- a passageway under a curved masonry construction; "they built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory" (同)archway
- (architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it
- a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening
- expert in skulduggery; "an arch criminal"
- a curved bony structure supporting or enclosing organs (especially the inner sides of the feet)
- (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension (同)condescending, patronizing, patronising
- form an arch or curve; "her back arches"; "her hips curve nicely" (同)curve, arc
- naughtily or annoyingly playful; "teasing and worrying with impish laughter"; "a wicked prank" (同)impish, implike, mischievous, pixilated, prankish, puckish, wicked
- a continuous portion of a circle
- constructed with or in the form of an arch or arches; "an arched passageway"
- (建物の)『アーチ』,迫持(せりもち) / アーチ型の記念碑,弓形門 / 『弓形のもの』 / (足の)土踏まず / …'を'弓形にする / …‘に'アーチをかける / 弓形になる,弓状に伸びる
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》おもな,主要な(chief) / (おもに女・子供が)ずるそうな,いたずらそうな(mischievous)
- 『弧』,円弧 / 電弧(2点間を弧状に流れる電流) / 弧を描く / 電弧を生じる
- アーチ形の,弓形の / アーチのある
- are (面積の単位)の変形
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/12/12 13:31:21」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Palatopharyngeal arch |
The mouth cavity. The cheeks have been slit transversely and the tongue pulled forward. (Pharyngopalatine arch labeled at upper right.) |
Latin |
arcus palatopharyngeus, arcus pharyngopalatinus |
Gray's |
subject #243 1137 |
The palatopharyngeal arch (pharyngopalatine arch, posterior pillar of fauces) is larger and projects farther toward the middle line than the Palatoglossal arch; it runs downward, lateralward, and backward to the side of the pharynx, and is formed by the projection of the Pharyngopalatinus, covered by mucous membrane.
External links[edit]
- lesson10 at The Anatomy Lesson by Wesley Norman (Georgetown University)
- SUNY Figs 34:01-04
- Roche Lexicon - illustrated navigator, at Elsevier 05287.011-1
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
Head and neck anatomy, digestive system: Mouth anatomy (TA A05.1–2, TH H3.04.01, GA 11.1110–2, 1125–1141)
Mouth |
Oral cavity
Lip (Upper, Lower, Vermilion border, Frenulum of lower lip, Labial commissure of mouth, Philtrum)
Cheek (Buccal fat pad)
Oral cavity proper
roof of mouth
Hard palate · Soft palate · Palatine raphe · Incisive papilla
Interdental papilla · Gingival sulcus · Gingival margin · Free gingival margin · Gingival fibers · Junctional epithelium · Mucogingival junction · Sulcular epithelium · Stippling
Periodontium: Cementum · Gingiva · Periodontal ligament
Parotid gland/Parotid duct · Submandibular gland/Submandibular duct · Sublingual gland/Major sublingual duct
see tooth anatomy
dorsum (Taste bud, Median sulcus, Terminal sulcus, Foramen cecum, Lingual tonsils) · ventral surface (Frenulum, Fimbriated fold, Sublingual caruncle) · Anterior · Posterior · Glossoepiglottic folds · Lingual septum
fauces |
Oropharyngeal isthmus/Isthmus of the fauces
Soft palate (Uvula, Palatoglossal arch, Palatopharyngeal arch, Plica semilunaris of the fauces)
Tonsillar fossa
Palatine tonsil
noco/cofa (c)/cogi/tumr, sysi
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English Journal
- Outcome comparison of two methods of pharyngeal cavity reconstruction in uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.
- Wu H1, Yin Y1, Ma H1, Wang Q1, Da P1, Yue H1.
- Acta oto-laryngologica.Acta Otolaryngol.2016 Apr 8:1-5. [Epub ahead of print]
- CONCLUSIONS: The efficacy of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) can be achieved without application of an apposition suture of the palatopharyngeal arch and the palatoglossal arch.OBJECTIVE: To compare the outcomes of two different methods of pharyngeal cavity reconstruction in UPPP.METHODS: Forty-eig
- PMID 27055923
- Correlation of Vocal Intensity with Velopharyngeal Closing Mechanism in Individuals with and without Complaint of Velopharyngeal Dysfunction.
- Girelli K1, Costa SS2, Collares MV3, Dornelles S4.
- International archives of otorhinolaryngology.Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol.2016 Jan;20(1):18-24. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1567809. Epub 2015 Nov 24.
- Introduction Velopharyngeal sphincter is a portion of the muscle of the palatopharyngeal arch that is capable of separating the oral cavity from the nasal cavity. It has not been determined yet whether voice intensity has an influence on this capacity. Velopharyngeal sphincter closure is accomplis
- PMID 26722340
- Spatial relationship between the palatopharyngeus and the superior constrictor of the pharynx.
- Sakamoto Y1.
- Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA.Surg Radiol Anat.2015 Aug;37(6):649-55. doi: 10.1007/s00276-015-1444-5. Epub 2015 Feb 12.
- PURPOSE: The palatopharyngeus and the superior constrictor act during swallowing. However, because they overlap one another, their morphologies have been controversial. This study examined these muscles to clarify their configuration and interrelationships.METHODS: The attachments and the fiber arra
- PMID 25669143
Japanese Journal
- 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 = The Journal of Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia 29(5), 635-638, 2009-09-15
- NAID 10025383083
- ヒト咽頭挙筋群の起始・走行ならびに停止に関する肉眼解剖学的研究
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- Medical Dictionary palatopharyngeal arch n. Either of two ridges or folds of mucous membrane passing from the soft palate to the wall of the pharynx and enclosing the palatopharyngeal muscle. The American Heritage® Stedman's ...
- 英
- palatopharyngeal arch (Z), pharyngopalatine arch
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Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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