- an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose (同)nasal_bone, os_nasale
- optical properties; "the optics of a telescope"
- the branch of physics that studies the physical properties of light
- inflammation of a nerve accompanied by pain and sometimes loss of function
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》鼻の / 鼻声の / (音声が)鼻音の / (音声で)鼻音;鼻音字([m][n][g])
- 光学
- (・・・を)選ぶ《+『for』+『名』》;(・・・するほうを)選ぶ《+『to』 do》
- 神経炎
- 目の;視覚の
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English Journal
- Macular spectral domain optical coherence tomography findings in Tanzanian endemic optic neuropathy.
- Kisimbi J1, Shalchi Z, Mahroo OA, Mhina C, Sanyiwa AJ, Mabey D, Mohamed M, Plant GT.Author information 11 Department of Ophthalmology, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Box 65001, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania.AbstractBilateral optic neuropathy in Dar es Salaam is now considered endemic and is estimated to affect 0.3-2.4% of young adults. The condition is characterized by a subacute bilateral loss of central vision of unknown aetiology. Findings of spectral domain optical coherence tomography have not previously been reported for these patients. All patients diagnosed with endemic optic neuropathy over a 2-year period at the Muhimbili National Hospital underwent spectral domain optical coherence tomography macular imaging. Scans were graded qualitatively for severity of retinal nerve fibre layer loss as well as the presence of microcystic macular changes, which have not previously been described in this condition. Of the 128 patients included (54.7% male; median age 20 years), severe retinal nerve fibre layer loss was found in 185 eyes (74.0%). There was full concordance in retinal nerve fibre layer thickness between the two eyes in 113 (91.1%) patients. Microcystic macular spaces were found in 16 (12.5%) patients and were bilateral in nine (7.0%) individuals. These changes were typically more prominent in the nasal than the temporal macula, predominantly involving the inner nuclear layer, and often occurred in an annular configuration that was evident on en face infra-red imaging, though not discernible on colour fundus photography or clinically. All patients with microcystic macular changes had severe thinning of the retinal nerve fibre layer (P = 0.02). Four patients in whom cystic spaces were demonstrated had sequential scans, and there was no detectable alteration in the configuration of these changes over a period of up to 16 months. This is the first study to document optical coherence tomography findings in endemic optic neuropathy. We have observed symmetrical severe loss of the caeco-central projection (papillomacular bundle) with otherwise well-preserved macular architecture. Also, we have observed microcystic retinal changes in a significant proportion of patients, which were associated with severe retinal nerve fibre layer loss. Similar changes have recently been reported from optical coherence tomography images of patients with multiple sclerosis, relapsing isolated optic neuritis, dominant optic atrophy, Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy and a patient with a chronic compressive optic neuropathy, supporting the hypothesis that this may be a non-specific phenomenon secondary to ganglion cell death. The correspondence of the changes to an annulus discernible on infra-red en face imaging, but not using other conventional retinal imaging techniques highlights the potential usefulness of this modality.
- Brain : a journal of neurology.Brain.2013 Nov;136(Pt 11):3418-26. doi: 10.1093/brain/awt221. Epub 2013 Sep 9.
- Bilateral optic neuropathy in Dar es Salaam is now considered endemic and is estimated to affect 0.3-2.4% of young adults. The condition is characterized by a subacute bilateral loss of central vision of unknown aetiology. Findings of spectral domain optical coherence tomography have not previously
- PMID 24018312
- Predictive value of 1 month retinal nerve fiber layer thinning for deficits at 6 months after acute optic neuritis.
- Kupersmith MJ1, Anderson S, Kardon R.Author information 1Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery (INN), Roosevelt Hospital, New York, NY, USA.AbstractBACKGROUND: Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) loss occurs with multiple sclerosis and after optic neuritis. Vision or RNFL changes at presentation of optic neuritis are not predictive of outcome, but vision loss at 1 month correlates with vision deficits at 6 months. We hypothesized that RFNL thinning at 1 month would predict RNFL loss at 6 months.
- Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England).Mult Scler.2013 Nov;19(13):1743-8. doi: 10.1177/1352458513485149. Epub 2013 May 22.
- BACKGROUND: Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) loss occurs with multiple sclerosis and after optic neuritis. Vision or RNFL changes at presentation of optic neuritis are not predictive of outcome, but vision loss at 1 month correlates with vision deficits at 6 months. We hypothesized that RFNL thinnin
- PMID 23698127
Japanese Journal
- 術後性副鼻こうのう胞による視器障害の4例 全副鼻こう手術と視神経管開放術の経験:全副鼻腔手術と視神経管開放術の経験
- 仁保 正和
- 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 84(8), 826-835, 1981
- … Four patients of eye lesions due to postoperative muco-pyoceles of the nasal accessory sinuses were reported. … Another two patients with blindness received decompression of the optic canal through the trans-ethmoidal route (S. … Their postoperative courses were observed from the second to the sixth year.Patients with exophthalmus associated with slight retrobulbar optic neuritis returned to their normal levels. …
- NAID 130000810098
- 石神 寛通,野村 隆彦
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 71(1), 3-18, 1978
- 視覚障害を伴う慢性副鼻腔炎5症例について報告した.症例1は56才男性, 4年前に右外斜視, 複視があって副鼻腔根本手術をうけて軽快した再発性副鼻腔炎による右視, 動眼, 滑車神経障害例であり, 再手術によって眼症状も治癒した.症例2は56才男性, 積年の高度の慢性副鼻腔炎に合併した両側陳旧性視力障害で, 眼底所見上視神経乳頭の萎縮像もあって, 副鼻腔根治手術のみでは視力の改善が充分得られなかった. …
- NAID 130001815410
Related Links
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- 英
- nasal retrobullar optic neuritis, nasal retrobulbar optic neuritis
- 関
- 球後視神経炎 retrobulbar neuritis
- 関
- choice、choose、elect、elective、option、optional、prefer、select、selection、selective
- 関
- nasotracheal、nose、snout、transnasal
- 関
- ocular、vision、visual
- 関
- optical