- a congenital abnormality of the skull; the top of the skull assumes a cone shape (同)acrocephaly
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Oxycephaly |
Classification and external resources |
ICD-10 |
Q75.0 |
ICD-9 |
756.0 |
Oxycephaly, also known as turricephaly and high-head syndrome, is a type of cephalic disorder. This is a term sometimes used to describe the premature closure of the coronal suture plus any other suture, like the lambdoid, or it may be used to describe the premature fusing of all sutures. It should be differentiated from Crouzon syndrome. Oxycephaly is the most severe of the craniosynostoses.
External links
Congenital malformations and deformations of musculoskeletal system / musculoskeletal abnormality (Q65–Q76, 754–756.3)
limb / dysmelia |
Upper |
clavicle / shoulder: |
- Cleidocranial dysostosis
- Sprengel's deformity
- Wallis Zieff Goldblatt syndrome
hand deformity: |
- Madelung's deformity
- Clinodactyly
- Oligodactyly
- Polydactyly
Lower |
hip: |
- Dislocation of hip / Hip dysplasia
- Upington disease
- Coxa valga
- Coxa vara
knee: |
- Genu valgum
- Genu varum
- Genu recurvatum
- Discoid meniscus
- Congenital patellar dislocation
- Congenital knee dislocation
foot deformity: |
- varus
- valgus
- Pes cavus
- Rocker bottom foot
- Hammer toe
Either / both |
dactyly / digit: |
- Polydactyly / Syndactyly
- Arachnodactyly
- Cenani Lenz syndactylism
- Ectrodactyly
- Brachydactyly
reduction deficits / limb: |
- Acheiropodia
- ectromelia
- Phocomelia
- Amelia
- Hemimelia
multiple joints: |
- Arthrogryposis
- Larsen syndrome
- Rapadilino syndrome
Axial |
Craniofacial |
Craniosynostosis: |
- Scaphocephaly
- Oxycephaly
- Trigonocephaly
Craniofacial dysostosis: |
- Crouzon syndrome
- Hypertelorism
- Hallermann–Streiff syndrome
- Treacher-Collins syndrome
other: |
- Macrocephaly
- Platybasia
- Craniodiaphyseal dysplasia
- Dolichocephaly
- Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome
- Plagiocephaly
- Saddle nose
Vertebral column |
- spinal curvature
- Klippel–Feil syndrome
- Spondylolisthesis
- Spina bifida occulta
- Sacralization
Thoracic skeleton |
ribs: |
sternum: |
- Pectus excavatum
- Pectus carinatum
noco (arth/defr/back/soft)/cong, sysi/epon, injr
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- External craniofacial osteodistraction in complex craniosynostoses.
- Gasparini G, Di Rocco C, Tamburrini G, Pelo S.SourceMaxillo Facial Surgery, Complesso Integrato Columbus, Catholic University Medical School, Via Giuseppe Moscati 31, 00168, Rome, Italy, giulio.gasparini@rm.unicatt.it.
- Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery.Childs Nerv Syst.2012 Sep;28(9):1565-70. Epub 2012 Aug 8.
- PURPOSE: The use of distraction osteogenesis is the first option in the treatment of craniofacial hypoplasia. Both internal craniofacial distractor devices (ICDD) and external craniofacial distractor devices (ECDD) can improve visual and respiratory functions in patients with craniofacial synostosis
- PMID 22872274
- Complex craniosynostoses: a review of the prominent clinical features and the related management strategies.
- Tamburrini G, Caldarelli M, Massimi L, Gasparini G, Pelo S, Di Rocco C.SourcePediatric Neurosurgery, Institute of Neurosurgery, Catholic University Medical School, Largo "A. Gemelli", 8, 00168, Rome, Italy, gianpiero.tamburrini@rm.unicatt.it.
- Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery.Childs Nerv Syst.2012 Sep;28(9):1511-23. Epub 2012 Aug 8.
- The protocols for clinical evaluation and management of children with complex craniosynostoses are significantly different from those used in single suture forms. The time at which the various anatomical and functional anomalies observed in the affected subjects become clinically relevant varies fro
- PMID 22872268
Japanese Journal
- Brachycephaly 短頭症 Oxycephaly 小頭症 (特集 Craniosynostosis・先天性頭蓋顔面骨異常の治療) -- (非症候群性頭蓋縫合早期癒合症)
- 赤井 卓也,飯塚 秀明,川上 重彦,柿沼 宏明
- 金沢医科大学雑誌 30(4), 517-521, 2005-12
- 当院で治療を行なった頭蓋骨縫合早期癒合症について後方視的に検討し,診断,治療の問題点について考察した。対象は,29例で非症候群性頭蓋骨縫合早期癒合症23例,症候群性頭蓋骨縫合早期癒合症6例である。頭蓋形態は,短頭蓋7例,斜頭蓋9例,三角頭蓋8例,舟状頭蓋4例,尖頭蓋1例であった。症候群性頭蓋骨縫合早期癒合症は全例短頭蓋であった。診断の時期は,非症候群性頭蓋骨縫合早期癒合症では1歳7ヶ月,症候群性頭 …
- NAID 110006198481
Related Links
- Oxycephaly, also known as turricephaly and high-head syndrome, is a type of cephalic disorder. This is a term sometimes used to describe the premature closure of the coronal suture plus any other suture, like the lambdoid, or it may be used ...
- OXYCEPHALY*. Joseph E. J. King. *Read before the Southern Surgical Association, Pinehurst, N. C., December 9–11, 1941. Full text. Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Get a printable copy ( PDF file) of the ...
Related Pictures

- oxy
- 英
- oxycephaly, acrocephaly, acrocephalia
- 同
- 尖塔頭蓋症、尖頭蓋症、尖塔状頭蓋、尖頭蓋、塔状頭 塔状頭蓋 長頭症 長頭蓋症 dolichocephalia turricephaly, tower head, pointed head
[show details]
- 冠状縫合の癒合・閉鎖が早期かつ対称性に起きた病態
- 頭蓋の前後と側方への発育が阻害され、細長い塔状の頭蓋となる
- 英
- acrocephaly
- 同
- 尖頭症 oxycephaly、塔状頭蓋 turricephaly tower skull
- 英
- acrocephaly, oxycephaly
- 関
- 鋭頭, 頭蓋骨癒合症
- 英
- oxycephaly
- 関
- 頭蓋骨癒合症, 尖頭