紀のアメリカを代表する競走馬 →リグレット (競走馬)を参照
- REGRET (漫画) - かたおかみさおの漫画作品
- リグレット - ゲーム『テイルズ オブ ジ アビス』の登場人物 →テイルズ オブ ジ アビスの登場キャラクター一覧#リグレットを参照
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Regret or Regrets may refer to:
- Regret (emotion)
- Regret, France, a village about 2 miles south-west of Verdun
- Expression of regret, a common gambit in politics and public relations, used as an alternative to actually apologizing
- Regret (decision theory), the ratio or difference between the actual payoff and the best one
- Regret (horse) (1912–1934), champion racehorse
- Regret (album), an album by Japanese music production unit I've Sound
- Regrets (EP), an EP by Cesium137
- "Regret" (New Order song), 1993
- "Regret" (LeToya Luckett song), 2009
- "Regret" (Mai Hoshimura song), 2008
- "Regret" (The Gazette song), 2006
- Regrets (song), a 1991 song by Mylène Farmer and Jean-Louis Murat
- Regrets, a song from Jay-Z's debut album Reasonable Doubt
- Regrets, a song from Ben Folds Five's album The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner
- Regret (Halo), One of the Prophets from the game of Halo 2
- Regret, also known as Legretta, one of the Six God Generals from Tales of the Abyss
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English Journal
- Parental anxiety and concern for children undergoing dermatological surgery.
- Hoetzenecker W1, Guenova E, Krug M, Goetz A, Amarov B, Haefner HM, Breuninger H.Author information 1Department of Dermatology, Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen , Liebermeisterstrasse 25, 72076 Tuebingen , Germany.AbstractParents experience anxiety and concern about their children's anesthesia and surgeries, which can adversely affect the children's outcomes. Therefore, it is important to identify the factors that influence parental fear. Because dermatological surgery is often performed in young children, we examined how a child's age and the size of the dermatological surgical area affected the levels of parental anxiety and concern. The parents' levels of anxiety and concern were accessed by parental self-reports in a prospective observational study of 106 children undergoing dermatological surgery. Correlation analysis showed that the level of parental anxiety decreased with the child's age. In contrast, the level of parental anxiety increased with the size of the surgical area. Our findings thus indicate that parents whose children undergo large-sized surgeries at a young age are at high risk. This result should be considered when performing dermatological surgery in children.
- The Journal of dermatological treatment.J Dermatolog Treat.2014 Oct;25(5):367-70. doi: 10.3109/09546634.2013.814757. Epub 2013 Jul 5.
- Parents experience anxiety and concern about their children's anesthesia and surgeries, which can adversely affect the children's outcomes. Therefore, it is important to identify the factors that influence parental fear. Because dermatological surgery is often performed in young children, we examine
- PMID 23768421
- Put on a happy face! Inhibitory control and socioemotional knowledge predict emotion regulation in 5- to 7-year-olds.
- Hudson A1, Jacques S2.Author information 1Department of Psychology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4J1, Canada. Electronic address: a.hudson@dal.ca.2Department of Psychology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4J1, Canada. Electronic address: sophie.jacques@dal.ca.AbstractChildren's developing capacity to regulate emotions may depend on individual characteristics and other abilities, including age, sex, inhibitory control, theory of mind, and emotion and display rule knowledge. In the current study, we examined the relations between these variables and children's (N=107) regulation of emotion in a disappointing gift paradigm as well as their relations with the amount of effort to control emotion children exhibited after receiving the disappointing gift. Regression analyses were also conducted to identify unique predictors. Children's understanding of others' emotions and emotion display rules, as well as their inhibitory control skills, emerged as significant correlates of emotion regulation and predicted children's responses to the disappointing gift even after controlling for other relevant variables. Age and inhibitory control significantly predicted the amount of overt effort that went into regulating emotions, as did emotion knowledge (albeit only marginally). Together, findings suggest that effectively regulating emotions requires (a) knowledge of context-appropriate emotions along with (b) inhibitory skills to implement that knowledge.
- Journal of experimental child psychology.J Exp Child Psychol.2014 Jul;123:36-52. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2014.01.012. Epub 2014 Mar 29.
- Children's developing capacity to regulate emotions may depend on individual characteristics and other abilities, including age, sex, inhibitory control, theory of mind, and emotion and display rule knowledge. In the current study, we examined the relations between these variables and children's (N=
- PMID 24691036
- Lateralized hybrid faces: Evidence of a valence-specific bias in the processing of implicit emotions.
- Prete G1, Laeng B, Tommasi L.Author information 1a Department of Neuroscience and Imaging , 'G. d'Annunzio' University of Chieti-Pescara , Chieti , Italy.AbstractIt is well known that hemispheric asymmetries exist for both the analyses of low-level visual information (such as spatial frequency) and high-level visual information (such as emotional expressions). In this study, we assessed which of the above factors underlies perceptual laterality effects with "hybrid faces": a type of stimulus that allows testing for unaware processing of emotional expressions, when the emotion is displayed in the low-frequency information while an image of the same face with a neutral expression is superimposed to it. Despite hybrid faces being perceived as neutral, the emotional information modulates observers' social judgements. In the present study, participants were asked to assess friendliness of hybrid faces displayed tachistoscopically, either centrally or laterally to fixation. We found a clear influence of the hidden emotions also with lateral presentations. Happy faces were rated as more friendly and angry faces as less friendly with respect to neutral faces. In general, hybrid faces were evaluated as less friendly when they were presented in the left visual field/right hemisphere than in the right visual field/left hemisphere. The results extend the validity of the valence hypothesis in the specific domain of unaware (subcortical) emotion processing.
- Laterality.Laterality.2014 Jul;19(4):439-54. doi: 10.1080/1357650X.2013.862255. Epub 2013 Dec 18.
- It is well known that hemispheric asymmetries exist for both the analyses of low-level visual information (such as spatial frequency) and high-level visual information (such as emotional expressions). In this study, we assessed which of the above factors underlies perceptual laterality effects with
- PMID 24345101
- The influence of left and right hemisphere brain damage on configural and featural processing of affective faces.
- Abbott JD1, Wijeratne T, Hughes A, Perre D, Lindell AK.Author information 1a School of Psychological Science , La Trobe University , Bundoora , VIC , Australia.AbstractThe literature about the lateralization of facial emotion perception according to valence (positive, negative) is conflicting; investigating the underlying processes may shed light on why some studies show right-hemisphere dominance across valence and other studies demonstrate hemispheric differences according to valence. This is the first clinical study to examine whether the use of configural and featural cues underlies hemispheric differences in affective face perception. Right brain-damaged (RBD; n = 17), left brain-damaged (LBD; n = 17) and healthy control (HC; n = 34) participants completed an affective face discrimination task that tested configural processing using whole faces and featural processing using partial faces. No group differences in expression perception according to valence or processing strategy were found. Across emotions, the RBD group was less accurate than the HC group in discriminating whole faces, whilst the RBD and LBD groups were less accurate than HCs in discriminating partial faces. This suggests that the right hemisphere processes facial expressions from configural and featural information, whereas the left hemisphere relies more heavily on featural facial information.
- Laterality.Laterality.2014 Jul;19(4):455-72. doi: 10.1080/1357650X.2013.862256. Epub 2013 Dec 9.
- The literature about the lateralization of facial emotion perception according to valence (positive, negative) is conflicting; investigating the underlying processes may shed light on why some studies show right-hemisphere dominance across valence and other studies demonstrate hemispheric difference
- PMID 24313800
Japanese Journal
- 深瀬 裕子,岡本 祐子
- 発達心理学研究 23(1), 55-65, 2012-03-20
- Erikson, Erikson, & Kivnick(1986/1990)によれば,乳児期に顕著となる基本的信頼感vs.基本的不信感は,後に続く全ての心理社会的課題の支えとなると同時にそれ自体も発達するものである。本研究では,この信頼感の発達に重要な役割を果たす母親的人物との相互性に着目し,その乳児期から老年期に至る変容過程を,高齢者の内的現実から捉えることを目的とした。半構造化面接を行い,66 …
- NAID 110009426190
- 知的障害児の文字・書きことばの指導における担当教員の意識と指導方法
- 渡辺 実
- 花園大学社会福祉学部研究紀要 20, 49-62, 2012-03
- 知的障害児の文字・書きことば学習の指導について、担当教員の意識や指導方法を明らかにすることによって、文字・書きことばの習得学習が効果的に行われるための基礎的要件を明らかにする。研究方法は、K 市小学校の特別支援学級担当教員51 人に、勤務年数や書字指導について、児童の発達段階の意識等、7 項目の質問を4 段階で回答してもらい、その理由をKJ 法で分析し、各質問項目の相関も調べた。結果として、国語の …
- NAID 110009005112
- 後悔の源泉 : 後悔を発生させる出来事の特性の検討
- 津曲 陽子,古川 久敬
- 九州大学心理学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要 13(-) (-), 43-48, 2012
- The purpose of this study was to examine the attributes of events people feel regrets afterwards. Although previous studies provided limitation for recalling of regretful events, this study asked subj …
- NAID 40019250012
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- 関
- affect、emotion、regret
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- regret、regrettable
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- 感情、残念に思う
- 英
- regret
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- 残念
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- regret