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- 1. 緩和ケアにおけるそう痒と発汗の概要overview of pruritus and sweating in palliative care [show details]
… diagnosis of night sweats is available elsewhere. Among palliative care patients with cancer, generalized sweating may be tumor or treatment related: Sweating may be commonly… not . When the etiology is known, pruritus is divided into dermatological, systemic, neurologic, psychogenic, and mixed categories. Depending on the duration of symptoms, pruritus can be classified as acute …
- 2. 寝汗や全身性多汗症のある患者の評価evaluation of the patient with night sweats or generalized hyperhidrosis [show details]
… the diagnostic evaluation of night sweats, they are reviewed in greater detail elsewhere. Excessive sweating, or generalized hyperhidrosis, is the secretion of sweat in excess of that needed to control …
- 3. 心因性紫斑病(ガードナーダイヤモンド症候群)psychogenic purpura gardner diamond syndrome [show details]
…of some cases of psychogenic purpura, although this is not meant to imply that patients with psychogenic purpura require a psychiatric diagnosis: "Conversion-like disorder" – Psychogenic purpura shares features …
- 4. 成人に生じる初回痙攣発作の評価とマネージメントevaluation and management of the first seizure in adults [show details]
…that can mimic seizure in adults, including syncope, migraine, transient ischemic attack, and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, are reviewed separately. The evaluation and management of convulsive and … seizures may be the initial presentation. Prodromal symptoms of hypoglycemic seizures include diaphoresis, tachycardia, anxiety, and confusion. Hyperglycemia – Nonketotic hyperglycemia most commonly occurs …
- 5. そう痒症:疫学および患者評価pruritus etiology and patient evaluation [show details]
… Psychogenic – Examples of psychiatric disorders in which patients may complain of pruritus include depression, anxiety, psychogenic excoriation,… other associated features Alloknesis, a phenomenon in which a normally innocuous stimulus (eg, sweating, contact with wool) induces itch, is a prominent feature . A vicious itch-scratch cycle, in which …
English Journal
- Thermogenic and psychogenic sweating in humans: Identifying eccrine glandular recruitment patterns from glabrous and non-glabrous skin surfaces.
- Schwarck JB, Burdon CA, Taylor EA, Peoples GE, Machado-Moreira CA, Taylor NAS.
- Journal of thermal biology. 2019 May;82()242-251.
- In this experiment, psychogenic (mental arithmetic), thermogenic (mean body temperature elevation of 0.6 °C) and combined thermo-psychogenic treatments were used to explore eccrine sweat-gland recruitment from glabrous (volar hand and forehead) and non-glabrous skin surfaces (chest). It was hypot
- PMID 31128655
- Signs of autonomic arousal precede tilt-induced psychogenic nonsyncopal collapse among youth.
- Heyer GL, Harvey RA, Islam MP.
- Epilepsy & behavior : E&B. 2018 09;86()166-172.
- Characterizing the physiologic changes leading up to psychogenic nonsyncopal collapse (PNSC) may help to elucidate the processes that cause paroxysmal functional neurological symptom disorders and to clinically distinguish PNSC from syncope. Thus, we aimed to characterize preictal sweat rate, heart
- PMID 30055943
- Thermogenic and psychogenic recruitment of human eccrine sweat glands: Variations between glabrous and non-glabrous skin surfaces.
- Machado-Moreira CA, Taylor NA.
- Journal of thermal biology. 2017 Apr;65()145-152.
- Human eccrine sweat-gland recruitment and secretion rates were investigated from the glabrous (volar) and non-glabrous hand surfaces during psychogenic (mental arithmetic) and thermogenic stimuli (mild hyperthermia). It was hypothesised that these treatments would activate glands from both skin surf
- PMID 28343568
Japanese Journal
- 長期フォローを要した小児 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy の1例
- 都 正彦,福崎 誠,小林 伊都子
- 日本ペインクリニック学会誌 9(1), 20-23, 2002
- 右足関節捻挫後に, 同側下肢の灼熱痛, アロディニア, 腫脹, 冷感, 発汗過多等および運動障害を伴う典型的な反射性交感神経性萎縮症 (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy; RSD) の症状を呈した12歳女児の治療を経験した. 右足関節捻挫の診断で, 4ヵ月間整形外科的治療を受けており, 当科入院後は, 交感神経ブロック (持続硬膜外ブロック, 局所静脈内交感神経ブロック) …
- NAID 130004239264
- 七野 眞,福田 憲昭,加藤 和義,山根 健,鈴木 康生,村山 良介
- 医療 44(11), 1137-1141, 1990
- 頸部痛, 腰痛患者のなかには治療に難渋することもしばしばあり, 心療内科に相談することもある. そこで, 頸椎捻挫, 頸髄症, 頸椎損傷, 腰部椎間板ヘルニアに対し心理テスト及び精神性発汗量を測定した. CMI, SDS, YG性格テストと精神性汗量の関係をみたところ, 頸部においては, CMI, SDS高値の者は精神性発汗量が多かった. しかし, 腰部においては関係がみられなかった. この発汗テ …
- NAID 130004314380
- Acute Pain and Chronic pain
- Yamamura Hideo
- 日本良導絡自律神経学会雑誌 34(2), 29-33, 1989
- … In clinical practice, noxious stimuli include mechanical damage and chemical factors due to inflammation.<BR>The clinical symptoms and signs of acute pain are similar to those seen in anxiety state: increased cardiac rate, increased blood pressure, pupillary dilatation, palmar sweating, hyperventilation, hypermotility and escape behaviour. …
- NAID 130004375878
Related Links
- Psychogenic perspiration Scientific studies have revealed that strong emotional stresses promote the development of skin diseases. With respect to hyperhidrosis, these results have brought to light the fact that causation may be almost 100% due to emotional factors.
- Brain stem representation of thermal and psychogenic sweating in humans. Farrell MJ(1), Trevaks D, Taylor NA, McAllen RM. Author information: (1)Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne
- Sweating events occur in response to mental stress (psychogenic) or with increased body temperature (thermogenic). We previously found that both were linked to activation of common brain stem regions, suggesting that they share ...
- 英
- mental sweating, psychogenic sweating
- 同
- 情緒性発汗 emotional sweating
- 関
- 発汗
- 不安・緊張などの精神的な興奮によって起こる発汗。
- 手掌、足底、脇窩にみられる。
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- diaphoresis、hidrosis、hidrotic、perspiration、sweat
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- compulsive