- characterized by or causing or expressing sadness; "growing more melancholy every hour"; "her melancholic smile"; "we acquainted him with the melancholy truth" (同)melancholic
- a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed
- a feeling of thoughtful sadness
- perennial stoloniferous thistle of northern Europe with lanceolate basal leaves and usually solitary heads of reddish-purple flowers (同)Cirsium heterophylum, Cirsium helenioides
- 憂うつ,もの悲しさ / もの悲しいふんい気 / (人・気持ちが)憂うつな,ふさぎ込んだ / (事柄・話などが)もの悲しい気持ちにさせる,悲しげな
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/10 00:14:35」(JST)
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Melancholy may refer to:
- Melancholia, one of the four temperaments in pre-modern medicine and proto-psychology, representing a state of low mood
- Depression (mood), a state of low mood, also known as melancholy
- Major depressive disorder, a mood disorder historically called melancholy
- Melancholy (album), a 1999 live free jazz album by Cecil Taylor's Workshop Ensemble
- The Melancholy E.P., a 1999 EP by American heavy metal band Iced Earth containing the song "Melancholy (Holy Martyr)"
- Melancholy (Edvard Munch), an 1893 painting by Edvard Munch
See also
- Melancolie (disambiguation)
- Melancholia (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Black bile of melancholy or gallstones of biliary colics: historical perspectives on cholelithiasis.
- Bielefeldt K.
- Digestive diseases and sciences.Dig Dis Sci.2014 Nov;59(11):2623-34. doi: 10.1007/s10620-014-3292-2. Epub 2014 Aug 8.
- Barely 130 years after its first description, cholecystectomies are among the most commonly performed surgeries in the USA. The success of this operation with subsequent technical improvements, such as laparoscopic approaches, caused a paradigm shift in the management of gallstone disease. However,
- PMID 25102982
- Demonic possession and the historical construction of melancholy and hysteria.
- Westerink H.
- History of psychiatry.Hist Psychiatry.2014 Sep;25(3):335-49. doi: 10.1177/0957154X14530818.
- Contrary to the often-voiced opinion that the birth of modern psychiatry should be regarded as a victory of enlightened science and rationality over outdated religious beliefs and ecclesiastical authority, it is argued in this article that the emergence of medical and psychiatric approaches to patho
- PMID 25114148
- Death of an alienist: Louis-Victor Marcé's final year.
- Luauté JP1, Lempérière T2, Arnaud P3.
- History of psychiatry.Hist Psychiatry.2014 Sep;25(3):265-82. doi: 10.1177/0957154X14529219.
- The cause of death, at the age of 37, of Louis-Victor Marcé (1828-64), one of the most innovative alienists of the nineteenth century, was concealed by his contemporaries and colleagues. Recently it has been discovered that he committed suicide, but the circumstances and reasons for this were unkno
- PMID 25114144
- [Obsessions before Freud: history and clinical practice.]
- Huertas R.
- Historia, ciencias, saude--Manguinhos.Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos.2014 Aug 13;0:0. [Epub ahead of print]
- The article analyses the significance of the concept of "obsession" in nineteenth-century alienism. From a clinical point of view, Esquirol's description was completed by other authors (Jules Falret, Legrand du Saulle). In the area of psychopathological studies, French alienism, with Morel's emotion
- PMID 25119249
Japanese Journal
- 吉行淳之介の憂鬱 : うつ病による創造と喪失について
- へーゲル的主体のメランコリー : 『欲望の主体』におけるバトラーのヘーゲル解釈とその展開
- キョンを形作るもの : 『涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱』を中心に
- 書評 眞嶋亜有著『「肌色の憂鬱」 : 近代日本の人種体験』
Related Links
- melancholyとは。意味や和訳。[名詞] (pl. -chol・ies)1 (習慣性の,または長期間に及ぶ)憂鬱ゆううつ,ふさぎ込み.2 深い物思い,沈思,物悲しさ,哀愁.3 ((古))(1)黒胆汁質:黒胆汁(black bile)が多すぎる状態;古代および中世の医学では ...
- melancholy 【名】憂鬱、深い物思い、哀愁 【形】憂鬱な、物悲しい - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
- Melancholy Music Academy 本庄市初芸能音楽学院 またはoffice.melancholy@gmail.comまでお問い合わせ下さいませ。 運営 MMA 協力 ウニクス上里 後援 NPO法人 彩の国地域活性化協会 概要 | プライバシーポリシー | Cookie Policy ...
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- melancholia, melancholy
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- うつ病