- 関
- ear、spike
- compound raceme or branched cluster of flowers
- stand in the way of
- add alcohol to (beverages); "the punch is spiked!" (同)lace, fortify
- bring forth a spike or spikes; "my hyacinths and orchids are spiking now" (同)spike out
- (botany) an indeterminate inflorescence bearing sessile flowers on an unbranched axis
- manifest a sharp increase; "the voltage spiked"
- any holding device consisting of a rigid, sharp-pointed object; "the spike pierced the receipts and held them in order" (同)spindle
- a large stout nail; "they used spikes to fasten the rails to a railroad tie"
- a long, thin sharp-pointed implement (wood or metal); "one of the spikes impaled him"
- a sharp-pointed projection along the top of a fence or wall (or a dinosaur)
- each of the sharp points on the soles of athletic shoes to prevent slipping (or the shoes themselves); "the second baseman sharpened his spikes before every game"; "golfers spikes damage the putting greens"
- sports equipment consisting of a sharp point on the sole of a shoe worn by athletes; "spikes provide greater traction"
- a sharp rise followed by a sharp decline; "the seismograph showed a sharp spike in response to the temblor"
- a transient variation in voltage or current
- secure with spikes
- fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn (同)spike, capitulum
- attention to what is said; "he tried to get her ear"
- good hearing; "he had a keen ear"; "a good ear for pitch"
- the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium
- a variety of aster
- cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic; "The mere thought of an isolation cell panicked the prisoners"
- sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events; "panic in the stock market"; "a war scare"; "a bomb scare led them to evacuate the building" (同)scare
- an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety (同)terror, affright
- be overcome by a sudden fear; "The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away"
- having panicles; occurring in panicles; "a panicled inflorescence"
- 大くぎ;(鉄道用)いぬくぎ / (へいの忍び返しなどの)先のとがった突起 / スパイク(野救・陸上競技用の靴底の金具) / (…に)…‘を'大くぎで打ちつける《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / …‘に'大くぎ(スパイク)を打ちつける / 〈人〉‘を'すぱいくしゅ‐ずで傷つける;すぱいくする
- (麦などの)穂 / (オオバコなどの)穂(すい)状花序
- 〈C〉『耳』 / 《単数形で》『聴覚』,聴力,音感 / 《単数形で》じっと聞くこと,傾聴 / 〈C〉耳の形をした物
- (麦・とうもろこしなどの)穂
- 〈C〉〈U〉『あわてふためき,恐慌』,ろうばい / 〈C〉経済恐慌,パニック / 《単数形で》《米俗》とてもおかしなもの,珍無類なもの / あわてふためく,恐慌に陥る / …‘を'あわてさせる / 《米俗》〈観客〉‘を'沸きたたせる
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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (February 2011) |
Flowering lilac showing individual flowers forming the panicle.
White-fruited Rowan (
Sorbus glabrescens) corymb: the branched structures holding the fruit.
A panicle is a compound raceme, a loose, much-branched indeterminate inflorescence with pedicellate flowers (and fruit) attached along the secondary branches; in other words, a branched cluster of flowers in which the branches are racemes.
This type of inflorescence is largely characteristic of grasses like oat and crabgrass,[1] as well as other plants such as pistachio and mamoncillo. Botanists use the term paniculate in two ways: "having a true panicle inflorescence" as well as "having an inflorescence with the form but not necessarily the structure of a panicle".
A corymb is similar to a panicle with the same branching structure, but with the lower flowers having longer stems, thus giving a flattish top superficially resembling an umbel. Many species in the Maloideae, such as hawthorns and rowans, produce their flowers in corymbs.
A thyrse is a compact panicle having an obscured main axis and cymose subaxes, making its paniculate nature hard to discern. Many Ceanothus species have thyrsiform inflorescences, notably Ceanothus thyrsiflorus.
- ^ Technically, the inflorescence unit in a grass is the spikelet, but the arrangement of spikelets along the main stem axis is described using inflorescence terminology.
English Journal
- Identification of heterotic loci associated with yield-related traits in Chinese common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.).
- Luo X, Wu S, Tian F, Xin X, Zha X, Dong X, Fu Y, Wang X, Yang J, Sun C.SourceDepartment of Plant Genetics and Breeding, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China; Key Laboratory of Crop Heterosis and Utilization of Ministry of Education, Beijing 100094, China; Beijing Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Beijing 100094, China; Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement and Genome of Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100094, China; State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Institute of Genetics, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China.
- Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology." abstractLink="yes" alsec="jour" alterm="Plant Sci.2011 Jul;181(1):14-22. Epub 2011 Jan 8.
- Many rice breeding programs have currently reached yield plateaus as a result of limited genetic variability in parental strains. Dongxiang common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) is the progenitor of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) and serves as an important gene pool for the genetic improvemen
- PMID 21600393
Japanese Journal
- Variation in domesticated rice inflorescence architecture revealed by principal component analysis and quantitative trait locus analysis
- Taguchi-Shiobara Fumio,Kojima Yoichiro,Ebitani Takeshi [他]
- Breeding science 61(1), 52-60, 2011-03
- NAID 40018710278
- A loss-of-function mutation of rice DENSE PANICLE 1 causes semi-dwarfness and slightly increased number of spikelets
- Taguchi-Shiobara Fumio,Kawagoe Yasushi,Kato Hiroshi [他]
- Breeding science 61(1), 17-25, 2011-03
- NAID 40018710274
Related Links
- 2010年6月14日 ... panicleの意味や和訳。 円すい花序; 円錐花序; 穂 - 約473万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典 。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。
Related Pictures

- 英
- panicle、spike、ear
- 関
- 円錐花序、スパイク、耳、穂状花序、棘波