English Journal
- Mites (Mesostigmata: Spinturnicidae and Spelaeorhynchidae) associated with bats in northeast Brazil.
- Dantas-Torres F1, Soares FA, Ribeiro CE, Daher MR, Valença GC, Valim MP.
- Journal of medical entomology.J Med Entomol.2009 May;46(3):712-5.
- In this article, we present the results of a study about mites associated with bats collected in the State of Pernambuco, northeast Brazil. Of the 331 bats collected, 23 were found naturally infested by mites, corresponding to an overall prevalence of 6.9% (95% confidence interval: 4.5-10.2). Four m
- PMID 19496446
- New light shed on the oldest insect.
- Engel MS1, Grimaldi DA.
- Nature.Nature.2004 Feb 12;427(6975):627-30.
- Insects are the most diverse lineage of all life in numbers of species, and ecologically they dominate terrestrial ecosystems. However, how and when this immense radiation of animals originated is unclear. Only a few fossils provide insight into the earliest stages of insect evolution, and among the
- PMID 14961119
- Notes on the genus Spelaeorhynchus description of S. praecursor Neumann and of two new species.
- Fain A, Anastos G, Camin J, Johnston D.
- Acarologia.Acarologia.1967 Jul;9(3):535-56.
- PMID 6062183
Japanese Journal
- Middle Permian fusulinoideans from Hatahoko in the Nyukawa area, Gifu Prefecture, Mino Belt, central Japan
- UENO Katsumi,TAZAWA Jun-ichi,MIYAKE Yukio
- Science reports of Niigata University. Series E, (Geology) 21, 47-72, 2006-03-31
- … simplex Ozawa, Neofusulinella praecursor Deprat, N. …
- NAID 110004785986
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- Definition of praecursor in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is praecursor? Meaning of praecursor as a legal term. What does praecursor mean in law? praecursor legal definition of ...
- praecursor = forerunner. The Latin to English online dictionary. Check spelling and grammar. Latin-English translations. Over 20,000 English ... Up to now, 629,295 words and expressions have been searched, among 3,336 today.
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