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都市計画学や造園学などの分野で専門用語として使われる「公園」は英語Public park(パブリックスペース)の訳語で、緑地の一形態である。 公園は公衆の利用を前提とする土地であるが、用地を確保し、施設整備を行う営造物公園と、地域を指定して規制により質的な維持を行う地域制公園に大別される。児童遊園、また都市公園法での街区公園、動物公園、都市公園、森林公園などは営造物公園に、国立公園、国定公園は地域制公園に属する。
「公園」の概念はイギリス市民社会の成立と同時進行で形成された。良好な環境を享受する権利や散歩などの運動を行う権利が市民のもつ当然の権利(市民権)として主張され、森林法と森番(Gamekeeper)が市民を遠ざけていた王の私的な狩猟園地(Park)を公衆の利用に開放したものが公園(Public park)の始まりである。
米国においては王がいなかったのでParkはPublic parkの意味である、逆に狩猟園地をGame Parkと呼ぶ。
日本の公園は、明治時代以降に開設された。これより以前に、江戸時代には仙台に桜の馬場(1695年(元禄8年) 現在の榴岡公園)など各地に馬場が存在し、社寺境内と同様に鑑賞樹木を植栽し見世物小屋や射的、茶屋などが出店しにぎわいをみせていた。
明治に入ってからは神戸の外国人居留遊園(1868年(明治元年))と北海道開拓史偕楽園(1871年(明治4年) 現存せず)、横浜の山手公園(1870年(明治3年))が存在した。明治期に入ってからすぐのものは、居留地の外国人専用などであり、日本国民にとっては公園ではなかった。
『三府ヲ始、人民輻輳ノ地ニシテ、古来ノ勝区名人ノ旧跡地等是迄群集遊観ノ場所 {東京ニ於テハ金龍山浅草寺、東叡山寛永寺境内ノ類、京都ニ於テハ八坂社、清水ノ境内、嵐山ノ類、総テ社寺境内除地或ハ公有地ノ類} 従前高外除地ニ属セル分ハ永ク万人偕楽ノ地トシ、公園ト可被相定ニ付、府県ニ於テ右地所ヲ択ヒ、其景況巨細取調、図面相添ヘ大蔵省ヘ伺出ヘシ』— 明治6年太政官布告第16号
公園名 | 道府県名 | 市区町村 | 開設日 |
函館公園 | 北海道 | 函館市 | 1879年(明治12年) |
浦和公園偕楽園 | 埼玉県 | さいたま市浦和区 | 1874年(明治7年)12月 |
上野公園 | 東京都 | 台東区 | 1876年(明治9年)5月9日 |
浅草公園 | 東京都 | 台東区 | 1886年(明治19年)5月20日 |
芝公園 | 東京都 | 港区 | 1873年(明治6年)10月19日 |
飛鳥山公園 | 東京都 | 北区 | 1873年(明治6年) |
深川公園 | 東京都 | 江東区 | 1873年(明治6年)10月19日 |
水戸偕楽園公園 | 茨城県 | 水戸市 | |
白山公園 | 15/新潟県 | 新潟市中央区 | 1873年(明治6年) |
城山公園 | 岐阜県 | 高山市 | 1873年(明治6年) |
大垣公園 | 岐阜県 | 大垣市 | 1873年(明治6年) |
住吉公園 | 大阪府 | 大阪市住之江区 | 1873年(明治6年) |
浜寺公園 | 大阪府 | 堺市西区 | 1873年(明治6年)12月 |
厳島公園 | 広島県 | ||
東公園 | 40/福岡県 | 福岡市博多区 | 1876年10月 |
蓮池公園 | 41/佐賀県 | 佐賀市 |
なお、1951年に当時の建設省から各都道府県知事に公園施設基準が通達されている。これにより、運動場と緑地計画標準案にある運動公園とを区分している。またこのとき、公園内の施設についての条件規程を定めた。 都市公園法の公布施行によっても、明治6年の太政官布達は廃止されておらず、依然として生きている。公園制定の法は過去に東京市区改正条例設定、特別都市計画法による特別都市計画事業、神都計画による公園がある。 都市公園法では、法令制定前に国有地に存続していた公園について、管理者である地方公共団体には無償貸付とし、国有財産法上は、普通財産にしている。
類似しているものとして、旧厚生省 所管、児童福祉法に基づく児童遊園(遊び場参照)、厚生年金による年金公園などや市区町村の条例に基づく公園(後述の「都市公園以外の公園」を参照)などがある。なお○○遊園(遊園地)と名乗るものや○○パークと名乗るものは、例外はあるが大抵は法人経営のものである。
公園種別 | 主な役割 |
広域公園(大規模公園) | 最終避難地、負傷者等の救護活動や復旧・復興等を目的とした広域避難、緊急車両基地やヘリポート等の広域防災拠点 |
都市基幹公園(総合公園・運動公園) | 負傷者救護・救援活動の前線基地や避難者の生命を保護する地域防災拠点、物資運搬中継など |
都市公園(近隣公園・地区公園) | 近隣住民の緊急避難の場、避難集合地、広域避難中継地など |
緑道等 | 安全な避難地へ通ずる誘導地 |
緩衝緑地 | 爆発等における被害防止と軽減目的 |
交通公園は児童の健全な遊戯とあわせて児童に交通知識や交通道徳を体得させることを目的として設置される都市公園で、園内には信号機、横断歩道、道路標識など、道路を模した施設(コース)が設けられており、遊びながら交通ルールを学ぶ事も出来る仕組みになっている。自動車の急増と児童の交通事故が大きな社会問題となってきた背景を受けて1962年(昭和37年)発行交通公園設置運営要領により定められ、1963年(昭和38年)11月に国内初の交通公園 兵庫県立西武庫公園(兵庫県尼崎市、2012年4月に兵庫県から尼崎市へ移譲)が開設された。
農村公園/農業公園は農林水産省 所管の農村生活環境基盤整備事業の施策にある。
旧労働省 所管。全国に建設した勤労者のためのレクリエーション施設。
こどもの国は旧厚生省 所管。
旧自治省 所管のふるさと創生事業-ふるさと創成基金や地域づくり推進事業、地域総合事業によって造られている。例えば、支援事業リーディングプロジェクトで新潟県では「福島潟生態園整備事業」により福島潟の失われかけている自然環境を復元し、多くの人々が自然とふれあい、自然を学習する場となるような公園を整備。ダム公園は、自治省がすすめる「神話と鉄」をテーマにした、広域文化圏観光ルート(安来市、広瀬町、横田町、仁多町、大東町、吉田村)事業の一環として取り組んだもの、がある。
北海道旭川市の平和通買物公園や仙台市の一番町四丁目買物公園、一番町一番街買物公園(一番町 (仙台市)参照)などがあるが、これらは歩行者専用道路である。
日本には公園に関する組織として、一般財団法人 公園財団(こうえんざいだん、英名:Parks and Recreation Foundation)がある。
1974年、前身の公園緑地管理財団が創設され、2012年4月1日に「一般財団法人 公園財団」に改称した。
[ヘルプ] |
ウィキメディア・コモンズには、公園に関連するメディアがあります。 |
ウィキメディア・コモンズには、日本の公園に関連するメディアがあります。 |
ウィクショナリーに公園の項目があります。 |
プロジェクト 公園 |
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A park is an area of natural, semi-natural or planted space set aside for human enjoyment and recreation or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats. It may consist of grassy areas, rocks, soil and trees, but may also contain buildings and other artifacts such as monuments, fountains or playground structures. In North America, many parks have fields for playing sports such as association football, baseball and football, and paved areas for games such as basketball. Many parks have trails for walking, biking and other activities. Some parks are built adjacent to bodies of water or watercourses and may comprise a beach or boat dock area. Often, the smallest parks are in urban areas, where a park may take up only a city block or less. Urban parks often have benches for sitting and may contain picnic tables and barbecue grills. Parks have differing rules regarding whether dogs can be brought into the park: some parks prohibit dogs; some parks allow them with restrictions (e.g., use of a leash); and some parks, which may be called "dog parks", permit dogs to run off-leash.
The largest parks can be vast natural areas of hundreds of thousands of square kilometres (thousands of square miles), with abundant wildlife and natural features such as mountains and rivers. In many large parks, camping in tents is allowed with a permit. Many natural parks are protected by law, and users may have to follow restrictions (e.g., rules against open fires or bringing in glass bottles). Large national and sub-national parks are typically overseen by a park ranger or a park warden. Large parks may have areas for canoeing and hiking in the warmer months and, in some northern hemisphere countries, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in colder months.
The first parks were English deer parks,[citation needed] land set aside for hunting by royalty and the aristocracy in medieval times. They had walls or thick hedges around them to keep game animals (e.g., stags) in and people out. It was strictly forbidden for commoners to hunt animals in these deer parks.
These game preserves evolved into landscaped parks set around mansions and country houses from the sixteenth century onwards. These may have served as hunting grounds but they also proclaimed the owner's wealth and status. An aesthetic of landscape design began in these stately home parks where the natural landscape was enhanced by landscape architects such as Capability Brown. As cities became crowded, the private hunting grounds became places for the public.
With the Industrial revolution parks took on a new meaning as areas set aside to preserve a sense of nature in the cities and towns. Sporting activity came to be a major use for these urban parks. Areas of outstanding natural beauty were also set aside as national parks to prevent their being spoiled by uncontrolled development.
In some parks or time periods with high pollen counts, parks tend to be avoided.[1]
Park design is influenced by the intended purpose and audience, as well as by the available land features. A park intended to provide recreation for children may include a playground. A park primarily intended for adults may feature walking paths and decorative landscaping. Specific features, such as riding trails, may be included to support specific activities.
The design of a park may determine who is willing to use it. Walkers may feel unsafe on a mixed-use path that is dominated by fast-moving cyclists or horses. Different landscaping and infrastructure may even affect children's rates of use of parks according to sex. Redesigns of two parks in Vienna suggested that the creation of multiple semi-enclosed play areas in a park could encourage equal use by boys and girls.[2]
Parks are part of the urban infrastructure: for physical activity, for families and communities to gather and socialize, or for a simple respite. Research reveals that people who exercise outdoors in green-space derive greater mental health benefits.[3] Providing activities for all ages, abilities and income levels is important for the physical and mental well-being of the public.[4][5]
Parks can also benefit pollinators, and some parks (such as Saltdean Oval) have been redesigned to accommodate them better.[6] Some organisations, such as Xerces Society are also promoting this idea.[7]
City parks play a role in improving cities and improving the futures for residents and visitors. For example, Millennium Park in Chicago, Illinois[8] or the Mill River Park and Green way in Stamford, CT.[9] One group that is a strong proponent of parks for cities is The American Society of Landscape Architects . They argue that parks are important to the fabric of the community on an individual scale and broader scales such as entire neighborhoods, city districts or city park systems.[10]
Parks need to feel safe for people to use them. Research shows that perception of safety can be more significant in influencing human behavior than actual crime statistics.[citation needed] If citizens perceive a park as unsafe, they might not make use of it at all.[5]
A study done in four cities; Albuquerque, NM, Chapel Hill/Durham, NC, Columbus, OH, and Philadelphia, PA, with 3815 survey participants who lived within a half mile of a park indicated that in addition to safety that park facilities also played a significant role in park utilization and that increasing facilities instead of creating an image of a safe park would increase utilization of the park.[11]
There are a number of features that contribute to whether or not a park feels safe. Elements in the physical design of a park, such as an open and welcoming entry, good visibility (sight lines), and appropriate lighting and signage can all make a difference. Regular park maintenance, as well as programming and community involvement can also contribute to a feeling of safety.[12]
While Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) has been widely used in facility design, use of CPTED in parks has not been. Iqbal and Ceccato performed a study in Stockholm, Sweden to determine if it would be useful to apply to parks.[13] Their study indicated that while CPTED could be useful, due to the nature of a park, increasing the look of safety can also have unintended consequences on the aesthetics of the park. Creating secure areas with bars and locks and lower the beauty of the park, as well as the nature of who is in charge of observing the public space and the feeling of being observed.[13]
The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page, or create a new article, as appropriate. (March 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) |
In the United States, the standard for safety in parks is increasingly measured by whether women feel safe in that particular location.[14] This was originally identified by the urban sociologist William H. Whyte in his 1988 studies in New York.[15] Research reveals that women have a different sense of safety compared to men, whether they are walking in their neighborhood or in a park.[16] Dan Biederman, President of the Bryant Park Corp. stated "Women pick up on visual cues of disorder better than men do.... And if women don't see other women, they tend to leave."[14] Whether or not a woman feels safe can determine how much physical activity she has and if it will reach the recommended level for good health and disease prevention.[16][17] Park designers and planners can take several steps to increase safety from assault, including providing sufficient lighting, having patrols by police officers or other safety officials, and providing emergency buttons for summoning assistance.
Parks can be divided into active and passive recreation areas. Active recreation is that which has an urban character and requires intensive development. It often involves cooperative or team activity, including playgrounds, ball fields, swimming pools, gymnasiums, and skateparks. Active recreation such as team sports, due to the need to provide substantial space to congregate, typically involves intensive management, maintenance, and high costs. Passive recreation, also called "low intensity recreation" is that which emphasizes the open-space aspect of a park and allows for the preservation of natural habitat. It usually involves a low level of development, such as rustic picnic areas, benches and trails.
Many smaller neighborhood parks are receiving increased attention and valuation as significant community assets and places of refuge in heavily populated urban areas. Neighborhood groups around the world are joining together to support local parks that have suffered from urban decay and government neglect.
Passive recreation typically requires little management and can be provided at very low costs. Some open space managers provide nothing other than trails for physical activity in the form of walking, running, horse riding, mountain biking, snow shoeing, or cross-country skiing; or sedentary activity such as observing nature, bird watching, painting, photography, or picnicking. Limiting park or open space use to passive recreation over all or a portion of the park's area eliminates or reduces the burden of managing active recreation facilities and developed infrastructure. Many ski resorts combine active recreation facilities (ski lifts, gondolas, terrain parks, downhill runs, and lodges) with passive recreation facilities (cross-country ski trails).[citation needed]
A national park is a reserve of land, usually, but not always declared and owned by a national government, protected from most human development and pollution. Although this may be so, it is not likely that the government of a specific area owns it, rather the community itself. National parks are a protected area of International Union for Conservation of Nature Category II. This implies that they are wilderness areas, but unlike pure nature reserves, they are established with the expectation of a certain degree of human visitation and supporting infrastructure.
While this type of national park had been proposed previously, the United States established the first "public park or pleasuring-ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people", Yellowstone National Park, in 1872,[18] although Yellowstone was not gazetted as a national park. The first officially designated national park was Mackinac Island, gazetted in 1875. Australia's Royal National Park, established in 1879, was the world's second officially established national park.[19]
The largest national park in the world is the Northeast Greenland National Park, which was established in 1974 and currently protects 972,001 km2 (375,000 sq mi)[20][21]
In some Federal systems, many parks are managed by the sub-national levels of government. In Brazil, the United States, and some states in Mexico, as well as in the Australian state of Victoria, these are known as state parks, whereas in Argentina, Canada and South Korea, they are known as provincial or territorial parks.
A park is an area of open space provided for recreational use, usually owned and maintained by a local government. Parks commonly resemble savannas or open woodlands, the types of landscape that human beings find most relaxing. Grass is typically kept short to discourage insect pests and to allow for the enjoyment of picnics and sporting activities. Trees are chosen for their beauty and to provide shade.
Some early parks include the la Alameda de Hércules, in Seville, a promenaded public mall, urban garden and park built in 1574, within the historic center of Seville; the City Park, in Budapest, Hungary, which was property of the Batthyány family and was later made public.
An early purpose built public park was Derby Arboretum which was opened in 1840 by Joseph Strutt for the mill workers and people of the city. This was closely followed by Princes Park in the Liverpool suburb of Toxteth, laid out to the designs of Joseph Paxton from 1842 and opened in 1843. The land on which the Princes park was built was purchased by Richard Vaughan Yates, an iron merchant and philanthropist, in 1841 for £50,000. The creation of Princes Park showed great foresight and introduced a number of highly influential ideas. First and foremost was the provision of open space for the benefit of townspeople and local residents within an area that was being rapidly built up. Secondly it took the concept of the designed landscape as a setting for the suburban domicile, an idea pioneered by John Nash at Regent's Park, and re-fashioned it for the provincial town in a most original way. Nash's remodeling of St James's Park from 1827 and the sequence of processional routes he created to link The Mall with Regent's Park completely transformed the appearance of London's West End. With the establishment of Princes Park in 1842, Joseph Paxton did something similar for the benefit of a provincial town, albeit one of international stature by virtue of its flourishing mercantile contingent. Liverpool had a burgeoning presence on the scene of global maritime trade before 1800 and during the Victorian era its wealth rivalled that of London itself.
The form and layout of Paxton's ornamental grounds, structured about an informal lake within the confines of a serpentine carriageway, put in place the essential elements of his much imitated design for Birkenhead Park. The latter was commenced in 1843 with the help of public finance and deployed the ideas he pioneered at Princes Park on a more expansive scale. Frederick Law Olmsted visited Birkenhead Park in 1850 and praised its qualities. Indeed, Paxton is widely credited as having been one of the principal influences on Olmsted and Calvert's design for New York's Central Park of 1857.
Another early public park is the Peel Park, Salford, England opened on August 22, 1846.[23][24][25] Another possible claimant for status as the world's first public park is Boston Common (Boston, Massachusetts, USA), set aside in 1634, whose first recreational promenade, Tremont Mall, dates from 1728. True park status for the entire common seems to have emerged no later than 1830, when the grazing of cows was ended and renaming the Common as Washington Park was proposed (renaming the bordering Sentry Street to Park Street in 1808 already acknowledged the reality).
A linear park is a park that has a much greater length than width. A typical example of a linear park is a section of a former railway that has been converted into a park called a rail trail or greenway (i.e. the tracks removed, vegetation allowed to grow back). Parks are sometimes made out of oddly shaped areas of land, much like the vacant lots that often become city neighborhood parks. Linked parks may form a greenbelt.
In some countries, especially the United Kingdom, country parks are areas designated for recreation, and managed by local authorities. They are often located near urban populations, but they provide recreational facilities typical of the countryside rather than the town.
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Private parks are owned by individuals or businesses and are used at the discretion of the owner. There are a few types of private parks, and some which once were privately maintained and used have now been made open to the public.
Hunting parks were originally areas maintained as open space where residences, industry and farming were not allowed, often originally so that nobility might have a place to hunt – see medieval deer park. These were known for instance, as deer parks (deer being originally a term meaning any wild animal). Many country houses in Great Britain and Ireland still have parks of this sort, which since the 18th century have often been landscaped for aesthetic effect. They are usually a mixture of open grassland with scattered trees and sections of woodland, and are often enclosed by a high wall. The area immediately around the house is the garden. In some cases this will also feature sweeping lawns and scattered trees; the basic difference between a country house's park and its garden is that the park is grazed by animals, but they are excluded from the garden.
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