- enlargement of the nose with dilation of follicles and redness and prominent vascularity of the skin; often associated with excessive consumption of alcohol (同)hypertrophic rosacea, toper''s nose, brandy nose, rum nose, rum-blossom, potato_nose, hammer nose, copper nose
English Journal
- Diagnostic and prognostic utility of a DNA hypermethylated gene signature in prostate cancer.
- Goh LK1, Liem N2, Vijayaraghavan A3, Chen G4, Lim PL2, Tay KJ5, Chang M5, Low JS2, Joshi A5, Huang HH5, Kalaw E6, Tan PH6, Hsieh WS2, Yong WP2, Alumkal J7, Sim HG5.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2014 Mar 13;9(3):e91666. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091666. eCollection 2014.
- We aimed to identify a prostate cancer DNA hypermethylation microarray signature (denoted as PHYMA) that differentiates prostate cancer from benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), high from low-grade and lethal from non-lethal cancers. This is a non-randomized retrospective study in 111 local Asian men
- PMID 24626295
- Phymatous transformation of facial cutaneous vascular malformations: clues to phyma pathogenesis.
- Voth H, Wenzel J, Bieber T, Landsberg J.
- JAMA dermatology.JAMA Dermatol.2013 Mar;149(3):368-9. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2013.1213.
- PMID 23552898
- Gnatophyma--a rare form of rosacea.
- de Macedo AC1, Sakai FD, de Vasconcelos RC, Duarte AA.
- Anais brasileiros de dermatologia.An Bras Dermatol.2012 Nov-Dec;87(6):903-5.
- Phyma is the last stage of rosacea and is due to chronic inflammation and edema. It can affect nose (rhinophyma), chin (gnatophyma), forehead (metophyma), ears (otophyma) and eyelids (blepharophyma). Rhinophyma is the most frequent location and there are few reports about gnatophyma. We report the c
- PMID 23197212
Japanese Journal
- 腎および後腹膜に発生したリンパ脈管筋腫症(LAM)の1例
- 柿添 学,滝沢 明利,服部 裕介 [他]
- 泌尿器科紀要 55(5), 249-252, 2009-05
- … Computed tomography (CT) revealed a para-aortic phyma in addition to the tumor. …
- NAID 120001343246
- Popliteal Artery Aneurysms and Popliteal Phymas
- Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 15(1), 64-67, 2009-02-01
- NAID 10024802381
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- phyma / ˈfaɪ mə / Show Spelled [fahy-m uh] Show IPA noun, plural phymas, phymata /-mə tə / Show Spelled [-m uh-t uh] Show IPA. Pathology. a nodule, swelling, or small, rounded tumor of the skin. Origin: 1685–95; Latin Greek phy ma ...
- phyma /phy·ma/ (fi´mah) pl. phy´mata [Gr.] a skin swelling or tumor larger than a tubercle. phy·ma (f m) n. A nodule or small rounded tumor of the skin. phyma [fi´mah] (Gr.) a skin swelling or tumor larger than a tubercle. phyma pl. phymata ...
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