- 関
- independent hypothesis、neutral mutation hypothesis、random drift theory
- possessing no distinctive quality or characteristics
- one who does not side with any party in a war or dispute
- having no net electric charge (同)electroneutral
- lacking distinguishing quality or characteristics; "a neutral personality that made no impression whatever"
- not supporting or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest
- a belief that can guide behavior; "the architect has a theory that more is less"; "they killed him on the theory that dead men tell no tales"
- a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena; "theories can incorporate facts and laws and tested hypothes
- 『中立の』;中立国の / 『公平な』,不偏不党の / (人・物が)特色のはっきりしない;(色が)はっきりしない,くすんだ / (酸性でもアルカリ性でもない)中性の / (電気が)中性の,(物体が)帯電していない / (自動車などのギアが)ニュートラルの / (文法で)中性の / 〈C〉(戦争・論争などで)中立の人;中立国民;中立国 / 〈C〉くすんだ色,灰色 / 〈U〉(自動車などのギヤの)ニュートラル(動力のかかっていない状態・位置)
- 〈C〉(…の)(学問的な)『理論』,学説《+of+名》 / 〈C〉〈U〉(…の実地に対する)『理論』《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(…という)『推測』,憶測;見解,孝え《+that節》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/12/12 11:32:24」(JST)
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Neutral theory may refer to one of these two related theories:
- the neutral theory of molecular evolution; or
- the unified neutral theory of biodiversity.
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English Journal
- The role of "interoceptive" fear conditioning in the development of panic disorder.
- De Cort K, Griez E, Büchler M, Schruers K.AbstractMore than 20% of the general population experience a panic attack at least once in their lives; however, only a minority goes on to develop panic disorder (PD). Conditioning mechanisms have been proposed to explain this evolution in persons who are susceptible to developing panic disorder upon a "traumatic" panic attack. According to preparedness theory, some cues are more likely to condition than others, namely, those referring to internal, bodily signals of danger. The aim of the present study was to test this theory in a differential conditioning paradigm, making use of scripts referring to different internal, bodily sensations as conditioned stimulus (CS) and inhalation of 35% CO(2) as unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Thirty-three healthy volunteers were assigned to three scripts conditions: "suffocation," "neutral," or "urgency." During acquisition, one of two versions of a particular script was always followed by an inhalation of 35% CO(2) (CS+) and the other by room air (CS-). Acquisition was followed by a test phase, where only inhalations of room air were administered. In line with our hypothesis, only participants in the suffocation condition exhibited a selective conditioning effect. They were more fearful and showed a significantly higher increase in tidal volume than participants in the two control conditions. Results are discussed with relation to interoceptive conditioning, preparedness, and the possible role of tidal volume in PD.
- Behavior therapy.Behav Ther.2012 Mar;43(1):203-15. Epub 2011 Sep 28.
- More than 20% of the general population experience a panic attack at least once in their lives; however, only a minority goes on to develop panic disorder (PD). Conditioning mechanisms have been proposed to explain this evolution in persons who are susceptible to developing panic disorder upon a "tr
- PMID 22304891
- How closely does genetic diversity in finite populations conform to predictions of neutral theory? Large deficits in regions of low recombination.
- Frankham R.Source1] Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia [2] Australian Museum, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
- Heredity.Heredity (Edinb).2012 Mar;108(3):167-78. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2011.66. Epub 2011 Aug 31.
- Levels of genetic diversity in finite populations are crucial in conservation and evolutionary biology. Genetic diversity is required for populations to evolve and its loss is related to inbreeding in random mating populations, and thus to reduced population fitness and increased extinction risk. Ne
- PMID 21878983
Japanese Journal
- 気体中を一定加速度で運動する球状液滴の界面不安定と振動の粘性ポテンシャル流解析
- 舟田 敏雄,大庭 勝久,望月 孔二
- 沼津工業高等専門学校研究報告 48, 145-150, 2014-03-31
- … The neutral state is specified by Bond numberas same as inviscid theory and can be obtained even for very high Bond number. …
- NAID 110009792566
- 身近な野菜を用いた分子系統樹を描く生徒実習教材の開発
- 身近な野菜を用いた分子系統樹を描く生徒実習教材の開発
- 風間 智子,山野井 貴浩,武村 政春
- 理科教育学研究 54(3), 319-334, 2014
- 2012 年度から先行実施されている高等学校理科の新学習指導要領に基づく生物教育では, 新科目「生物」(4 単位)において, 「DNA の塩基配列などを比較することによって系統関係が調べられていることを取り上げることが考えられる」(文部科学省, 2009)とあるように, 分子進化を基盤とした系統樹(分子系統樹)の内容が前面 …
- NAID 130003398854
Related Links
- The neutral theory of molecular evolution states that the vast majority of evolutionary changes at the molecular level are caused by random drift of selectively neutral mutants (not affecting fitness). The theory was introduced by Motoo Kimura in ...
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- 英
- neutral theory、independent hypothesis、neutral mutation hypothesis、random drift theory
- 関
- independent hypothesis、neutral mutation hypothesis、neutral theory
- 関
- neutral mutation hypothesis、neutral theory、random drift theory
- 関
- independent hypothesis、neutral theory、random drift theory