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- 1. 肺動静脈奇形:成人における臨床的特徴および診断的評価pulmonary arteriovenous malformations clinical features and diagnostic evaluation in adults [show details]
… Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) are abnormal communications between pulmonary arteries and veins . Alternative names include pulmonary arteriovenous fistulae, pulmonary arteriovenous aneurysms …
- 2. 肺動静脈奇形を有する成人患者に対する治療アプローチtherapeutic approach to adult patients with pulmonary arteriovenous malformations [show details]
… Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) are abnormal communications between pulmonary arteries and veins . Alternative names include pulmonary arteriovenous fistulae, pulmonary arteriovenous aneurysms …
- 3. 肺動静脈奇形:成人における疫学、病因、および病理pulmonary arteriovenous malformations epidemiology etiology and pathology in adults [show details]
… Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) are abnormal communications between pulmonary arteries and veins . Alternative names include pulmonary arteriovenous fistulae, pulmonary arteriovenous aneurysms …
- 4. 遺伝性出血性毛細血管拡張症(オースラー・ウェーバー・ランデュ症候群)の臨床症状と診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia osler weber rendu syndrome [show details]
…treatment of PAVMs are discussed in detail separately. Summarized briefly, the majority of patients with PAVMs have no respiratory symptoms, and most are unaware that they have HHT or PAVMs . In one review …
- 5. 先天性角化異常症とその他の短縮テロメア症候群dyskeratosis congenita and other short telomere syndromes [show details]
…performed in any patient with cyanosis, clubbing, or PFT/DLCO testing suspicious for pulmonary arteriovenous malformation and/or hepatopulmonary syndrome. PFTs should be repeated every three to five years…
English Journal
- Simplified synchronous disconnection of pulmonary arteries and veins for right upper lobectomy.
- Lin JB, Qiu ML, Lin CJ, Li X, Chen JF, Lai FC, Liu B.
- Surgical endoscopy. 2019 Jun;33(6)2015-2023.
- Video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy with lymphadenectomy is considered one of the most effective treatments for early non-small cell lung cancer. We developed a novel approach for lobectomy in patients with right upper lung cancer through simplified synchronous disconnection of pulmonary arteries
- PMID 30617423
- Pulmonary cyclone: a case of large pulmonary arteriovenous malformation causing paradoxical coronary embolus treated with percutaneous closure device.
- Gajanana D, Hashim H, Waksman R.
- European heart journal. 2019 May;().
- PMID 31071206
- Arteriovenous malformations in multiple organs in a patient presenting with hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia.
- Kodati R, Prasad KT.
- BMJ case reports. 2019 May;12(5).
- PMID 31064794
Japanese Journal
- 今月の症例 検診を契機に発見された遺伝性出血性末梢血管拡張症(HHT)に伴う肺動静脈瘻の1例
- 鈴木 康仁,福原 敦朗,東川 隆一,峯村 浩之,植松 学,佐藤 俊,斎藤 純平,谷野 功典,棟方 充,柴田 陽光
- 日本内科学会雑誌 108(1), 93-99, 2019-01-10
- NAID 40021782486
- Pulmonary Hypertension that Developed During Treatment for Hepatopulmonary Syndrome and Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation
- Ikubo Yumiko,Kasai Hajime,Sugiura Toshihiko,Saito Takahiko,Shoji Hiroki,Sakao Seiichiro,Kasahara Yasunori,Tanabe Nobuhiro,Tatsumi Koichiro
- Internal Medicine, 2019
- … <p>Hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) and pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM) are hypoxemic diseases caused by right-to-left shunting but are rarely concomitant with pulmonary hypertension (PH). … After liver transplantation, PH temporarily developed, but the pulmonary arterial pressure normalized after coil embolization. … Combined HPS and PAVM may cause unique changes in pulmonary hemodynamics during treatment. …
- NAID 130007604071
Related Links
- Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations are rare lesions with significant clinical complications. These lesions are commonly seen in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (formerly Osler-Weber-Rendu ...
- Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) are rare vascular anomalies of the lung, in which abnormally dilated vessels provide a right-to-left shunt between the pulmonary artery and vein. They are generally considered direct ...
- Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation is a rare anomaly that presents in several different ways. It can present as an isolated finding, or more often in the context of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia. It can also ...
- 英
- pulmonary arteriovenous
- 関
- 肺動静脈瘻
- 関
- lung、pneumo