We identify a highly specific mutation (jf18) in the Caenorhabditis elegans nuclear envelope protein matefin MTF-1/SUN-1 that provides direct evidence for active involvement of the nuclear envelope in homologous chromosome pairing in C. elegans meiosis. The reorganization of chromatin in early meios
Plant chromosome homology: hypotheses relating rendezvous, recognition and reciprocal exchange.
Wilson PJ1, Riggs CD, Hasenkampf CA.
Cytogenetic and genome research.Cytogenet Genome Res.2005;109(1-3):190-7.
Many higher eukaryotes have dispersed repetitive DNA and multiple instances of segmental duplications. As well, many plants and lower animals are polyploids. Thus restricting reciprocal genetic exchange to truly homologous chromosomes is likely a multi-step process. We propose the following sequence
Changes in protein composition of meiotic nodules during mammalian meiosis.
Plug AW1, Peters AH, Keegan KS, Hoekstra MF, de Boer P, Ashley T.
Journal of cell science.J Cell Sci.1998 Feb;111 ( Pt 4):413-23.
Homologous chromosome synapsis and meiotic recombination are facilitated by several meiosis-specific structures: the synaptonemal complex (SC), and two types of meiotic nodules: (1) early meiotic nodules (MNs), also called zygotene nodules or early recombination nodules, and (2) late recombination n
... 66 per cent of pollen sterility. Most of the sterility is attributed to crossing over in heterozygous inversions paired nonhomologously.The size of the chromatid fragments varies from a fraction of a micron to 9 microns in length ...
Read "Analysis of a paracentric inversion in human oocytes: nonhomologous pairing in pachytene" on DeepDyve - Instant access to the journals you need! A cytological analysis of the pairing configurations in meiosis in a 19-week ...