- the mental state of being preoccupied by something (同)preoccupancy, absorption, engrossment
- an idea that preoccupies the mind and holds the attention
- 〈U〉(…への)没頭,夢中,(…に)心を奪われること《+『with+名』》 / 〈C〉没頭(夢中に)される問題
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English Journal
- Obsessing about intimate-relationships: Testing the double relationship-vulnerability hypothesis.
- Doron G, Szepsenwol O, Karp E, Gal N.SourceSchool of Psychology, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, P.O. Box 167, Herzliya, 46150, Israel. Electronic address: gdoron@idc.ac.il.
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry.2013 Dec;44(4):433-40. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2013.05.003. Epub 2013 Jun 4.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Obsessive preoccupation and doubts centering on one's intimate relationship may have a negative impact on the romantic dyad and lead to significant distress. In this research we investigated whether the co-occurrence of attachment anxiety and overreliance on intimate relat
- PMID 23792752
- The four undergraduate years. Changes in weight, eating attitudes, and depression.
- Girz L, Polivy J, Provencher V, Wintre MG, Pratt MW, Mark Pancer S, Birnie-Lefcovitch S, Adams GR.SourcePsychology Department, University of Toronto at Mississauga, 100 St. George Street, Sidney Smith Hall, 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3, Canada. Electronic address: laura.girz@utoronto.ca.
- Appetite.Appetite.2013 Oct;69:145-50. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2013.06.002. Epub 2013 Jun 10.
- Weight, eating attitudes, and depression were assessed in male and female students over the 4years of university attendance, and the relation of weight changes to eating attitudes and depression was explored using self-report measures (Restraint Scale, EDI, CES-D) collected at six time points during
- PMID 23764239
- Comprendre les representations du personnel soignant face aux infections nosocomiales au Clostridium difficile au Quebec pour mieux en promouvoir la sante.
- Seifert AM, O'Neill M.Source1.Université du Québec à Montréal, Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la biologie, la santé, la société et l'environnement (UQAM - CINBIOSE), Canada.
- Global health promotion.Glob Health Promot.2013 Sep;20(3):58-65. doi: 10.1177/1757975913496123.
- Au cours des dernières années, la transmission des infections nosocomiales, notamment des infections à Clostridium difficile, est devenue une importante préoccupation au Québec. Pour éviter leur transmission, les experts recommandent notamment la formation du personnel. Dans cet article, nous
- PMID 23986384
- A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness-based stress reduction for women with early-stage breast cancer receiving radiotherapy.
- Henderson VP, Massion AO, Clemow L, Hurley TG, Druker S, Hébert JR.Source1University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA.
- Integrative cancer therapies.Integr Cancer Ther.2013 Sep;12(5):404-13. doi: 10.1177/1534735412473640. Epub 2013 Jan 28.
- PURPOSE: To testthe relative effectiveness of a mindfulness-based stress reduction program (MBSR) compared with a nutrition education intervention (NEP) and usual care (UC) in women with newly diagnosed early-stage breast cancer (BrCA)undergoing radiotherapy.METHODS: Datawere available from a random
- PMID 23362338
Japanese Journal
- Haunted Homes and Uncanny Spaces: The Gothic in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson
- Pictures from Italy─美と宗教に関するディケンズの思想─(高成廈教授・寺木伸明教授 退任記念号)
- 『社会分業論』へ至るデュルケムの問題関心 : シェフレ受容に着目して
- 強迫症の診断概念,そして中核病理に関するパラダイムシフト:—神経症,あるいは不安障害から強迫スペクトラムへ—
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- オリジナル小説サイトです。 ファンタジーには騎士物と竜物などがあります。 現代物には高校生同士と青年同士があります。 不思議攻めに地味受けを多く扱っています。 お付き合い頂ければ嬉しいです。小説は続編と書いてある以外 ...
- preoccupationとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 [U]夢中,(…への)没頭((with ...));[C]夢中にさせるもの,心を奪うもの;第一にすべき仕事She was his sole preoccupation.彼は彼女のことしか念頭になかった.2 [U]先取り.3 [U][C]先入観,偏見 ...
- preoccupation 【名】 没頭、夢中にさせるもの、気を取られていること、夢中、最... - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
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- 英
- paranoid schizophrenia
- 関
- 統合失調症
- A form of schizophrenia that is characterized by a preoccupation of bizarre delusion(s) of being persecuted or harassed. Auditory hallucinations that are related to the delusions' theme.
- 1. preoccupation of bizarre delusion(s) or frequent auditory hallucinations
- 2. Not prominent:
- A. cationic behavior.
- B. disorganized speech or behavior.
- C. flat affect.