- cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic; "The mere thought of an isolation cell panicked the prisoners"
- sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events; "panic in the stock market"; "a war scare"; "a bomb scare led them to evacuate the building" (同)scare
- an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety (同)terror, affright
- be overcome by a sudden fear; "The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away"
- the bone enclosing the middle ear
- a variety of aster
- make a sweeping movement; "The camera panned across the room"
- cooking utensil consisting of a wide metal vessel (同)cooking pan
- shallow container made of metal
- wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals (同)pan_out, pan off
- express a totally negative opinion of; "The critics panned the performance" (同)tear apart, trash
- 〈C〉〈U〉『あわてふためき,恐慌』,ろうばい / 〈C〉経済恐慌,パニック / 《単数形で》《米俗》とてもおかしなもの,珍無類なもの / あわてふためく,恐慌に陥る / …‘を'あわてさせる / 《米俗》〈観客〉‘を'沸きたたせる
- あわてふためいた
- (通例ふたのない片柄の)『平なべ』 / 平なべ状の物;(はかりなどの)皿;(砂金などを砂利から分ける)選鉱なべ / 硬質地層 / …‘を'平なべで煮る / 〈砂金など〉‘を'えり分ける,選鉱する《+『off』(『out』)+『名,』+『名』+『off』(『out』)》 / 《話》…‘を'こきおろす,酷評する / (…を得るために)選鉱なべで洗う《+『for』+『名』》
- (映画・テレビで,全景を写すために)〈カメラ〉‘を'上下(左右)に動かす,パンする / カメラを上下(左右)に動かして撮る,パンする
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/03 13:25:00」(JST)
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For the psychological condition, see Panic attack.
For other uses, see Panic (disambiguation).
This article relies largely or entirely upon a single source. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources. (February 2015) |
Bank run on the Seamen's Savings' Bank during the Panic of 1857.
Panic is a sudden sensation of fear which is so strong as to dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking, replacing it with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and frantic agitation consistent with an animalistic fight-or-flight reaction. Panic may occur singularly in individuals or manifest suddenly in large groups as mass panic (closely related to herd behavior).
Prehistoric men used mass panic as a technique when hunting animals, especially ruminants. Herds reacting to unusually strong sounds or unfamiliar visual effects were directed towards cliffs, where they eventually jumped to their deaths when cornered. Humans are also vulnerable to panic and it is often considered infectious, in the sense one person's panic may easily spread to other people nearby and soon the entire group acts irrationally, but people also have the ability to prevent and/or control their own and others' panic by disciplined thinking or training (such as disaster drills). Architects and city planners try to accommodate the symptoms of panic, such as herd behavior, during design and planning, often using simulations to determine the best way to lead people to a safe exit and prevent congestion (stampedes). The most effective methods are often non-intuitive. A tall column or columns, placed in front of the door exit at a precisely calculated distance, may speed up the evacuation of a large room, as the obstacle divides the congestion well ahead of the choke point.[1]
An influential theoretical treatment of panic is found in Neil J. Smelser's Theory of Collective Behavior. The science of panic management has found important practical applications in the armed forces and emergency services of the world.
Many highly publicized cases of deadly panic occurred during massive public events. The layout of Mecca was extensively redesigned by Saudi authorities in an attempt to eliminate frequent stampedes, which kill an average of 250 pilgrims every year.[2] Football stadiums have seen deadly crowd rushes and stampedes, such as at Heysel stadium in Belgium in 1985 with more than 600 casualties, including 39 deaths, and at Hillsborough stadium in Sheffield, England, in 1989 when 96 people were killed in a deadly crush.
See also
- Panic attack
- Anxiety
- Fight-or-flight response
- Angst
- Collective behavior
- Collective identity
- Emotion
- Hysteria
- Kernel panic
- Moral panic
- Financial panic
- Panic disorder
- Panic Saturday (Super Saturday), last Saturday before Christmas
- ^ Castelvecchi, Davide (2007-04-07), "Formula for Panic: Crowd-motion findings may prevent stampedes", Science News Online
External links
Look up panic in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Wikiquote has quotations related to: Panic |
- Panic! How it works and What To Do About It — by Bruce Tognazzini.
- "Panic: Myth or Reality?" — Professor Lee Clarke, Contexts Magazine, 2002. (Article available as PDF from Lee Clarke's website)
Emotions (list)
Emotions |
- Adoration
- Affection
- Agitation
- Agony
- Awe
- Amusement
- Anger
- Anguish
- Annoyance
- Anxiety
- Apathy
- Arousal
- Attraction
- Caring
- Compassion
- Contempt
- Contentment
- Defeat
- Depression
- Desire
- Disappointment
- Disgust
- Ecstasy
- Embarrassment
- Empathy
- Enthrallment
- Enthusiasm
- Envy
- Euphoria
- Excitement
- Fear
- Frustration
- Grief
- Guilt
- Happiness
- Hatred
- Homesickness
- Hope
- Horror
- Hostility
- Humiliation
- Hysteria
- Infatuation
- Insecurity
- Insult
- Interest
- Irritation
- Isolation
- Jealousy
- Loneliness
- Longing
- Love
- Lust
- Melancholy
- Mono no aware
- Neglect
- Nostalgia
- Panic
- Passion
- Pity
- Pleasure
- Pride
- Rage
- Regret
- Rejection
- Remorse
- Resentment
- Sadness
- Saudade
- Schadenfreude
- Sentimentality
- Shame
- Shock
- Sorrow
- Spite
- Suffering
- Surprise
- Sympathy
- Tenseness
- Wonder
- Worry
World views |
- Nihilism
- Optimism
- Pessimism
- Reclusion
- Weltschmerz
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Related Links
- Panic(パニック)Inc. は 1997 年、米国オレゴン州ポートランド市に設立されました。 Coda、Transmit といった Mac 用ユーティリティソフトウエアを中心に、自社による開発 と販売を行っています。
- Panic makes Macintosh software that rocks. Our programs include Coda, Transmit, Diet Coda, Prompt, and much more.
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- 同
- PAPスメア, Pap smear ← 多分大文字ですよね?
- 関
- Pap test
- A screening test, especially for cervical cancer, in which a smear of cells exfoliated or scraped from the cervix or vagina is treated with Papanicolaou stain and examined under a microscope for pathological changes.