- decorate with panels; "panel the walls with wood"
- a soft pad placed under a saddle
- sheet that forms a distinct (usually flat and rectangular) section or component of something
- (law) a group of people summoned for jury service (from whom a jury will be chosen) (同)venire
- a group of people gathered for a special purpose as to plan or discuss an issue or judge a contest etc
- make a sweeping movement; "The camera panned across the room"
- cooking utensil consisting of a wide metal vessel (同)cooking pan
- shallow container made of metal
- wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals (同)pan_out, pan off
- express a totally negative opinion of; "The critics panned the performance" (同)tear apart, trash
- participating readily in reactions; "sodium is a reactive metal"; "free radicals are very reactive"
- reacting to a stimulus; "the skin of old persons is less reactive than that of younger persons" (同)responsive
- any of a large variety of proteins normally present in the body or produced in response to an antigen which it neutralizes, thus producing an immune response
- sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doors (同)pane of glass, window glass
- 『はめ板』,鏡板,仕切り板,『パネル』(壁・天井・ドアなどを装飾する板) / (板・プラスチックなどの薄い)1枚板,合板 / (絵画の)画板,パネル画;(写真の)パネル版 / (飛行機・自動車などの)パネル,計器板 / (スカート・ドレスなどに縫いつける)別布,パネル / 《集合的に》(討論会などの)討論者団,審査団,参加者の一団 / (…で)…‘に'パネルをはめる,はめ板を張る《+『名』+『with』(『in』)+『名』》
- (通例ふたのない片柄の)『平なべ』 / 平なべ状の物;(はかりなどの)皿;(砂金などを砂利から分ける)選鉱なべ / 硬質地層 / …‘を'平なべで煮る / 〈砂金など〉‘を'えり分ける,選鉱する《+『off』(『out』)+『名,』+『名』+『off』(『out』)》 / 《話》…‘を'こきおろす,酷評する / (…を得るために)選鉱なべで洗う《+『for』+『名』》
- (映画・テレビで,全景を写すために)〈カメラ〉‘を'上下(左右)に動かす,パンする / カメラを上下(左右)に動かして撮る,パンする
- 反作用の;化学反応を示す…反動的な
- 抗体,免疫体,抗毒素
- (1枚の)『窓ガラス』
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English Journal
- Accumulation of unfavorable clinical and socioeconomic factors precludes living donor kidney transplantation.
- Roodnat JI, Laging M, Massey EK, Kho M, Kal-van Gestel JA, Ijzermans JN, van de Wetering J, Weimar W.Source1Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 2Department of General Surgery, Erasmus MC Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Transplantation.Transplantation.2012 Mar 15;93(5):518-23.
- BACKGROUND.: In the past 30 years, the number of living donor kidney transplantations has increased considerably and nowadays outnumbers the deceased donor transplantations in our center. We investigated which socioeconomic and clinical factors influence who undergoes living or deceased donor kidney
- PMID 22298031
- Evaluation of the effects of simvastatin in reduction of panel-reactive antibody (PRA) levels in patients with end-stage renal disease awaiting renal transplantation.
- Zahed N, Nazemian F, Naghibi M.SourceNephrology Ward, Department of Internal Medicine, Imam-Reza Hospital, Mashad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS), Mashhad, Iran.
- Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation : an official publication of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, Saudi Arabia.Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl.2012 Mar;23(2):306-10.
- This study was undertaken to assess the effect of simvastatin in the reduction of panel-reactive antibody (PRA) levels in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) awaiting renal transplantation. During the 1-year period from September 2007 to August 2008, 60 ESRD patients with PRA levels more th
- PMID 22382224
Japanese Journal
- 抗HLA抗体の変化と慢性移植腎症発症についての検討
- 古澤 美由紀,石田 英樹,石塚 敏,白川 浩希,安尾 美年子,山口 裕,田邉 一成
- 移植 41(4), 356-361, 2006-08-10
- NAID 10020296799
- IgM型HLAクラスI抗体の血小板輸血不応状態への関与 : PTR患者における免疫グロブリンクラス別HLA抗体陽性率
- 斉藤 敏,玉井 豊広,太田 正穂,大田 智,小松 政義,平林 盛人,玉木 啓子,瀬下 秀幸,清水 寿,浅村 英樹,福島 弘文,野村 節夫
- 日本輸血学会雑誌 52(3), 405-413, 2006-06-20
- NAID 10018166837
Related Links
- Panel Reactive Antibody (PRA) is a blood test that is routinely performed on patients waiting for kidney and heart transplants and measures anti-human antibodies in the blood. The PRA score is given as a percentage and can be from 0% to ...
- The body naturally produces many different antibodies that help protect against invasion by foreign antigens. Antibodies can also be created by the body to attack tissue, particularly the tissue of another human. In these instances, an antibody ...
- 英
- panel-reactive antibody、PRA
- (建)鏡板、羽目板、パネル。(木工)線板。
- (登録)名簿
- (公開討論会などの)討論者団、講師団。審査員団、調査員団、(専門)委員団
- 関
- reactivity、reactogenicity、responsive、responsiveness