- the external surface of the body overlying the heart and stomach
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/04/03 21:21:11」(JST)
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In anatomy, the precordium (praecordium in British English) is the portion of the body over the heart and lower chest.[1]
Precordial chest pain can be an indication of a variety of illnesses, including costochondritis and viral pericarditis.
See also
- Precordial thump
- Precordial examination
- Commotio cordis
- Hyperdynamic precordium
- Precordial catch syndrome
- ^ Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary's entry for Precordial. Cited 2 Dec 2009 (UTC)
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English Journal
- Homicidal commotio cordis caused by domestic violence: A report of two cases.
- Mu J1, Zhang J1, Liu L1, Dong H2.
- Medicine, science, and the law.Med Sci Law.2015 Mar 9. pii: 0025802415575590. [Epub ahead of print]
- Commotio cordis is a rare and fatal mechano-electric arrhythmogenic syndrome, occurring mainly during sports activities. The present study describes two cases of sudden death due to homicidal commotio cordis caused violence from an intimate partner. The two decedents were both young women. They suff
- PMID 25757838
- Beat-by-beat Quantification of Cardiac Cycle Events Detected from Three-Dimensional Precordial Acceleration Signals.
- Paukkunen M, Parkkila P, Hurnanen T, Pankaala M, Koivisto T, Nieminen T, Kettunen R, Sepponen R.
- IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics.IEEE J Biomed Health Inform.2015 Jan 13. [Epub ahead of print]
- The vibrations produced by the cardiovascular system that are coupled to the precordium can be noninvasively detected using accelerometers. This technique is called seismocardiography. Although clinical applications have been proposed for seismocardiography, the physiology underlying the signal is s
- PMID 25594987
- Late surgical repair of a traumatic ventricular septal defect.
- Harling L, Ashrafian H, Casula RP, Athanasiou T1.
- Journal of cardiothoracic surgery.J Cardiothorac Surg.2014 Sep 20;9:145. doi: 10.1186/s13019-014-0145-1.
- Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) complicates approximately 1-5% of patients presenting with penetrating chest trauma, however not all VSDs are evident at the time of initial presentation to the emergency department. Acute closure of traumatic VSDs is indicated in patients with a large defect and haem
- PMID 25239775
Japanese Journal
- 小児期に大腸穿孔を繰り返した血管型Ehlers-Danlos 症候群の1 例
- 照井 慶太,籏持 淳,光永 哲也,齋藤 武,中田 光政,照井 エレナ,小林 真史,笈田 諭,秦 佳孝,吉田 英生
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 50(1), 96-102, 2014
- 15 歳,女児.3 度の繰り返す大腸穿孔に対する原因精査を目的に当科を受診した.1 歳時に内反足,11 歳時にS 状結腸穿孔,13 歳時にS 状結腸憩室穿孔,15 歳時に吻合部穿孔の既往がある.現症として前胸部血管の透見・末端早老症を認めた.以上より血管型Ehlers-Danlos 症候群(血管型EDS)が疑われ,皮膚生検で得られた培養線維芽細胞の生化学・遺伝子検査により確定診断に至った.その後, …
- NAID 130004897692
- Le Fort I型骨切り術および下顎枝垂直骨切り術術後に縦隔気腫および気胸を生じた1例
- 松本 聖武,藤澤 徹,桐澤 知子,森岡 慶一,森家 祥行
- 日本口腔科学会雑誌 62(4), 286-292, 2013
- … Moreover, he felt something wrong in the precordium and neck on the day following the operation. …
- NAID 130004781804
- 神経障害を認めた重症胸腹部損傷合併外傷性窒息の1例
- 比留間 孝広,五十嶺 伸二,境田 康二,佐藤 美香子,花上 和生,有馬 孝博,後藤 眞理亜,金澤 剛
- 日本集中治療医学会雑誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine 19(1), 75-78, 2012-01-01
- 外傷性窒息は強い外力が胸郭に加わった際に発症し,顔面・頸部・前胸部の溢血斑,眼球結膜の充血,顔面腫脹等が特徴であり,脳循環障害により意識障害を呈することがある。今回,42歳男性がトラックの下敷きになり外傷性窒息を呈し,意識障害,眼球機能障害の神経障害を呈した症例を経験した。本症例は緊張性気胸,肝損傷等の重症胸腹部損傷,出血性ショックを合併し,受傷直後より意識障害を認めたが,左半盲以外の脳後遺症を残 …
- NAID 10030288255
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- Precordium. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search ... In anatomy, the precordium (praecordium in British English) is the portion of the body over the heart and lower chest. Precordial chest pain can be an indication ...
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- 英
- precordia
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- (adj.)precordial