- low-paying; "a nickel-and-dime job"
- of minor importance; "a nickel-and-dime operation run out of a single rented room"; "a small-time actor" (同)small-time
- accumulate gradually; "she nickeled-and-dimed together a small house for her family"
- lacking in light; not bright or harsh; "a dim light beside the bed"; "subdued lights and soft music" (同)subdued
- become dim or lusterless; "the lights dimmed and the curtain rose"
- make dim or lusterless; "Time had dimmed the silver"
- switch (a cars headlights) from a higher to a lower beam (同)dip
- lacking clarity or distinctness; "a dim figure in the distance"; "only a faint recollection"; "shadowy figures in the gloom"; "saw a vague outline of a building through the fog"; "a few wispy memories of childhood" (同)faint, shadowy, vague, wispy
- divide or reset the tail muscles of; "nick horses"
- mate successfully; of livestock
- (British slang) a prison; "hes in the nick"
- cut a nick into (同)chip
- cut slightly, with a razor; "The barbers knife nicked his cheek" (同)snick
- plate with nickel; "nickel the plate"
- a hard malleable ductile silvery metallic element that is resistant to corrosion; used in alloys; occurs in pentlandite and smaltite and garnierite and millerite (同)Ni, atomic number 28
- five dollars worth of a drug; "a nickel bag of drugs"; "a nickel deck of heroin" (同)nickel note
- a United States coin worth one twentieth of a dollar
- 『薄暗い』,ほの暗い / はっきり見えない(聞こえない,理解できない) / (考え・記憶などが)はっきりしない,ぼんやりした / (色などが)くすんだ,光沢のない / 批判的な,悲観的な / 《話》(人が)ばかな,愚かな / (目が)かすんだ / …‘を'『薄暗くする』,ぼんやりさせる / 『薄暗くなる』,かすかになる
- 《語・句・節を対等に結んで》…『と』…,…や…,および / 《数詞を結合して》…『足す』…,…に加えて / …『しかも』…,…して,同時に… / 《時間的に》『そして』,それから,すると(and then) / 《当然の帰結として》…『ので』,…だから(and so) / 《おもに話》《命令文などの後で》『そうすれば』,そうしたら / 《追加・強調して》それに,しかも / 《対照的な内容を導いて》ところが,しかし(but) / 《譲歩的に》それなのに,それでいながら / 《A and Bで一体の関係を表して》《単数扱い》 / 《同一語を反復して多数・継続などを表して》 / 《同一の複数名詞を結合して変化・種類などを表して》 / 《話》《「形容詞+and+形容詞」の形で前の形容詞が後に副詞的に働く》 / 《話》《「動詞come, goなど+and+動詞」の形でandとその後の動詞が不定詞の働きをして》 / 《「動詞+and+動詞」の形で後の動詞が現在分詞の意を表して》 / 《話》《文頭において前の質問・意見などに同意を示して》そうとも,そして(Yes!and) / 《話》《文頭に置いて驚き・疑念・非難などを表して》ほんとうに;…なのに
- 刻み目(notch) / 表面だけの切り傷,かすり傷 / …‘に'刻み目(傷)をつける・「in the nick of time」で「きわどい時に, ちょうどよく」
- 状態,体調
- 〈U〉『ニッケル』(金属元素;化学記号は『Ni』) / 〈C〉(米国・カナダの)5セント白銅貨 / 〈C〉(一般に)ごくわずかの金 / …‘に'ニッケルめっきをする
- (次にくる語の発音が母音で始まるときに用いる) / (子音[h]で始まり第1音節に強勢のない語の場合はanを用いることがある.ただし,この場合は[h]を発音しない)
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English Journal
- How much for a dime bag? An exploration of youth drug markets.
- Harrison LD, Erickson PG, Korf DJ, Brochu S, Benschop A.SourceCenter for Drug and Alcohol Studies, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19715, USA. lharriso@udel.edu
- Drug and alcohol dependence.Drug Alcohol Depend.2007 Sep;90 Suppl 1:S27-39. Epub 2006 Nov 7.
- Relatively little is known about how youth obtain marijuana and other drugs. The Drugs, Alcohol and Violence International (DAVI) study explored youthful drug markets among samples of school students, detained youth, and school dropouts (ages 14-17 years) in the greater metropolitan areas of Philade
- PMID 17088025
- A case of mistaken identity: accidental ingestion of coins causing esophageal impaction in an elderly female.
- Fincher RK, Osgard EM.SourceGastroenterology Service, Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Fort Gordon, Georgia, USA. keithfincher@comcast.net
- MedGenMed : Medscape general medicine.MedGenMed.2003 Jun 6;5(2):3.
- Coin impaction of the esophagus is infrequently seen in adults, and multiple coin impaction has not been described. The patient was an 85-year-old blind female who presented with 2 days of dysphagia and odynophagia following an attempt to take her medications at bedtime. She reported an esophageal i
- PMID 14603102
- Gastric retention of zinc-based pennies: radiographic appearance and hazards.
- O'Hara SM, Donnelly LF, Chuang E, Briner WH, Bisset GS 3rd.SourceDepartment of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA.
- Radiology.Radiology.1999 Oct;213(1):113-7.
- PURPOSE: To determine the radiographic appearance and features of corrosion in U.S. coins exposed to gastric acid.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six U.S. copper-based pre-1982 pennies, 12 zinc-based post-1982 pennies, a quarter, a nickel, and a dime were exposed to postprandial concentrations of gastric aci
- PMID 10540650
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- nickel-and-dimeの意味は?英和辞書。goo辞書は無料で使える日本最大級の辞書 サービスです。
- Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America is a book written by Barbara Ehrenreich. Written from the perspective of the undercover journalist, it sets out to investigate the impact of the 1996 welfare reform act on the "working poor" in the ...
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- 関
- faint、faintly、subtle、subtly
- 関
- nicked
ニッケル Ni