- 関
- cervical dystonia、spasmodic torticollis、torticollis
- mental or emotional rather than physiological in origin; "a psychogenic disorder"
- an unnatural condition in which the head leans to one side because the neck muscles on that side are contracted (同)wryneck
- 心因性の(精神・心理作用から生じる)
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English Journal
- Goal-determined metrics to assess outcomes of esotropia surgery.
- Ehrenberg M1, Nihalani BR1, Melvin P2, Cain CE2, Hunter DG1, Dagi LR3.
- Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus / American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.J AAPOS.2014 Jun;18(3):211-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jaapos.2013.12.016.
- PURPOSE: To report outcomes of esotropia surgery with a goal-determined tool.METHODS: A goal-determined outcomes analysis tool was devised to address a quality improvement initiative at Boston Children's Hospital. Surgeons preoperatively ranked four possible goals for intervention: enhancement of bi
- PMID 24924270
- Onset latency of segmental dystonia after deep brain stimulation cessation: A randomized, double-blind crossover trial.
- Levin J1, Singh A, Feddersen B, Mehrkens JH, Bötzel K.
- Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society.Mov Disord.2014 Jun;29(7):944-9. doi: 10.1002/mds.25780. Epub 2013 Dec 20.
- BACKGROUND: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the globus pallidus internus is an effective treatment for cervical dystonia (CD). Interestingly, the onset of initial DBS effects is significantly prolonged compared with that in other diseases, such as Parkinson's disease. The return of symptoms after ce
- PMID 24375720
- Natural infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 in domestic pigeons in Egypt.
- Mansour SM1, ElBakrey RM, Ali H, Knudsen DE, Eid AA.
- Avian pathology : journal of the W.V.P.A.Avian Pathol.2014 May 27:1-20. [Epub ahead of print]
- The highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) subtype H5N1 threatens animal and human health worldwide. Susceptibility of pigeons to HPAIV (H5N1) and their role in AIV transmission to domestic birds and humans remain questionable. In this study, an outbreak in domestic pigeons (1-18 months old
- PMID 24861170
Japanese Journal
- 平 孝臣,堀 智勝
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 13(5), 353-362, 2004-05-20
- ジストニアは症状の部位により全身叱局所性,分節性に分類される.脳神経外科医にはなじみのない稀な疾患と考えられているが,実際には多くの患者が存在し,薬剤治療の効果は低く,患者の多くが有効な治療を受けていないのが現状である.近年,全身性ジストニアには淡蒼球内節の凝固や刺激が画期的な効果を示すことが見出された.従来,副神経血管圧迫によると考えられた痙性斜頸の大多数は,局所性あるいは分節性ジストニアの一つ …
- NAID 110003813898
- 白井 和歌子,北見 公一,小柳 泉,三森 研自,桜木 貢,蓑島 聡,野崎 道雅
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 8(10), 680-684, 1999-10-20
- 痙性斜頸の原因には, 中枢性, 副神経性, 心因性があり, 副神経性では神経血管減圧術の有効性が報告されている.われわれは副神経性痙性斜頸の1例に副神経減圧術を行い, 術中2カ所の血管圧迫を認めた.稀なケースと思われるので報告した.症例は20歳, 男性, 1996年2月ごろより両肩がしびれ始め, 次第に頸部が左に向くようになった.無理に戻すと痛みがあった.同年5月, 当院受診.神経放射線学的検査で …
- NAID 110003813299
- 長期 follow-up の結果からみた痙性斜頚における脊髄刺激療法の意義
- 山本 隆充,笠井 正彦,大島 秀規,栗原 淳,深谷 親,平山 晃康,片山 容一
- Functional neurosurgery : proceedings of the annual meeting of the Japan Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 37, 93-94, 1998-10-13
- NAID 10029743983
Related Links
- psy·cho·gen·ic tor·ti·col·lis spasmodic contractions of the neck muscles, with an etiology that is considered psychosomatic or based on conversion. See also: spasmodic torticollis. psy·cho·gen·ic tor·ti·col·lis (sīkō-jenik tōrti-kolis)
- psychogenic torticollis definition from the mondofacto online medical dictionary ... help contact sitemap psychogenic torticollis definition home dictionary word tools courses study skills forum about us Search dictionary help
- 関
- psychogenic torticollis、spasmodic torticollis、torticollis
- 関
- cervical dystonia、psychogenic torticollis、torticollis
- 英
- psychogenic torticollis
- 関
- 斜頚、痙性斜頸、心因性斜頸
- 英
- psychogenic torticollis
- 関
- 心因性斜頚
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- compulsive