- 関
- intact、naive、non-treated、untreated
- inexperienced
- marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience; "a teenagers naive ignorance of life"; "the naive assumption that things can only get better"; "this naive simple creature with wide friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances" (同)naif
- not subjected to chemical or physical treatment; "an untreated fabric"
- (of a specimen for study under a microscope) not treated with a reagent or dye
- not given medical care or treatment; "an untreated disease"; "the untreated wounded lay on makeshift cots"
- undamaged in any way; "the vase remained intact despit rough handling"
- (of a woman) having the hymen unbroken; "she was intact, virginal" (同)inviolate
- (若き・経験不足から)〈人・言葉などが〉無邪気な,天真らんまんな,世間知らずな / 人を信じやすい,だまされやすい 日本語で「繊細な」という意味で「ナイーブ」使われることがありますが、英語では「ナイーブ」にそのようなニュアンスは含まれません。
- 手をつけない,損なわれない
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English Journal
- Effect of deastringency treatment of intact persimmon fruits on the quality of fresh-cut persimmons.
- Chung HS1, Kim HS2, Lee YG2, Seong JH2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Jan 1;166:192-7. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.06.015. Epub 2014 Jun 12.
- The changes in the quality characteristics of the fresh-cut products prepared from intact 'Cheongdobansi' persimmons treated with different deastringency methods (nontreated, carbon dioxide gas, warm water, ethanol vapour) have been investigated for 6 days at 10 °C. Flesh firmness of the persimmons
- PMID 25053045
- Florfenicol Residues in Rainbow Trout after Oral Dosing in Recirculating and Flow-through Culture Systems.
- Meinertz JR1, Hess KR, Bernardy JA, Gaikowski MP, Whitsel M, Endris RG.
- Journal of aquatic animal health.J Aquat Anim Health.2014 Dec;26(4):243-50. doi: 10.1080/08997659.2014.945046.
- Abstract Aquaflor is a feed premix for fish containing the broad spectrum antibacterial agent florfenicol (FFC) incorporated at a ratio of 50% (w/w). To enhance the effectiveness of FFC for salmonids infected with certain isolates of Flavobacterium psychrophilum causing coldwater disease, the FFC do
- PMID 25321636
- Protective Effects of Lactococci Strains Delivering Either IL-10 Protein or cDNA in a TNBS-induced Chronic Colitis Model.
- Del Carmen S1, Martín Rosique R, Saraiva T, Zurita-Turk M, Miyoshi A, Azevedo V, de Moreno de LeBlanc A, Langella P, Bermúdez-Humarán LG, LeBlanc JG.
- Journal of clinical gastroenterology.J Clin Gastroenterol.2014 Nov-Dec;48 Suppl 1:S12-7. doi: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000235.
- BACKGROUND: Oral treatment with Lactococcus lactis strains secreting the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10 has previously shown success as a therapy for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).GOALS: Our aim was to compare the protective effects of IL-10, delivered by recombinant lactoccoci u
- PMID 25291117
Japanese Journal
- Cell-free extract from porcine induced pluripotent stem cells can affect porcine somatic cell nuclear reprogramming
- NO Jin-Gu,CHOI Mi-Kyung,KWON Dae-Jin,YOO Jae Gyu,YANG Byoung-Chul,PARK Jin-Ki,KIM Dong-Hoon
- Journal of Reproduction and Development 61(2), 90-98, 2015
- … Compared to the results for nontreated cells, the trimethylation status of histone H3 lysine residue 9 (H3K9) in the iPSC-treated cells significantly decreased. …
- NAID 130005064915
- Cell-free extract from porcine induced pluripotent stem cells can affect porcine somatic cell nuclear reprogramming
- NO Jin-Gu,CHOI Mi-Kyung,KWON Dae-Jin,YOO Jae Gyu,YANG Byoung-Chul,PARK Jin-Ki,KIM Dong-Hoon
- Journal of Reproduction and Development advpub(0), 2015
- … Compared to the results for nontreated cells, the trimethylation status of histone H3 lysine residue 9 (H3K9) in the iPSC-treated cells significantly decreased. …
- NAID 130004774195
- 持田 裕司,竹村 洋子,松本 正江 [他],大沼 昭夫,内野 恵郎,飯塚 哲也,河本 夏雄,瀬筒 秀樹,木内 信
- 蚕糸・昆虫バイオテック 83(2), 2_163-2_170, 2014
- … The emerged female moths were mated with nontreated male moths and deposited eggs. …
- NAID 130004705727
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- 愚直な、だまされやすい
- 未経験の。単純素朴な。(画家など)正規の訓練を受けていない、素朴な。特定の実験/投薬を受けたことがない。特定の麻薬をやったことがない
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- 関
- intact, non-treated, nontreated, unchallenged, untreated
- 英
- untreated、intact、naive、nontreated、non-treated
- 関
- 未処置、未治療、無傷、非処理、未処理、非処置、無処理、インタクト、ナイーブ、ナイーヴ、未変化
- 無処置の、未処理の、未治療の、非処理の、未処置の、非処置の
- 関
- intact、naive、non-treated、nontreated、unchallenged
- インタクトな、無傷の、無処置の、(化合物が)未変化の
- 関
- naive、non-treated、nontreated、unchanged、untreated
- 関
- intact、naive、nontreated、untreated