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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/20 17:22:22」(JST)
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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (January 2007) |
For the branded rail service, see West Midlands Passenger Transport Executive.
In typography, the mean line, also called the midline, is half the distance from the baseline to the cap height. This may or may not be the x-height,[1] depending on the design of the lower case letters. A very high or very low x-height may mean that the midline is above or below the x-height.
This confusion has been perpetuated by books, and web sites, on typography which copied from books on type back to the original book or source on type that first failed to clarify this difference.
Round glyphs will break (overshoot) the mean line slightly in many typefaces, since this is aesthetically more pleasing; a rounded shape will appear visually smaller than flat-topped (or bottomed) shapes of equal height, due to an optical illusion.
Typography terminology
Page |
- Canons of page construction
- Column
- Margin
- Page numbering
- Pagination
- Pull quote
- Recto and verso
Paragraph |
- Alignment
- Justification
- Leading
- River
- Sentence spacing
- Widows and orphans
Character |
Typeface anatomy |
- Counter
- Diacritics
- Dingbat
- Glyph
- Initial
- Kerning
- Letter-spacing
- Ligature
- Subscript and superscript
- Swash
- Text figures
- Tittle
Capitalization |
- All caps
- CamelCase
- Letter case
- Petite caps
- Small caps
Vertical aspects |
- Ascender
- Baseline
- Cap height
- Descender
- Median
- Overshoot
- x-height
Classifications |
Roman type |
- Antiqua (Old Style)
- Didone (Modern)
- Sans-serif
- Script
- Serif
- Slab serif
- Transitional
Blackletter type |
- Fraktur
- Rotunda
- Schwabacher
- Textualis
Gaelic type |
Punctuation |
- Dashes
- Hanging punctuation
- Hyphenation
- Prime mark
- Quotation mark
Typesetting |
- Calligraphy
- etaoin shrdlu
- Font (computer)
- Font catalog
- Letterpress
- Lorem ipsum
- Microtypography
- Movable type
- Pangram
- Phototypesetting
- Punchcutting
- Type color
- Type design
- Typeface (list)
- Monospaced font
Typographic units |
- Agate
- Cicero
- Em
- En
- Figure space
- Measure
- Paren space
- Pica
- Point (Traditional point-size names)
- Thin space
Digital typography |
- Character encoding
- Font formats
- Hinting
- Rasterization
- Typesetting software
- List of typographic features
- Web typography
Other |
- ^ Cheng, Karen (2005). designing type. Yale University Press. pp. 12, 13. ISBN 0-300-11150-9.
External links
- Page 12-13 Designing Type by Karen Cheng
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 血管内カテーテル関連感染症:予防intravascular catheter related infection prevention [show details]
…rates associated with these newer midline catheters are limited. Although newer midline catheters appear to be associated with fewer adverse events than earlier midline catheters, symptomatic thrombosis …
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…to guide decisions for all types of device placement, including peripheral intravenous catheters, midlines, PICCs, and CICCs, is associated with greater adherence to infection prevention measures . As an …
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…use a 22-gauge needle if necessary. The spinal needle can be inserted using a midline or a paramedian approach. The midline approach is simpler; the paramedian approach requires mental triangulation and …
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…placed. Supraumbilical clefts are midline defects that occur as a result of disruption of abdominal wall fusion. They are rarely an isolated finding. In most cases, midline clefts are associated with hemangiomas …
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…approach: A midline vaginal incision is made from the introitus to the level of the vaginal apex. The epithelium is dissected off the superior surface of the mesh and the mesh is split in the midline. With …
English Journal
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- Alhafez BA, Truong VTT, Ocazionez D, Sohrabi S, Sandhu H, Estrera A, Safi HJ, Evangelista A, Hurtado LD, Guala A, Prakash SK.
- International journal of cardiology. 2019 Jun;284()84-89.
- Arterial tortuosity has emerged as a predictor of adverse outcomes in congenital aortopathies using 3D reconstructed images. We validated a new method to estimate aortic arch tortuosity on 2D CT. We hypothesize that arch tortuosity may identify bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) patients at high risk to de
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- The body center of mass in primates: Is it more caudal than in other quadrupedal mammals?
- Druelle F, Berthet M, Quintard B.
- American journal of physical anthropology. 2019 May;169(1)170-178.
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- Oblique pelvic osteotomy in the treatment of bladder exstrophy in neonates.
- Giordano M, Di Lazzaro A, Guzzanti V, Careri S, Bagolan P, Zaccara AM, Toniolo RM.
- Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B. 2019 May;28(3)207-213.
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Japanese Journal
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- Facial nerve research 30, 37-39, 2011-12-20
- NAID 10027667718
- 側頭下窩到達法(III 手術アプローチの選択とピットフォール-第24回微小脳神経外科解剖セミナーより-,微小脳神経外科解剖)
- 川原 信隆
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 20(Supplement_2), 207-214, 2011-10-20
- 側頭下窩は中頭蓋底に位置し,外側には顔面神経,下顎骨があるために手術到達法が比較的困難な領域である.大型病変では,側頭骨後半を削除するinfratemporal fossa approachが広く用いられてきている一方,正中から側方進展した病変にはmandibular swing approachも有用な方法である.しかし,前者は聴力消失と咬合障害が,後者では顔面切開が欠点となり,限局性病変には侵 …
- NAID 110008790799
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- midline、median
- 関
- 正中線、中央値、中位、中位数
- 関
- midline thalamic nuclei、paratenial thalamic nucleus、paraventricular nucleus of thalamus、paraventricular thalamic nucleus、rhomboid nucleus
- 関
- midline thalamic nucleus