The study was designed to analyse the selected epidemiological aspects in patients with inhalant allergy treated at the Allergology Outpatient Clinic in Zabrze from 1989 till 1994. The analysis was based on the data from the files of 11,540 patients. The data of the pollinotic patients (1571 subject
The level of ash pollen grains (Fraxinus spp.) detected in the air in the city of Cordoba rarely surpasses the daily average of 8 g/m3 and is always detectable during the winter and the beginning of the spring. This fact, together with the knowledge of the presence of perennial symptoms in patients
Dose-related control of allergic rhinitis symptoms by a H1-receptor antagonist. Finding the proper doses [correction of dosis] of dimethindene maleate in patients with allergic rhinitis.
Horak FF1, Jäger S, Nirnberger G, Berger U, Andresen I, Vix JM, Rehn D.
International archives of allergy and immunology.Int Arch Allergy Immunol.1994;103(3):298-302.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and duration of two doses of dimethindene, in a sustained release pellet formulation, with a standardized grass pollen provocation model (Vienna Challenge Chamber, VCC). The study of 12 grass pollen-allergic volunteers (verified by case history, skin
pollinosis [pol″ĭ-no´sis] an allergic reaction to pollen; hay fever. pol·li·no·sis (pol'i-nō'sis), Hay fever excited by the pollen of various plants. Synonym(s): pollenosis [L. pollen, pollen, + G. -osis, condition] pollinosis /pol·li·no·sis/ (pol″ĭ-no ...