English Journal
- Fatal effects of a neonatal high-protein diet in low-birth-weight piglets used as a model of intrauterine growth restriction.
- Jamin A, D'Inca R, Le Floc'h N, Kuster A, Orsonneau JL, Darmaun D, Boudry G, Le Huerou-Luron I, Seve B, Gras-Le Guen C.SourceINRA, UMR1079, SENAH, France.
- Neonatology.Neonatology.2010 Jun;97(4):321-8. Epub 2009 Nov 24.
- BACKGROUND: Although full-term infants suffering intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) are routinely fed high-protein (HP) formulas to ensure catch-up growth, the effects of HP intake are poorly understood. An IUGR piglet model provides an opportunity to investigate these effects.METHODS AND RESULT
- PMID 19940515
- Pathological, serological, and virological findings in sheep infected simultaneously with Bluetongue, Peste-des-petits-ruminants, and Sheeppox viruses.
- Ozmen O, Kale M, Haligur M, Yavru S.SourceDepartment of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mehmet Akif Ersoy, 15100 Burdur, Turkey. ozlemozmen@mehmetakif.edu.tr
- Tropical animal health and production.Trop Anim Health Prod.2009 Aug;41(6):951-8. Epub 2008 Dec 10.
- In this study, pathological, serological and virological examinations were performed on 15 sheep from a flock of 250 sheep and lambs that suffer from simultaneous naturally occurring BTV, PPRV and SPV outbreaks. SPV was diagnosed macroscopically and histopathologically, BTV was diagnosed by ELISA, a
- PMID 19067219
Japanese Journal
- Lack of temperature-induced polypnea in histamine H1 receptor-deficient mice
- 体温調節機構における神経ペプチドの作用に関する研究 : 特にイヌ脳室内投与による検討
- 森岡 秀記
- 神戸大学医学部紀要 49(4), 51-59, 1988-12
- 体温調節機構における神経ペプチドの作用を検討する為に,PP familyのneuropeptide Y (NPY) ,peptide YY (PYY),pancreatic polypeptide (PP)と,thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH),cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8),vasoactive intestinal p …
- NAID 110004643841
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- polypnea. Also found in: Medical, Encyclopedia, 0.01 sec. pol・yp・ne・a (p l p-n ) . n. Very rapid breathing; panting. [New Latin : poly- + Greek pnoi , -pnoia, breath, breathing (from pnein, to breathe; see pneu- in Indo-European roots).] ...
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- 英
- polypnea
- 関
- 頻呼吸
- 呼吸回数の増加(24回/分以上) + 一回換気量増加 ⇔ 頻呼吸 rapid shallow breathing