- 関
- nasal inflammation、rhinitis
- an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose (usually associated with nasal discharge) (同)coryza
- an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose (同)nasal_bone, os_nasale
- inflammation of the nose and throat with increased production of mucus
- 鼻炎
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》鼻の / 鼻声の / (音声が)鼻音の / (音声で)鼻音;鼻音字([m][n][g])
- カタル(特にかぜなどで鼻・のどなどの粘膜に起こる炎症)
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- 1. 小児における鼻の外傷および骨折 nasal trauma and fractures in children
- 2. 鼻閉塞の臨床症状、診断、および治療 clinical presentation diagnosis and treatment of nasal obstruction
- 3. 鼻症状の原因:概要 etiologies of nasal symptoms an overview
- 4. 鼻前庭癌 cancer of the nasal vestibule
- 5. 鼻の先天異常 congenital anomalies of the nose
English Journal
- Effect of Traffic-Related Air Pollution on Allergic Disease: Results of the Children's Health and Environmental Research.
- Jung DY1, Leem JH2, Kim HC3, Kim JH4, Hwang SS1, Lee JY1, Kim BJ5, Hong YC6, Hong SJ7, Kwon HJ8.
- Allergy, asthma & immunology research.Allergy Asthma Immunol Res.2015 Jul;7(4):359-66. doi: 10.4168/aair.2015.7.4.359.
- PURPOSE: This study evaluated the relationship of living near to main roads to allergic diseases, airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), allergic sensitization, and lung function in Korean children.METHODS: A total of 5,443 children aged 6-14 years from 33 elementary schools in 10 cities during 2005-2006
- PMID 25936911
- Local immunoglobulin e in the nasal mucosa: clinical implications.
- De Schryver E1, Devuyst L1, Derycke L1, Dullaers M2, Van Zele T1, Bachert C3, Gevaert P4.
- Allergy, asthma & immunology research.Allergy Asthma Immunol Res.2015 Jul;7(4):321-31. doi: 10.4168/aair.2015.7.4.321. Epub 2015 Mar 5.
- Immunoglobulin E (IgE) can be highly elevated in the airway mucosa independently of IgE serum levels and atopic status. Mostly, systemic markers are assessed to investigate inflammation in airway disease for research or clinical practice. A more accurate but more cumbersome approach to determine inf
- PMID 25749769
- An outbreak of human metapneumovirus in a rehabilitation center for alcoholics in Tampere, Finland.
- Laine O1, Laine J, Säilä P, Huhtala H, Syrjänen J, Vuorinen T, Vuento R.
- Infectious diseases (London, England).Infect Dis (Lond).2015 Jul;47(7):499-503. doi: 10.3109/00365548.2014.995698. Epub 2015 Mar 11.
- Reports of respiratory tract infections in a rehabilitation center for alcoholics triggered the epidemiological investigations in Tampere, Finland. Twenty-nine out of 40 residents (attack rate 73%) and four members of staff fulfilled the case criteria: cough; worsening of dyspnea; or rhinitis with o
- PMID 25761612
Japanese Journal
- 小野 恵美子,前田 裕二,谷本 英則,福冨 友馬,押方 智也子,関谷 潔史,粒来 崇博,釣木澤 尚実,大友 守,谷口 正実,石井 豊太,朝比奈 昭彦,宮崎 英士,熊本 俊秀,秋山 一男
- アレルギー 56(6), 587-592, 2007-06-30
- 【背景・目的】近年,果物にアレルギー症状を呈する患者が増加している.これらの患者について背景や特徴,重症度の把握を行う.【対象・方法】過去5年間に当院外来を受診し,問診から植物由来食品に何らかのアレルギーが疑われた関東圏在住の患者を対象とし,アンケート調査を行った.【結果】対象は42例,平均年齢36歳,男:女=8 : 34. アレルギー疾患の合併は,鼻アレルギー35例(83%),喘息34例(81% …
- NAID 110006345352
- ウマ病巣由来Staphylococcus aureusの性状
- 清水 晃,河野 潤一,尾崎 潤一郎,佐々木 紀幸,木村 重,鎌田 正信,安斉 了,斉藤 博,佐藤 久聡
- 日本獣医学雑誌 53(4), 601-606, 1991-08-15
- 1985年5月から1988年11月の間に, 3道県のウマの各種病巣から分離したS. aureus 76株の各種性状を検討した. 生物型は, 子宮炎株ではBとC型がほぼ同頻度で検出されたが, 皮膚(蜂巣織炎, 皮膚炎), 呼吸器(副鼻腔炎, 蓄膿症, 鼻カタール)および下痢症株ではC型が多くみられた. コアグラーゼ型は, 子宮炎株ではVとVII型が多く, 皮膚および呼吸器株ではII型が多くみられた. …
- NAID 110003915405
- Changes of the tympanogram after acute otitis media in children - Results of screening tests and questionnaires. : Results of Screening Tests and Questionnaires
- 佐藤 昭美,飯尾 寛治
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 78(1), 31-40, 1985
- … of the eustachian tube.2) In these cases, however, if there were associated nasal or pharyngeal diseases, normalization was delayed, and recurrences of otitis media were more frequent.3) The majority of patients with associated nasal or pharyngeal disease but without a previous history of acute otitis media had Type A TGs, indicating no effect on the eustachian tube.4) In many patients in whom tubo-tympanic catarrh was diagnosed, symptoms suggestive of infection of the upper respiratory tract …
- NAID 130001809045
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- Catarrh is an excessive build-up of thick phlegm or mucus in an airway or cavity of the body. It is usually found in the sinuses (the two small, air-filled cavities either side of your nose), but it can also occur in the throat, ears or chest. Catarrh is ...
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- 関
- nasal catarrh、rhinitis
- 英
- nasal catarrh
- 関
- 鼻炎
- 関
- nasotracheal、nose、snout、transnasal