- outside the sphere of physical science; "psychic phenomena" (同)psychical
- a person apparently sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception
- affecting or influenced by the human mind; "psychic energy"; "psychic trauma" (同)psychical
- an emotional wound or shock often having long-lasting effects (同)psychic_trauma
- 外傷 / 精神的外傷(心に永久的な傷を残すような衝撃)
- …‘を'心理的にまいらせる,げんなりさせる《+『out』+『名』,+『名』+『out』》
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English Journal
- Theory of Mind and attachment styles in people with psychotic disorders, their siblings, and controls.
- Pos K1, Bartels-Velthuis AA2, Simons CJ3, Korver-Nieberg N4, Meijer CJ4, de Haan L4; for GROUP; for GROUP.
- The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry.Aust N Z J Psychiatry.2014 Aug 13. pii: 0004867414546386. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: Impaired Theory of Mind (ToM) and insecure (adult) attachment styles have been found in persons with schizophrenia as well as in their healthy siblings. ToM refers to the ability to infer mental states of self and others including beliefs and emotions. Insecure attachment is proposed to u
- PMID 25122450
- Straining Psychic and Social Sinew: Trauma among Adolescent Psychiatric Patients in New Mexico.
- Jenkins JH.
- Medical anthropology quarterly.Med Anthropol Q.2014 Jun 19. doi: 10.1111/maq.12104. [Epub ahead of print]
- Drawing on data from a longitudinal study of 47 adolescents of diverse ethnic backgrounds hospitalized for psychiatric disorder in New Mexico, the article critically examines the relevance of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to address anthropological questions of how to define the problem. Fac
- PMID 24942649
- Transforming Trauma: The Relational Unconscious and "Chemistry" in the Treatment of a Paraplegic Patient.
- Steinberger CB.
- Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association.J Am Psychoanal Assoc.2014 Jun 9;62(3):399-421. [Epub ahead of print]
- Therapeutic action with a traumatized paraplegic patient highlights the evocative-and transformative-influence of the relational unconscious. The patient's triumphant resolution suggests that formative bipersonal dynamics (including transference, countertransference, and mutual projective identifica
- PMID 24913551
Japanese Journal
- 被虐待体験によるトラウマが反社会性に与える影響について : 情緒・行動および脳機能評価に基づくメカニズムの検討
- 泉 真由子
- トラウマティック・ストレス : 日本トラウマティック・ストレス学会誌 = Japanese journal of traumatic stress : official journal of the Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 12(1), 43-52, 2014
- NAID 40020144171
- 菊池 浩光
- 北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (121), 63-90, 2014
- … What is the appropriate way for psychotherapists to treat victims of single event trauma such as accidents or disasters? … As a result, five factors have been identified for psychotherapists working with trauma victims. …
- NAID 120005522311
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- 英
- psychic trauma, trauma
- 同
- 精神外傷
- 関
- 外傷、トラウマ、性犯罪
- 関
- mental、mentally、spiritual