- 関
- laparoscopic、laparoscopy、peritoneoscopy
- laparotomy performed with a laparoscope that makes a small incision to examine the abdominal cavity (especially the ovaries and Fallopian tubes)
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English Journal
- Percutaneous versus surgical insertion of PD catheters in dialysis patients: a meta-analysis.
- Boujelbane L1, Fu N1, Chapla K1, Melnick D2, Redfield RR3, Waheed S1, Yevzlin AS1, Shin JI4, Astor BC1,4, Chan MR1.
- The journal of vascular access.J Vasc Access.2015 Nov 6;16(6):498-505. doi: 10.5301/jva.5000439. Epub 2015 Jun 29.
- PURPOSE: Several small studies have suggested that the percutaneous method of peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheter insertion is effective and has a lower complication rate than surgical techniques (open, laparoscopic or peritoneoscopic), although no randomized, controlled study has compared these metho
- PMID 26165817
- Comparison of peritoneal dialysis catheter insertion techniques: peritoneoscopic, radiological and laparoscopic - A single centre study.
- Sun TY1, Voss D1, Beechey D1, Lam-Po-Tang M1.
- Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.).Nephrology (Carlton).2015 Sep 15. doi: 10.1111/nep.12621. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Our centre introduced peritoneoscopic insertion of PD catheter by nephrologists as a new method in August 2009 for its potential benefits.AIM: To compare perioperative complications and catheter survival of three techniques: peritoneoscopic, surgical and radiological techniques within a
- PMID 26369423
- Single incision retro-peritoneoscopic paediatric nephrectomy: early experience.
- Cherian A1, De Win G2.
- Journal of pediatric urology.J Pediatr Urol.2014 Jun;10(3):564-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2013.12.018. Epub 2014 Jan 22.
- Single incision, single port, or single site surgery for retro-peritoneoscopic nephrectomy and nephro-ureterectomy in paediatric practice using an advanced access platform (GelPOINT Mini) is described in two patients. One patient had bilateral synchronous nephrectomy. The technique, advantages, and
- PMID 24495970
Japanese Journal
- 腹腔鏡診断が有効であったクラミジア肝周囲炎後癒着(Fitz-Hugh-Curtis症候群)の1例
- 後藤 久貴,宮副 誠司,江崎 宏典,松本 武浩,八橋 弘,井上 長三,古賀 満明,矢野 右人
- 日本内科学会雑誌 88(4), 701-703, 1999-04-10
- NAID 10005008624
- Peritoneoscopic versus surgical placement of peritoneal dialysis catheters : a prospective randomized study on outcome
- Disease stage of chronic hepatitis C assessed by both peritoneoscopic and histologic findings and its relationship with response to interferon therapy
Related Links
- 1. Am J Kidney Dis. 2003 Dec;42(6):1270-4. Peritoneoscopic placement of peritoneal dialysis catheter and bowel perforation: experience of an interventional nephrology program. Asif A, Byers P, Vieira CF, Merrill D, Gadalean F ...
- 1. Am J Kidney Dis. 1999 Jan;33(1):118-22. Peritoneoscopic versus surgical placement of peritoneal dialysis catheters: a prospective randomized study on outcome. Gadallah MF, Pervez A, el-Shahawy MA, Sorrells D, Zibari G ...
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- laparoscopically、laparoscopy、peritoneoscopic、peritoneoscopy
- 関
- laparoscopic、laparoscopic surgery、peritoneoscopic、peritoneoscopy
- 関
- laparoscopic、laparoscopic surgery、laparoscopy、peritoneoscopic