- an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus (同)reflex response, reflex action, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, inborn reflex, unconditioned_reflex, physiological reaction
- (of leaves) bent downward and outward more than 90 degrees
- 反射(刺激に対する無意識の反応) / 《複数形で》反射的な動き / (光などの)反射,反射光;映像 / 反射性の / (カメラが)レフ鋼の,反射型の
- 《選択を表し,語句・節を結んで》《肯定文・疑問文で》・・・『または』・・・,・・・か・・・ / 《否定文で》・・・も・・・もない / 《命令的表現の後で》『さもないと』 / 《前出の語を言い換えたり説明したりして》『すなわち』,言い換えれば
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English Journal
- Idiopathic oculostapedial synkinesis without history of facial nerve palsy.
- Fujiwara K1, Furuta Y, Fukuda S.
- Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology.Otol Neurotol.2015 Mar;36(3):510-2. doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000000460.
- OBJECTIVE: To report a case of idiopathic oculostapedial synkinesis without facial nerve disorder.PATIENT: A 30-year-old woman with tinnitus synchronous with eye closure is presented. The patient had no history of facial nerve disorder.RESULT: An impedance audiometer, in the absence of an auditory s
- PMID 24892367
- Clinical and electrophysiological studies of botulinum toxin type A to treat hemifacial spasm complicated with auricular symptoms.
- Peng B1, Dong H1, Chu H1, Zhang S1, Lu Z1.
- International journal of clinical and experimental medicine.Int J Clin Exp Med.2015 Jun 15;8(6):9772-8. eCollection 2015.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the involvement of posterior auricular muscle (PAM) and the effect of botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) injection into PAM in patients with hemifacial spasm (HFS) complicated with auricular symptoms.METHODS: Sixty-three consecutive HFS patients complicated with auricular sympt
- PMID 26309655
Japanese Journal
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- 英
- orbicularis oris reflex
- 関
- 口反射
- 同
- 複製起点
- 同
- origin of replication
- 同
- 複製起点
- 関
- reflect、reflection、reflective
- 関
- annular、circular、orbicularis
- 関
- annular、circular、orbicular