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English Journal
- Photoallergic Drug Eruption Caused by Certolizumab Pegol.
- Inoue A1, Sawada Y, Ohmori S, Omoto D, Haruyama S, Kabashima-Kubo R, Yoshioka M, Nisio D, Nakamura M.
- Acta dermato-venereologica.Acta Derm Venereol.2016 Jun 15;96(5):710-711. doi: 10.2340/00015555-2334.
- is missing (Short communication).
- PMID 26714785
- Allergic contact dermatitis: Patient management and education.
- Mowad CM1, Anderson B2, Scheinman P3, Pootongkam S4, Nedorost S5, Brod B6.
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.J Am Acad Dermatol.2016 Jun;74(6):1043-54. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2015.02.1144.
- Allergic contact dermatitis is a common diagnosis resulting from exposure to a chemical or chemicals in a patient's personal care products, home, or work environment. Once patch testing has been performed, the education and management process begins. After the causative allergens have been identifi
- PMID 27185422
- Photoallergic contact dermatitis caused by Quisqualis indica (Combretum indicum).
- Ngarmjiratam N1, Wattanakrai P1.
- Contact dermatitis.Contact Dermatitis.2016 May;74(5):313-4. doi: 10.1111/cod.12538.
- PMID 27040881
Japanese Journal
- ヒドロクロロチアジド配合降圧薬による光線過敏型薬疹の8例 : 光毒性 ? 光アレルギー性 ? 光線テストによる作用機序の考察
- 車地 祐子
- Journal of environmental dermatology and cutaneous allergology = / the Japanese Society for Dermatoallergology and Contact Dermatitis 7(3), 177-186, 2013-07-31
- NAID 10031190566
- ヒドロクロロチアジド配合降圧薬による光線過敏型薬疹の8例 : 光毒性?光アレルギー性? 光線テストによる作用機序の考察
- 車地 祐子
- Journal of environmental dermatology and cutaneous allergology 7(3), 177-186, 2013-07
- NAID 40019778089
- Evaluation of photoallergic potential of chemicals using THP-1 cells
- HINO Ryosuke,ORIMO Hiroshi,KABASHIMA Kenji,ATARASHI Kenji,NAKANISHI Masaru,KUMA Hidekazu,TOKURA Yoshiki
- Journal of dermatological science 52(2), 140-143, 2008-11-01
- NAID 10024457627
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- photoallergy [fo″to-al´er-je] a delayed immunologic type of photosensitivity involving both a chemical substance to which the individual has become previously sensitized and radiant energy. photoallergic [-əlur′gik] Etymology: Gk, phos, light, ...
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- photoallergic
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- 光アレルギー性
- 英
- photoallergic
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- 光線過敏性
- 関
- photoallergic dermatitis、photoallergy、photocontact dermatitis