出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/08 13:03:24」(JST)
RER(エール・ウ・エール)は、Réseau express régionalの略語であり、日本語では「地域急行鉄道網」と訳される、フランス語圏の公共鉄道網、及びその概念。大都市とその近郊を結ぶ路線で、フランスではパリとその近郊を結ぶイル=ド=フランス地域圏に存在し、他にリヨン近郊にも整備予定がある。ベルギーではブリュッセルで建設中である。スイスではいくつかの都市で同名の鉄道網が運用されている。
郊外の既存、あるいは新設の鉄道路線を、市街地中心部の地下を通るトンネルによって繋ぎ、列車を直通させる形の都市型公共交通機関を指す、フランスで使用される概念である。 在来の郊外型鉄道との直通乗り入れ、それに伴う乗り入れ先の(大型の)地上線の車輌規格の採用などは、日本の地下鉄でなされている相互直通に同様のものを見ることができる。 しかし、短区間のサービスを並行するメトロが担当することにしたため、都心部に設置する駅の数を減らし高速運行を可能としていることが特徴である[1]。
ジュネーヴのRERはRhône Express Regional(ローヌ地域圏急行鉄道)の略とされる。都市部をまたいで郊外から郊外を結ぶ路線ではないため、厳密にはRERおよびSバーンの概念に当てはまるものではないが、ジュネーヴの中央駅であるコルナヴァン駅を起点として以下の路線が近郊圏(隣国のフランスも含む)を結んでいる。またヴォー州州境やフランス国境をまたがずにジュネーヴ州内[5]を移動する場合は、RERもバスやトラムと同じ市内交通の切符で乗車できる。フランスにまたがる路線はフランス国鉄SNCFの地域圏急行輸送TERローヌ=アルプ地域圏のネットワークにも含まれ、上述の非接触型ICカードOùRAも使用可能である。
2012年より、それまでフランス国鉄の管轄であったターミナル駅のジュネーヴ・オーヴィーヴ駅(ターミナルとはいえ単線路線で規模は小さかった)と、国境を挟んだ隣町であるフランスのアンヌマッスを結ぶ路線を拡張する工事が着工しており、2018年竣工予定である。ランシー・ポン・ルージュからの路線を地下トンネルや掘割などでオーヴィーヴに連結し、コルナヴァン駅発着のRER路線として整備する。完成後はスイス国鉄とフランス国鉄の共同運行となり、従来の単線区間は複線化する。オーヴィーヴ駅および途中駅のシェーヌブール駅は19世紀からの駅舎をそのまま利用しながら、地下に新規の駅構造を拡張する。シェーヌブールの駅舎はこの工事に伴い30mほどの距離を工事用レールで移動して移築した。この他にジュネーヴ大学シャンペル病院前とカルージュに新駅が建設される。この工事はCEVA計画(コルナヴァンCornavin、オーヴィーヴEaux-Vives、アンヌマッスAnnemasseのそれぞれの頭文字を取った名称)と呼ばれている。フランス国鉄は2013年3月までシェーヌブールとアンヌマッス間の部分運行を行っていたが、4月以降は運休しシェーヌブール区間が工事に入った。これによりフランス側の途中駅アンビイー(盛り土だけの簡易停車所)は廃止された[6]。工事期間中は、地域圏の短距離バス[7]およびフランス国鉄が鉄道の代行として運用しているTERの長距離バス[8]が代行運転している。この路線開通により、ジュネーヴ - アンヌマッス間を経由して、スイス側はヴォー州のコッペやニヨン、フランス側はアヌシーやエヴィアン=レ=バンなどを結ぶ「RERフランコ・ヴァルド・ジュネヴォワ」(フランス、ヴォー州、ジュネーヴ州の意味)の計画が予定されている。
フランスのTERのうち、アン県はベルガルド=シュル=ヴァルスリーヌからジュネーヴを経由せず、つまりスイス国境をまたがずフランス国内で、ジェクス経由フェルネイ=ヴォルテールおよびディヴォンヌ=レ=バンを結ぶ鉄道路線(fr:Ligne de Collonges - Fort-l'Écluse à Divonne-les-Bains (frontière))があるが、これは1997年に鉄道運行が休止され、現在はTERのバスで代行運転している。これらの基礎自治体は実質的に国境を跨いでジュネーヴ都市圏を形成し、ジュネーヴに通勤するフランス側住民のベッドタウンとなっている。このうちジュネーヴ市内からジュネーヴ空港のすぐ裏手の国境を挟んだフェルネイ=ヴォルテールを経由してジェクスに向かう路線はジュネーヴ州立交通局TPG管轄のバスが走っている。またTERバス途中駅のサン=ジェニ=プイイにもTPGのバスが乗り入れている。ディヴォンヌ=レ=バンにはジュネーヴからのTPG深夜バスが走っているほか、コッペからニヨン市管轄TPNのバスも走っており、RER、TER、TPG、TPNが合わさってスイス・フランス国境地域一帯を結ぶネットワークを形成している。ニヨンからその近郊のエイサンまではヴォー州RERの管轄である貨物主体の短い鉄道路線が走っているが、かつてこの路線は1962年までは国境スイス側のクラシエを経由してディヴォンヌ=レ=バンまで通じていた。このため、ベルガルド、ディヴォンヌ、ニヨンを結ぶ鉄道路線を再開通し「RERフランコ・ヴァルド・ジュネヴォワ」計画に組み込むための「ジェクスレール」協会が2009年に設立された。[9]
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The RER (French pronunciation: [ɛʁ.ə.ɛʁ]; French: Réseau Express Régional, "Regional Express Network") is a regional rapid transit system in France serving Paris and its suburbs. The RER is an integration of a modern city-centre underground rail and a pre-existing set of commuter rail lines. It has several connections with the Paris Métro within the city of Paris. Within the city, the RER functions like the Métro, but is faster as it has fewer stops. Since 1999 the network has consisted of five lines: A, B, C, D and E. The lines are identified by letters rather than numbers to avoid confusion with the lines of the Métro, which are identified by numbers. The RER is still expanding: Line E, which opened in 1999, is planned for westward extension by 2020.
The RER contains 257 stations, 33 of which are within the city of Paris, and runs over 587 km (365 mi) of track, including 76.5 km (47.5 mi) underground. Each line passes through the city almost exclusively underground and on dedicated tracks. The RER is operated partly by RATP, the transport authority that operates Paris Métro, and partly by SNCF, the national rail operator. In spite of this, the system uses a single fare structure and no transfer is needed between parts run by the two operators. Total traffic on the central sections of lines A and B, operated by RATP, was 452 million in 2006; in the same year, total traffic on all lines operated by SNCF (both RER and Transilien trains) was 657 million.[1]
RATP manages 65 RER stations, including all stations on Line A east of Nanterre-Préfecture and those on the branch to Saint-Germain-en-Laye.[2] It also operates stations on Line B South of Gare du Nord.[3] Other stations on the two lines and those on lines C, D and E are operated by SNCF. Of the RER stations operated by RATP, 9 have interchanges with Métro lines, and 9 allow transfer to SNCF's Transilien service.[4]
The origins of the RER can be traced back to the 1936 Ruhlmann-Langewin plan of the Compagnie du chemin de fer métropolitain de Paris (Metropolitan Railway Company of Paris) for a "métropolitain express" (express metro). The company's post-war successor, RATP, revived the scheme in the 1950s, and in 1960 an interministerial committee decided to go ahead with the construction of an east-west line. Subsequently, the central part of the RER was completed in a large-scale civil engineering project between 1962 and 1977 and chief supervisor of the project was Siavash Teimouri. As its instigator, RATP was granted authority to run the new link. The embryonic (and as yet unnamed) RER was not properly conceived until the 1965 Schéma directeur d'aménagement et d'urbanisme, which designed an H-shaped network with two north-south routes. Only a single north-south link crossing the Left Bank has so far come to fruition, although Paris Métro's Line 13 has been extended to perform a similar function. Between 1969 and 1970, RATP purchased the Vincennes and Saint-Germain lines from SNCF.
In the first phase of construction, the Vincennes and Saint-Germain lines became the ends of the east-west Line A, the central section of which was opened station by station between 1969 and 1977. On its completion, Line A was joined by the initial southern section of the north-south Line B. During this first phase, six new stations were built, three of which are entirely underground.
Construction was inaugurated by Robert Buron, then Minister for Public Works, at the Pont de Neuilly on 6 July 1961, four years before the publication of the official network blueprint. The rapid expansion of the La Défense business district in the west made the western section of the first line a priority. Nation, the first new station, was opened on 12 December 1969 and temporarily became the new western terminus of the Vincennes line. The section from Étoile (not yet renamed after Charles de Gaulle) to La Défense was opened a few weeks later. It was subsequently extended eastward to the newly built Auber station on 23 November 1971, and westward to Saint-Germain-en-Laye on 1 October 1972. The latter extension was achieved by a connection to the existing Saint-Germain-en-Laye line, the oldest railway line into Paris, at Nanterre.
The RER network came into being on 9 December 1977 with the joining of the eastern Nation-Boissy segment and the western Auber-Saint-Germain-en-Laye segment at Châtelet – Les Halles. The southern Ligne de Sceaux was simultaneously extended from Luxembourg to meet Line A at Châtelet – Les Halles, becoming the new Line B. The system of line letters was introduced to the public on this occasion, though it had been used internally by RATP and SNCF for some time.
A second phase, from the end of the 1970s, was carried out more slowly. SNCF gained the authorisation to operate its own routes, which became lines C, D and E. Extensive sections of suburban tracks were added to the network, but only four new stations were built. In this time period, the network was completed in the following stages:
The RER's first phase of construction during the 1960s and 1970s was marked by scale and expense. In 1973 alone, FRF 2 billion were committed to the project in the budget. This equates to roughly € 1.37 billion in 2005 terms, and closer to double that as a proportion of the region's (then much smaller) economic output.[5] This and subsequent spending was partly sustained by the versement transport, a local tax levied on businesses. The tax was introduced in July 1971 and remains in effect.[6]
The predominance of suburban SNCF track on the RER network explains why RER trains use overhead line power and run on the left, like SNCF trains (except in Alsace-Moselle), contrary to the Métro where trains use third rail power and run on the right. RER trains run by the two different operators share the same track infrastructure, a practice called interconnection. On the RER, interconnection required the development of specific trains (MI 79 series for Materiel d'Interconnexion 1979, and MI 2N series for Materiel d'Interconnexion à 2 niveaux (double-deck interconnection stock)) capable of operating under both 1.5 kV direct current on the RATP network and 25 kV / 50 Hz alternating current on the SNCF network. The MS 61 series (Matériel Suburbain 1961) can be used only on the 1.5 kV DC network.
The RER's tunnels have unusually large cross-sections. This is due to a 1961 decision to build according to a standard set by the Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer, with space for overhead catenary power supply to trains. Single-track tunnels measure 6.30 m across and double-track tunnels up to 8.70 m, meaning a cross-sectional area of up to 50 square metres, larger than that of the stations on many comparable underground rail networks.[7]
The first RER rolling stock in fact predated the formation of the RER by 40 years, with the Z 23000 stock used on the ligne de Sceaux (which was subsequently integrated into RER B) from 1937 until February 27, 1987. In 1965 the Z 5300 train was introduced, followed by the MS 61 in 1967 (refurbished 1985-1987 and 2006-2009), MS 79 in 1980, MS 84 and Z 8800 in 1985, Z 20500 in 1998, MI 2N in 1996, Z 20900 in 2001 and MI 09 on December 5, 2011.
MS 61 (refurbished 2006-2009) at Boissy-Saint-Léger
MI79-R 8292 1|MI 79 renovated
MI 84 at Gare de Poissy
MI 2N at Gare d'Achères-Ville
MI 09
Z 5300
Gare Bourron-Marlotte - Grez IMG 8615|Z 5600 at Bourron-Marlotte
Versailles-Chantiers - Mars 2013 - Quais (13)|Z 8800 at Versailles-Chantiers
Z 20860 Montigny - Beauchamp|Z 20500 at Montigny
RER C - Gare PontRungis 20|Z 20900 at Pont Rungis
Z 22500 at Gare de Chelles - Gournay
Line name | Opened | Last extension |
Stations served |
Length | Average Interstation |
Journeys made (per annum) |
Line A | 1977 | 1994 | 46 | 108.5 km / 67.5 miles | 2,411 m | 272,800,000 | |
Line B | 1977 | 1981 | 47 | 80.0 km / 49.8 miles | 1,739 m | 165,100,000 | |
Line C | 1979 | 2000 | 84 | 185.6 km / 115.5 miles | 2,184 m | 140,000,000 | |
Line D | 1987 | 1995 | 59 | 190.0 km / 118.1 miles | 2,807 m | 145,000,000 | |
Line E | 1999 | 2003 | 21 | 52.3 km / 32.5 miles | 2,615 m | 60,000,000 |
Ten new stations have been built under the heart of Paris since the 1960s as part of the RER project. The six stations of Line A opened between 1969 and 1977 are:
Some controversy followed the construction of the Line A. Using the model of the existing Métro, and unlike any other underground network in the world, engineers elected to build the three new deep stations (Étoile, Auber and Nation) as single monolithic halls with lateral platforms and no supporting pillars. A hybrid solution of adjacent halls was rejected on the grounds that it "completely sacrificed the architectural aspect" of the oeuvre.[8] The scale in question was vast: the new stations cathédrales were up to three times longer, wider and taller than Métro stations, and hence 20 or 30 times more voluminous. Most importantly, unlike the Métro they were to be constructed deep underground. The decision turned out to be expensive: around 8 billion francs for the three stations, equivalent to € 1.2 billion in 2005 terms, with the two-level Auber the costliest of the three.[9] The comparison was obvious and unfavourable with London's Victoria line, a deep line of 22 km (14 mi) constructed during the same period using a two-tunnel approach at vastly lower cost. However, the three stations represent undeniable engineering feats and are noticeably less claustrophobic than traditional underground stations.
Only two stations were inaugurated to complete Lines B, C and D:
Two stations were added to the network as part of Line E in the 1990s. They are notable for their lavishly spacious deep construction, a technique not used since Auber. Although similar to the three 1960s "cathedral stations" of Line A, their passenger traffic has so far proved vastly lower.
Journey times, particularly on east-west and north-south routes, have been cut spectacularly by the RER (and thanks to the cross-platform connection at Châtelet - Les Halles, even certain "diagonal" trips are rapid). As a result, the network has been an extraordinarily popular success since its opening.
Lines A and B reached saturation relatively quickly, exceeding by far all traffic expectations: up to 55,000 passengers per hour in each direction on Line A, the highest such figure in the world outside of East Asia.[10] Despite a frequency of more than one train every two minutes, made possible by the installation of digital signalling in 1989, and the partial introduction of double-decker trains since 1998, the central stations of Line A are critically crowded at peak times.[11]
Used for leisure journeys, the RER has had a major social impact. By bringing far-flung suburbs within easy reach of central Paris, the network has aided the reintegration of the traditionally insular capital with its periphery. The evidence of this social impact can be seen at Châtelet - Les Halles, whose neighbourhood and Forum des Halles leisure and shopping facilities are popular among banlieusards, in particular from eastern suburbs.[12]
Extensions to the RER focus on Line E, which ends at Haussmann - Saint-Lazare, serving only one side of Paris, unlike all other RER lines. Various Line E extensions have been proposed:[citation needed]
Until the western section is in service, neither of the eastern extensions can be put into service, because the Haussmann - St Lazare station is currently at its maximum capacity because all trains are currently forced to turn around at this station. Once the western extension is in service, Haussmann - St Lazare will become a through station and the eastern extensions will be possible. One of the primary reasons for the completion of Line E through Paris is to relieve Line A of its excessive ridership, especially at commute times. Plans for the westward extension are in an advanced stage and construction is to begin in 2013, with an inauguration of the new line in 2020.
A new Line E station has been proposed at Rue de l'Évangile (now to be called Rosa Parks) on the approach to Gare de l'Est, with a tentative opening date of 2014.[13]
Older plans existed for a line F, which would connect Argenteuil to Rambouillet via existing tracks of the Saint-Lazare and Montparnasse rail networks. A new tunnel would be bored below Paris, with the creation of a station at Invalides. The cost of the new tunnel make this project unlikely to happen.[citation needed]
The RER has received criticism for its high level of particle pollution during busy periods, essentially due to train braking. Pollution by PM10 particles regularly reaches 400 µg/m3 at Auber,[14] substantially more than at neighboring metro stations and eight times the EU Commission's daily average limit[15] of 50 µg/m3.
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関連記事 | 「RER」 |