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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/08/16 00:52:58」(JST)
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A phagolysosome is a cytoplasmic body formed by the fusion of a phagosome, containing ingested particles, with a lysosome containing hydrolytic enzymes. After fusion, the food particles or pathogens contained within the phagosome are usually digested by the hydrolytic enzymes contained within the lysosome. Products of the digestion are either moved into the cytoplasm (useful materials) or exported by exocytosis. Phagolysosome formation follows phagocytosis. It is common in immunological functions of macrophages and forms the home of several infectious agents including Leishmania.
External links
- Phagolysosomes at the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
Structures of the cell / organelles (TH H1.00.01.2-3)
Endomembrane system |
- Cell membrane
- Nucleus
- Nucleolus
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Golgi apparatus
- Parenthesome
- Autophagosome
- Vesicles
- Exosome
- Lysosome
- Endosome
- Phagosome
- Vacuole
- Acrosome
- Cytoplasmic granules
- Melanosome
- Microbody
- Glyoxysome
- Peroxisome
- Weibel–Palade body
Cytoskeleton |
- Microfilaments
- Intermediate filaments
- Microtubules
- Prokaryotic cytoskeleton
- Centrosome
- Centriole
- Basal body
- Spindle pole body
- Myofibril
Endosymbionts |
- Mitochondrion
- Plastids
- Chloroplast
- Chromoplast
- Gerontoplast
- Leucoplast
- Amyloplast
- Elaioplast
- Proteinoplast
- Tannosome
Other internal |
- Ribosome
- Spliceosome
- Vault
- Cytoplasm
- Proteasome
External |
- Undulipodium
- Cilium
- Flagellum
- Axoneme
- Radial spoke
- Extracellular matrix
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Using glow stick chemistry for biological imaging.
- Tseng JC1, Bailey D, Tupper T, Kung AL.
- Molecular imaging and biology : MIB : the official publication of the Academy of Molecular Imaging.Mol Imaging Biol.2014 Aug;16(4):478-87. doi: 10.1007/s11307-014-0721-8.
- PURPOSE: This study describes an imaging strategy based on glow stick chemistry to non-invasively image oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in living animals.PROCEDURES: Upon stimulation, phagocytes produce toxic levels of ROS to kill engulfed microorganisms. The mitochondr
- PMID 24510470
- Nanoparticle uptake by airway phagocytes after fungal spore challenge in murine allergic asthma and chronic bronchitis.
- Geiser M, Wigge C, Conrad ML, Eigeldinger-Berthou S, Künzi L, Garn H, Renz H, Mall MA.
- BMC pulmonary medicine.BMC Pulm Med.2014 Jul 16;14(1):116. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: In healthy lungs, deposited micrometer-sized particles are efficiently phagocytosed by macrophages present on airway surfaces; however, uptake of nanoparticles (NP) by macrophages appears less effective and is largely unstudied in lung disease. Using mouse models of allergic asthma and c
- PMID 25027175
- Early Induction of IL-10 Limits Antigen-specific CD4+ T Cell Expansion, Function and Secondary Recall Responses during Persistent Phagosomal Infection.
- Singh AK1, Thirumalapura NR2.
- Infection and immunity.Infect Immun.2014 Jul 14. pii: IAI.02101-14. [Epub ahead of print]
- Diverse pathogens have evolved to survive and replicate in the endosomes or phagosomes of the host cells and establish persistent infection. Ehrlichia are Gram-negative, intracellular bacteria that are transmitted by ticks. Ehrlichia reside in the endosomes of the host phagocytic or endothelial cell
- PMID 25024370
Japanese Journal
- Amyloid β oligomers induce interleukin-1β production in primary microglia in a cathepsin B- and reactive oxygen species-dependent manner.
- Taneo Jun,Adachi Takumi,Yoshida Aiko,Takayasu Kunio,Takahara Kazuhiko,Inaba Kayo
- Biochemical and biophysical research communications 458(3), 561-567, 2015-03-13
- … Moreover, Aβ oligomers induced endo/phagolysosome rupture, which released cathepsin B into the cytoplasm. …
- NAID 120005575184
- 瀬戸 真太郎,永田 年,堀井 俊伸 [他],小出 幸夫
- 日本細菌学雑誌 69(3), 513-525, 2014
- 結核菌は細胞内寄生性細菌であり, 貪食されたマクロファージ内で増殖することができる。結核菌の細胞内増殖能はファゴリソソーム形成を阻害することによって獲得している。一方で, 感染結核菌の排除には, 細胞質タンパク質分解機構であるオートファジー誘導が関与しているといわれている。これまで, 結核菌による細胞内増殖機構を解明するため, 結核菌感染マクロファージにおける小胞輸送について数多くの報告がなされて …
- NAID 130004688030
- 結核菌の細胞内寄生メカニズム (特集 結核とその類縁疾患--基礎と臨床の最新知見) -- (結核感染成立要因の基礎研究)
Related Links
- Looking for online definition of phagolysosome in the Medical Dictionary? phagolysosome explanation free. What is phagolysosome? Meaning of phagolysosome medical term. What does phagolysosome mean? http://medical ...
- phagolysosome phag·o·ly·so·some (fāg'ə-lī'sə-sōm') n. A cellular body that is formed by the union of a phagosome or an ingested particle with a lysosome that contains hydrolytic enzymes.
Related Pictures

- 英
- phagolysosome
- ラ
- phagolysosoma
- 同
- 取込みリソソーム、食水解小体
- 関
- ファゴソーム、リソソーム