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[Wiki en表示]
Pleurodesis |
Intervention |
ICD-9-CM |
34.92 |
MeSH |
D018700 |
Pleurodesis is a medical procedure in which the pleural space is artificially obliterated.[1] It involves the adhesion of the two pleurae.
- 1 Uses
- 1.1 Chemical
- 1.2 Surgical
- 2 References
Uses[edit source | edit]
Pleurodesis is performed to prevent recurrence of pneumothorax or recurrent pleural effusion. It can be done chemically or surgically. It is generally avoided in patients with cystic fibrosis, if possible, because lung transplantation becomes more difficult following this procedure.
Chemical[edit source | edit]
Chemicals such as bleomycin, tetracycline e.g. minocycline,[2] povidone iodine, or a slurry of talc can be introduced into the pleural space through a chest drain. The instilled chemicals cause irritation between the parietal and the visceral layers of the pleura which closes off the space between them and prevents further fluid from accumulating.[3]
Povidone iodine is equally effective and safe as talc, and may be preferred because of easy availability and low cost.[4]
Chemical pleurodesis is a painful procedure, so patients are often premedicated with a sedative and analgesics. A local anesthetic may be instilled into the pleural space, or an epidural catheter may be placed for anesthesia.
Surgical[edit source | edit]
Surgical pleurodesis may be performed via thoracotomy or thoracoscopy. This involves mechanically irritating the parietal pleura, often with a rough pad. Moreover, surgical removal of parietal pleura is an effective way of achieving stable pleurodesis.
Alternatively, tunneled pleural catheters (TPCs) may be placed in an outpatient setting and often result in auto-pleurodesis, whereby portable vacuum bottles are used to evacuate the pleural fluid. Routine evacuation keeps the pleura together, resulting in physical agitation by the catheter, which slowly causes the pleura to scar together. This method, though the minimally invasive and minimal cost solution, takes an average of about 30 days to achieve pleurodesis and is therefore the slowest means of achieving pleurodesis among other modalities.[5]
References[edit source | edit]
- ^ "pleurodesis" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
- ^ Chen MD, Chan MD, Tsai MD, Hsu MD, Lin MS, Yuan MD, Prof Chen MD, Prof Lai MD, Prof Yang MD (February 2013). "Simple aspiration and drainage and intrapleural minocycline pleurodesis versus simple aspiration and drainage for the initial treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax". The Lancet, Early Online Publication.
- ^ American Thoracic, Society (November 2000). "American Thoracic Society: Management of Malignant Pleural Effusions". Am J Respir Crit Care Med 162 (5): 1987–2001, 2000. PMID 11069845.
- ^ Das SK, Saha SK, Das A, Halder AK, Banerjee SN, Chakraborty M (September 2008). "A study of comparison of efficacy and safety of talc and povidone iodine for pleurodesis of malignant pleural effusions". J Indian Med Assoc 106 (9): 589–90, 592. PMID 19552086.
- ^ Warren MD, Kim MD, Liptay MD (January 2008). "Identification of clinical factors predicting PleurX catheter removal in patients treated for malignant pleural effusion". European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 3 (1): 89–94. PMID 11069845.
Respiratory system surgeries and other procedures (ICD-9-CM V3 21–22, 30–34, ICD-10-PCS 0B)
Upper RT |
- nose
- Rhinoplasty
- Septoplasty
- Rhinectomy
- Rhinomanometry
- sinus
- Sinusotomy
- larynx
- Laryngoscopy
- Laryngectomy
- Laryngotomy
- Thyrotomy
Lower RT |
- trachea
- Cricothyrotomy
- Tracheoesophageal puncture
- Tracheotomy
- bronchus
- Bronchoscopy
- lung
- Pneumonectomy
- Lobectomy
- Wedge resection
- Lung transplantation
- Decortication of lung
- Heart-lung transplant
Chest wall, pleura,
mediastinum, and diaphragm |
- pleura/pleural cavity
- Thoracentesis
- Pleurodesis
- Thoracoscopy
- Thoracotomy
- Chest tube
- mediastinum
- Mediastinoscopy
- Nuss procedure
Medical imaging |
- Bronchography
- CT pulmonary angiogram
- High resolution CT
- Spiral CT
- Ventilation/perfusion scan
CPRs |
- Pneumonia severity index
- CURB-65
Lung function test |
- Body plethysmography
- Spirometry
- Bronchial challenge test
- Capnography
- Diffusion capacity
Cytology |
- Sputum culture
- Bronchoalveolar lavage
Respiratory therapy/
intubation |
- Mechanical ventilation
- Positive pressure ventilation
- Artificial respiration
- Nebulizer
- Hyperbaric medicine
- Oxygen therapy
- Decompression chamber
- Heliox
- Negative pressure ventilator
- Postural drainage
anat (n, x, l, c)/phys/devp
noco (c, p)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (R1/2/3/5/6/7)
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English Journal
- Outpatient treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax using a small-bore chest drain with a Heimlich valve: the experience of a Singapore emergency department.
- Lai SM, Tee AK.SourceaDepartments of Accident and Emergency bRespiratory Medicine, Changi General Hospital, Singapore.
- European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine.Eur J Emerg Med.2012 Dec;19(6):400-4. doi: 10.1097/MEJ.0b013e32834ec794.
- AIM: To review the outcomes and safety profile of small-bore (8 Fr) chest drains with a Heimlich valve for the treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax.METHODOLOGY: A retrospective casenotes review was carried out for pneumothorax cases treated with a small-bore chest drain and connected to a H
- PMID 22138640
- Videothoracoscopic repair of diaphragm and pleurectomy / abrasion in patients with catamenial pneumothorax: a 9-year experience.
- Attaran S, Bille A, Karenovics W, Lang-Lazdunski L.AbstractABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Catamenial pneumothorax is a cause of recurrent pneumothorax in women of child-bearing age. Surgical treatment has been associated with high recurrence rates. We report our experience with a totally videothoracoscopic approach involving diaphragmatic repair, pleurectomy / abrasion and hormonal treatment in patients with proven catamenial pneumothorax.
- Chest.Chest.2012 Nov 1. doi: 10.1378/chest.12-1558. [Epub ahead of print]
- ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Catamenial pneumothorax is a cause of recurrent pneumothorax in women of child-bearing age. Surgical treatment has been associated with high recurrence rates. We report our experience with a totally videothoracoscopic approach involving diaphragmatic repair, pleurectomy / abrasi
- PMID 23117231
Japanese Journal
- 気胸に胸腔鏡下胸膜癒着術による治療を実践した1症例
- オーク チュル ホ,ジャーン タエ ヲン,ジャン マーン ホン,チュン ボン クヲン,ウィルソン ドナルド
- 産業医科大学雑誌 33(3), 225-230, 2011-09-01
- 75歳の男性が7日間続く労作性呼吸困難を主訴に来院した.胸部X線写真では右気胸が認められた.入院第1日目に胸腔ドレーンを挿入し,7日目には再度これにタルクによる硬化療法と低圧吸引とを加えて施行したが,いずれも気漏を改善させることができなかった.そこで14日目に胸腔鏡下胸膜癒着術を施行したところ気胸が改善した.今回,我々はタルクによる胸腔鏡下胸膜癒着術により治療された難治性気胸の稀な症例を報告する.
- NAID 110008711322
- 右I期肺癌術後乳糜胸に対しオクトレオチド投与が有効であったと考えられる1例
- 呉 哲彦,三崎 伯幸,吉田 千尋,張 性洙,石川 真也,横見瀬 裕保
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery 25(4), 424-428, 2011-05-15
- ソマトスタチンアナログ製剤であるオクトレオチドが効果を認めた肺癌術後乳糜胸例を経験した.症例は61歳男性で右上葉肺癌に対し完全胸腔鏡下右肺上葉切除ならびにリンパ節郭清を施行後乳糜胸を併発した.中心静脈栄養による絶食のもと,乳糜胸発症2日目よりオクトレオチドの皮下投与を開始した.投与開始4日目より1日3回投与に増量し,その4日目より胸水が著減した.胸膜癒着術を追加し乳糜胸を治癒せしめた.オクトレオチ …
- NAID 10029125507
- 坂田 公正,宮原 佐弥,杉山 茂樹,稲垣 敬三,土岐 善紀,芳村 直樹
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery 25(1), 69-73, 2011-01-15
- 症例は64歳男性.1年前に多量の左胸水と左無気肺で入院.好酸球増多を認める煉瓦色の胸水であり,好酸球性肺炎として原因検索をしたが確定診断に至らなかった.保存的治療は不可能と判断し,胸腔鏡下ドレナージ術を施行し,血気胸と診断した.術後,胸水貯留が続くため,胸膜癒着療法を施行し軽快した.胸水の再貯留は認めず1年経過したが,発熱,喀血を認め再入院した.胸腹部CTでは右胸水と,膵体部から後縦隔まで広がる嚢 …
- NAID 10027421738
Related Links
- Doctors will prescribe a pleurodesis procedure for mesothelioma patients to help alleviate fluid buildup in the lungs. ... Once all the fluid has been removed, asbestos-free talc will be inserted through a chest tube to cause inflammation ...
- pleu·rod·e·sis (plo o-rŏd′ĭ-sĭs) n. The surgical creation of a fibrous adhesion between the visceral and parietal layers of the pleura, thus obliterating the pleural cavity. pleurodesis A procedure in which the pleural space is obliterated by ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- spontaneous pneumothorax
- 関
- 気胸、緊張性気胸
- 胸腔内に空気が貯留・肺が虚脱した状態(気胸)で、外傷性および医原性気胸を除いたもの。
- 原発性気胸:基礎疾患なし(肺尖部のブレブ、ブラの破裂)
- 続発性気胸:基礎疾患有り(COPD、喘息、肺癌、肺結核、肺線維症、肺炎、肺化膿症、肺膿瘍、サルコイドーシス、AIDS、肺吸虫症、子宮内膜症など)
病因 YN.I-138
- マリファナの吸引はbullous lung diseaseの関係している。タバコは気胸の再発リスクを上げる。(CASES.188)
- 続発性気胸:COPD、喘息、肺癌、肺結核、肺線維症、肺炎、肺化膿症、肺膿瘍、サルコイドーシス、AIDS、宮崎肺吸虫症、子宮内膜症
- 胸膜の索状癒着の起始部の破綻
- 炎症・腫瘍などによる肺胸膜の断裂
- 月経随伴性気胸
- 子宮内膜症に伴う。臓側胸膜や横隔面に子宮内膜症の病変を認める。月経時に血性胸水を呈する。右側に多い
- 20歳代:ブラ、ブレブの破裂。若年男性、細長型、扁平胸郭に多い。基礎疾患無し。
- 50-60歳代:基礎疾患あり(慢性気管支炎、肺気腫、気管支喘息、肺癌など)
- 打診:患側で鼓音
- 聴診:患側の呼吸音・声音振盪減弱。左側が患側の場合、心音減弱
- 肺が高度に虚脱した場合:頻脈、呼吸数増加、チアノーゼなど
- 突然の胸痛(背部、肩に放散)、乾性咳嗽(発作的な咳)、呼吸困難。時に胸水 (YN.I-138)
- 胸部単純X線写真:呼気位が有用。胸郭の容量が減少するため、空気の占めるスペースが相対的に大きくなり気胸を見いだしやすくなる。
- 適応:気胸を疑う例。重症度、基礎疾患。穿刺脱気例の前後。穿刺脱気時は、4-6時間後胸部X線写真を再検。チューブドレナージ例では、ドレーンからの空気の流出をみながら、治療効果判定のため頻回に撮影。
- 所見:虚脱した肺、縦隔の健側変位、患側の横隔膜下降
- 進行した慢性肺気腫に続発した気胸では、胸部X線写真で気胸腔を指摘するのが困難
- 小さなブラ、ブレブの診断や、肺疾患合併症の評価に非常に有効
- 臨床症状と身体所見、ならびに胸部X線・CT検査などで気胸腔を確認
- 心筋梗塞、狭心症、心膜炎、肺梗塞、解離性大動脈瘤、胸膜炎
- 軽度例:保存的療法(安静のみで虚脱肺の再膨張)
- 中等度以上:保存的療法(脱気)
- 脱気(胸腔ドレナージ):胸腔穿刺、低圧持続吸引、水封式脱気など
- 過大な陰圧をかけて吸引すると再膨張性肺水腫を見ることがある
- 第2肋間から16Frのカニュラをつかって前から吸引する(100CASES.73)
- 胸膜癒着術:テトラサイクリン、OK432、ヒトフィブリノゲンを胸腔内に注入
- 2回気胸が生じたとき、あるいはプロの運転手やパイロットのかたにはpleurodesisが勧められる。(100CASES.73)
- 手術療法:根治的治療であり、胸腔鏡を介して行う
- 次の場合、手術療法を考慮
- 1. 大量の気漏、気漏の持続
- 2. 多量の血胸
- 3. 両側気胸
- 4. 再発性気胸
- 5. 初発例でも明らかな嚢胞を認めるもの
- 保存的治療での再発率は高い(20-40%)。
- 1回の気胸の既往がある場合には20%再発、2回の既往がある場合には50%再発。(100CASES.73)
- 英
- pleurodesis
- 関
- 胸膜癒着