English Journal
- Asymptomatic large bladder diverticulum.
- Torella M, De Franciscis P, Mainini G, Marcello A, Matteo M, Ammaturo FP, Di Donna MC, Schettino MT.
- Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology.Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol.2014;41(1):87-9.
- The authors report a case of a 61-year-old woman diagnosed with large bladder diverticulum. Diagnosis was performed only after a series of investigations carried out for the occasional finding of hypercreatininaemia. Although the significant volumes of post void residual (PVR) and the relevant urine
- PMID 24707693
- [Prenatal diagnosis and prognosis of fetal nephrohydrosis].
- Cai SP1, He J, Shen Q.
- Zhonghua fu chan ke za zhi.Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi.2008 Oct;43(10):742-5.
- PMID 19087539
- [Pathomorphology of the kidneys in hemolytic-uremic syndrome in children].
- Khodasevich LS, Perov IuL, Nazhimov VP.
- Arkhiv patologii.Arkh Patol.1997 May-Jun;59(3):38-44.
- The kidneys were studied morphologically in 64 cases of hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) in children aged from 17 days to 4 years. Three variants of the kidney alterations are distinguished depending on the duration of acute renal failure (ARF): early, late and delayed alterations. Early alterations
- PMID 9290024
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- 英
- hydronephrosis
- 同
- 腎水腫 nephrohydrosis、尿腎症 uronephrosis
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