- 関
- perspective、vision
- the perceptual experience of seeing; "the runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision"; "he had a visual sensation of intense light" (同)visual_sensation
- a religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance; "he had a vision of the Virgin Mary"
- a vivid mental image; "he had a vision of his own death"
- the appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer (同)linear perspective
- {U}『視力』,視覚 / 〈C〉《単数形で》《文》非常に美しい光景(人など) / 〈U〉(将来への)『見通し』,先見の明;想像力,直観力 / 〈C〉『心に描くもの』,空想,想像 / 〈C〉(…についての)考え,見解《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(…の)『幻』,幻影《+of+名》
- 〈U〉『遠近[画]法』,透視図法 / 〈C〉遠近画,透視図 / 〈C〉遠景,眺め / 〈U〉(距離の遠近による)物の見え方,遠近感 / 〈U〉〈C〉(広い視野からの)『観点』,立場,見地 / 〈U〉(物事の)相互関係,釣り合い / 遠近法の(による)
English Journal
- The Health Disparities of Same-Sex Cohabitors at the Intersection of Race-Ethnicity and Gender.
- Liu H1, Reczek C2, Mindes SCH1, Shen S1.
- Sociological perspectives : SP : official publication of the Pacific Sociological Association.Sociol Perspect.2017 Jun;60(3):620-639. doi: 10.1177/0731121416663685. Epub 2016 Aug 12.
- PMID 28484302
- The relationship between anxiety-depression status and psychosocial adjustments in the patients undergoing liver transplantation.
- Yıldız E1, Kılınç G1.
- Perspectives in psychiatric care.Perspect Psychiatr Care.2017 May 29. doi: 10.1111/ppc.12226. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28556990
- A Case-Control Study of Maternal Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) Exposure and Cryptorchidism in Canadian Populations.
- Goodyer CG1, Poon S2, Aleksa K3, Hou L4, Atehortua V5, Carnevale A2, Jednak R6, Emil S7, Bagli D8, Dave S9, Hales BF10, Chevrier J4.
- Environmental health perspectives.Environ Health Perspect.2017 May 26;125(5):057004. doi: 10.1289/EHP522.
- PMID 28557710
Japanese Journal
- 間違ったテレビゲーム進化 2/2-遊び概念からの説明-
- Keynes「確率」観の現代的解釈 : 「短期確率加重関数」を中心に
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- VALUE-DOMAIN バリュードメイン
- perspectで始まる言葉の辞書すべての検索結果。パースペクティブ【perspective】,パースペクティブコレクション【perspective correction】,パースペクティブフレーム【perspective frame】,パースペクティブほせい【パースペクティブ補正 ... 国語 ...
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- 英
- perspective、vision、perspect、perspective
- 関
- 遠近、視覚、見込み、視力、先見性
- 関
- chance、estimate、expectation、likelihood、odds、perspect、promise、prospect、proximodistal、vision