English Journal
- Dioctophyme renale (Nematoda: Dioctophymatoidea) in the abdominal cavity of Rattus norvegicus in Japan.
- Tokiwa T, Harunari T, Tanikawa T, Akao N, Ohta N.SourceSection of Environmental Parasitology, Graduate School of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan. tkshr5.vip@tmd.ac.jp
- Parasitology international.Parasitol Int.2011 Sep;60(3):324-6. Epub 2011 Mar 17.
- We collected 24 brown rats, Rattus norvegicus, in Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan and found one rat harboring a dioctophymatid nematode. A single male and a female worm were recovered from the abdominal cavity and were identified as Dioctophyme renale based on morphologic features and a BLAST DNA seque
- PMID 21419863
- What is your diagnosis? Unexpected finding in sedimented urine from a dog.
- Vieira AB, Rodrigues MD, de Castro TX, Kfuri LM, de Abreu MB, Souza CH.SourceOswaldo Cruz Foundation, Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. alinebvieira@gmail.com
- Veterinary clinical pathology / American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology.Vet Clin Pathol.2011 Sep;40(3):403-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-165X.2011.00346.x.
- PMID 21884188
Japanese Journal
- Dioctophyme renale (Nematoda : Dioctophymatoidea) in the abdominal cavity of Rattus norvegicus in Japan
- 野生カイツブリ若鳥のEustrongylidosisによる死亡例
- 村田 浩一,浅川 満彦,野田 亜矢子,柳井 徳磨,柵木 利昭
- Japanese journal of zoo and wildlife medicine 2(2), 87-90, 1997-09
- 野生カイツブリ(Tachybaptus ruficollis)一羽が兵庫県下で衰弱のために保護され死亡した。剖検により腺胃漿膜面に付着する多数の線虫(Eustrongylides tubifex)が認められ, 筋層を貫通して内腔に頭部もしくは尾部を露出していた。病理組織学的には線虫が侵入した周囲組織に炎症性細胞浸潤を伴う高度な病変が認められ, 本線虫寄生が野生における死因のひとつになっていると推察 …
- NAID 110002683107
Related Links
- Dioctophymatoidea information including symptoms, causes, diseases, symptoms, treatments, and other medical and health issues. ... Introduction: Dioctophymatoidea Description of Dioctophymatoidea Dioctophymatoidea: A ...
- This chapter outlines the diagnostic keys for the genera belonging to the superfamilies Dioctophymatoidea, Trichinelloidea, and Muspiceoidea (Order Enoplida, Nematoda). The morphoanatomical features of the listed genera are ...
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- Dioctophymatoidea
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- ラ
- Dioctophymatoidea
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