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- 1. Fetal abdomen: Causes of abnormal echogenicity and calcificationfetal abdomen causes of abnormal echogenicity and calcification [show details]
…adrenal carcinoma, adrenal hyperplasia, duplication of the renal system, Wilms tumor, congenital mesoblastic nephroma, lymphatic malformations, and mesenteric and enteric duplication cysts . Ultrasound appearance …
- 2. 気管支肺分画症の出生前診断およびマネージメントprenatal diagnosis and management of bronchopulmonary sequestration [show details]
…intraabdominal masses, such as mesoblastic nephroma, can mimic an infradiaphragmatic BPS. Thorough examination to assess origin can help differentiate between these lesions: mesoblastic nephroma arises from the …
- 3. ウィルムス腫瘍の症状、診断、および病期分類presentation diagnosis and staging of wilms tumor [show details]
…rate of greater than 80 percent within the first year of diagnosis . Congenital mesoblastic nephroma – Congenital mesoblastic nephroma is usually detected within the first year of life or by prenatal ultrasonography …
- 4. 生後1か月から1歳の乳児に生じる高血圧の評価および診断evaluation and diagnosis of hypertension in infants between one month and one year of age [show details]
…Other rare causes include: Tumors including Wilms tumor, pheochromocytoma, neuroblastoma, and mesoblastic nephroma. Orthopedic procedures, particularly those requiring skeletal traction . Hypertension…
- 5. 嚢胞性腎疾患の胎児超音波診断prenatal sonographic diagnosis of cystic renal disease [show details]
…condition can mimic renal agenesis. Rare cases of Wilms tumor, multilocular cyst, or cystic mesoblastic nephroma can present in a similar manner to MCDK. From its ultrasound appearance, MCDK may also …
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