- 関
- funicle、funiculi、funiculus
- any of several body structure resembling a cord
- the stalk of a plant ovule or seed (同)funiculus
- walk stiffly
- a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ (同)stem
- a stiff or threatening gait (同)angry walk
- the act of following prey stealthily (同)stalking
- a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or waiting in ambush (同)stalking, still hunt
- go through (an area) in search of prey; "stalk the woods for deer"
- a small body that contains the female germ cell of a plant; develops into a seed after fertilization
- a small or immature ovum
- 《しばしば複合語を作って》『茎』;葉柄 / 細長い支え
- 《副詞[句]を伴って》『大手を振って歩く』,堂々と歩く / (場所に)〈疫病・災害などが〉広がる,はびこる《+『through』(『across』)+『名』》 / 〈敵・獲物など〉‘に'『忍び寄る』,そっと近づく / (災害・疫病などが)〈場所〉‘に'広まる / (敵・獲物などに)忍び寄ること / いぱって歩くこと,濶歩(かっぽ)
- 胚珠(はいしゅ)
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English Journal
- Permian ginkgophyte fossils from the Dolomites resemble extant O-ha-tsuki aberrant leaf-like fructifications of Ginkgo biloba L.
- Fischer TC, Meller B, Kustatscher E, Butzmann R.SourceDepartment Biology I, Biocenter Botany, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Groshadernerstrasse 2-4, Planegg-Martinsried, Germany. thilo.fischer@biologie.uni-muenchen.de
- BMC evolutionary biology.BMC Evol Biol.2010 Nov 3;10:337.
- BACKGROUND: Structural elucidation and analysis of fructifications of plants is fundamental for understanding their evolution. In case of Ginkgo biloba, attention was drawn by Fujii in 1896 to aberrant fructifications of Ginkgo biloba whose seeds are attached to leaves, called O-ha-tsuki in Japan. T
- PMID 21044353
- Establishing a fossil record for the perianthless Piperales: Saururus tuckerae sp. nov. (Saururaceae) from the Middle Eocene Princeton Chert.
- Smith SY, Stockey RA.SourceDepartment of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E9 Canada.
- American journal of botany.Am J Bot.2007 Oct;94(10):1642-57.
- Investigations of small permineralized flowers from the Middle Eocene Princeton Chert, British Columbia, Canada have revealed that they represent an extinct species of Saururus. Over 100 flowers and one partial inflorescence were studied, and numerous minute perianthless flowers are borne in an inde
- PMID 21636361
Japanese Journal
- 相馬 早苗
- 文教大学教育学部紀要 32, 140-147, 1998-12-20
- … Others remained as still ridges white or yellowish until the end of August, while ovules on the stalk were desicated and fell away, if not pollinated. … Development of the ovule on the leaf is similar to that of the ordinary ovule on the stalk, though the former is always smaller in size than the latter. …
- NAID 110000330515
- シロイヌナズナのピン突然変異系統における心皮形成能〔英文〕
- GOTO Nobuharu,KATOH Norio,KRANZ Albert R.
- 遺伝学雑誌 66(5), 551-567, 1991
- … A young flower stalk of pin-formed (pin) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana forms no floral organ and bares its growing apex. … In the latter stages of growth the apex of the flower stalk becomes fasciate or circular, and then develops numerous deformed flowers from its flanks. … Among floral organs carpels are most predominantly formed, and the carpels often develop into pistils with ovary, stigma, papillae and ovule-like particles. …
- NAID 130000057358
Related Links
- The stalk attaching the ovule to the placenta is called the funiculus. Ovules are typically positioned so that the micropyle is facing the point of funiculus attachment, but other positions are found in a variety of plant ...
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- 関
- funiculi、funiculus、ovule stalk
- 関
- funicle、funiculus、ovule stalk
- 英
- funiculus、funiculi、funicle、ovule stalk
- 関
- egg、ova、oval、ovum