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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/11/30 13:43:37」(JST)
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Myotome |
Scheme showing the manner in which each vertebral centrum is developed from portions of two adjacent segments. (Myotome labeled in upper right.) |
Transverse section of a human embryo of the third week to show the differentiation of the primitive segment. ao. Aorta. m.p. Muscle-plate. n.c. Neural canal. sc. Sclerotome. s.p. cutis-plate. ("Muscle-plate" is an older term for "myotome.") |
Latin |
myotomus |
Gray's |
subject #17 80 |
Carnegie stage |
13/14 |
Precursor |
somite |
Gives rise to |
muscle |
Code |
TE E5. |
In vertebrate embryonic development, a myotome is a group of tissues formed from somites. These somites develop into the body wall muscle.
Each myotome divides into a dorsal epaxial part and a ventral hypaxial part.
The myoblasts from the hypaxial division form the muscles of the thoracic and anterior abdominal walls.
The term "myotome" is also used to describe the muscles served by a single nerve root.[1] It is the motor equivalent of a dermatome.
Each muscle in the body is supplied by a one or more levels or segments of the spinal cord and by their corresponding spinal nerves. A group of muscles innervated by the motor fibres of a single nerve root is known as a myotome.[2]
The epaxial muscle mass loses its segmental character to form the extensor muscles of the neck and trunk of mammals. In fishes, salamanders, caecilians, and reptiles, the body musculature remains segmented as in the embryo, though it often becomes folded and overlapping, with epaxial and hypaxial masses divided into several distinct muscle groups.
- 1 Clinical Significance
- 2 See also
- 3 References
- 4 External links
Clinical Significance
In humans myotome testing can be an integral part of neurological examination as each nerve root coming from the spinal cord supplies a specific group of muscles. Testing of myotomes, in the form of isometric resisted muscle testing, provides the clinician with information about the level in the spine where a lesion may be present.[3] During myotome testing, the clinician is looking for muscle weakness of a particular group of muscles. Results may indicate lesion to the spinal cord nerve root, or intervertebral disc herniation pressing on the spinal nerve roots.
Myotome distributions of the upper and lower extremity are as follows;[4][5]
- C1/C2-neck flexion/extension
- C3-neck lateral flexion
- C4-shoulder elevation
- C5-shoulder abduction
- C6-elbow flexion/wrist extension
- C7-elbow extension/wrist flexion
- C8-thumb extension
- T1-finger abduction
- L2-hip flexion
- L3-knee extension
- L4-ankle dorsi-flexion
- L5-great toe extension
- S1-ankle plantar-flexion
- S2-knee flexion
See also
- ^ myotome at eMedicine Dictionary
- ^ Apparelyzed: Myotomes & Dermatomes
- ^ Magee, David. J (2006). "1". Orthopaedic Physical Assessment (4th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier. pp. 1–63. ISBN 978-1-4160-3109-3.
- ^ Magee, David. J (2006). "3". Orthopaedic Physocal Assessment (4th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier. pp. 121–181. ISBN 978-1-4160-3109-3.
- ^ Magee, David. J (2009). "9". Orthopaedic Physocal Assessment (4th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier. pp. 467–566. ISBN 978-1-4160-3109-3.
External links
- Embryology at UNSW Notes/skmus7
- Embryology at UNSW Notes/week3_6
- mslimb-009 — Embryo Images at University of North Carolina
Embryology of bones, joints, and muscles (GA 2.80, TE E5.0-2)
Ossification |
Upper limb |
- Ossification of humerus
- Ossification of ulna
- Ossification of radius
Lower limb |
Head |
- cranium: Ossification of occipital bone
- Ossification of frontal bone
- Ossification of temporal bone
- Ossification of sphenoid
- Ossification of ethmoid
- facial bones: Ossification of vomer
- Sutura vomerina
- Foramen vomerinum
- Meatus vomerinus
- Fissura vomerina
- Ossification of maxilla
- Ossification of mandible
Other |
Other |
- Limb development: Limb bud
- Apical ectodermal ridge/AER
- Zone of polarizing activity
anat(c/f/k/f, u, t/p, l)/phys/devp/cell
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
noco(arth/defr/back/soft)/cong, sysi/epon, injr
anat (h/n, u, t/d, a/p, l)/phys/devp/hist
noco(m, s, c)/cong(d)/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
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English Journal
- Development of somites, muscle, and skeleton is independent of signals from the wolffian duct.
- Krück S, Nesemann J, Scaal M.SourceInstitute of Anatomy II, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany; Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Department of Molecular Embryology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
- Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists.Dev Dyn.2013 Aug;242(8):941-8. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.23986. Epub 2013 Jun 11.
- Background: In the vertebrate embryo, skeletal muscle and the axial skeleton arise from the somites. Patterning of the somites into the respective somite compartments, namely dermomyotome, myotome, and sclerotome, depends on molecular signals from neighboring structures, including surface ectoderm,
- PMID 23681750
- Muscle development and body growth in larvae and early post-larvae of shi drum, Umbrina cirrosa L., reared under different larval photoperiod: muscle structural and ultrastructural study.
- Ayala MD, Abellán E, Arizcun M, García-Alcázar A, Navarro F, Blanco A, López-Albors OM.SourceDepartment Anatomía y Anatomía Patológica Comparadas, Anatomía y Embriología Veterinaria, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de Murcia, 30100, Murcia, Spain,
- Fish physiology and biochemistry.Fish Physiol Biochem.2013 Aug;39(4):807-27. doi: 10.1007/s10695-012-9742-x. Epub 2012 Nov 4.
- Shi drum specimens were maintained under four different photoperiod regimes: a natural photoperiod regime (16L:8D), constant light (24L), equal durations of light and dark (12L:12D) and a reduced number of daylight hours (6L:18D) from hatching until the end of larval metamorphosis. Specimens were th
- PMID 23124866
- Body wall development in lamprey and a new perspective on the origin of vertebrate paired fins.
- Tulenko FJ, McCauley DW, Mackenzie EL, Mazan S, Kuratani S, Sugahara F, Kusakabe R, Burke AC.SourceDepartment of Biology, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06459.
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2013 Jul 16;110(29):11899-904. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1304210110. Epub 2013 Jul 1.
- Classical hypotheses regarding the evolutionary origin of paired appendages propose transformation of precursor structures (gill arches and lateral fin folds) into paired fins. During development, gnathostome paired appendages form as outgrowths of body wall somatopleure, a tissue composed of somati
- PMID 23818600
Japanese Journal
- Muscle fiber types, growth and development in the whole myotome of cultured Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis
- ROY Bimol Chandra,ANDO Masashi,NAKATANI Masahiro,OKADA Tokihiko,SAWADA Yoshifumi,ITOH Tomohiro,TSUKAMASA Yasuyuki
- Fisheries science : FS 78(2), 471-483, 2012-03-01
- NAID 10030125177
Related Links
- In humans myotome testing can be an integral part of neurological examination as each nerve root coming from the spinal cord supplies a specific group of muscles. Testing of myotomes, in the form of isometric resisted muscle testing, ...
- My-Otome (舞-乙HiME, Mai-Otome) is an anime series created by Sunrise. Directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino, it is a spinoff of My -HiME anime series and as such My-Otome takes place in a new setting with new ...
Related Pictures

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- myotomal、myotome、sarcomere、sarcomeric
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- myomere、myotome、sarcomere
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- muscle plate、myomere、myotome
- 英
- myotome
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- 皮膚分節、骨分節
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- myotomal、myotome