English Journal
- Establishment of integral biomechanical balance in the correction of tongue source skeletal dentomaxillofacial open bite deformities.
- Xin N1, Tao W, Ashwin DV, Jinlin S.
- The Journal of craniofacial surgery.J Craniofac Surg.2015 Mar;26(2):473-6. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000001462.
- The objective of this clinical paper is to demonstrate an effective process to achieve relative long-term functional and aesthetic stability after the treatment of skeletal tongue source open bites. This therapy consisted of applying Delaire's architectural analysis as the cephalometry to make treat
- PMID 25759920
- 英
- syllable stumbling
- ラ
- pararthria syllabaris
- 関
- 断続性発語
- 神経梅毒(進行麻痺)などでみられる。
- 音省略、音調縮、語順序転倒、語脱落などの症状を呈する。