- negation of a word or group of words; "he does not speak French"; "she is not going"; "they are not friends"; "not many"; "not much"; "not at all" (同)non
- notch a surface to record something
- a V-shaped indentation; "mandibular notch"
- a small cut (同)nick, snick
- a V-shaped or U-shaped indentation carved or scratched into a surface; "there were four notches in the handle of his revolver"
- cut or make a notch into; "notch the rope"
- of or relating to or in the region of the mastoid process
- process of the temporal bone behind the ear at the base of the skull (同)mastoid_process, mastoid bone, mastoidal
- relating to or resembling a nipple (同)mastoidal
- 《助動詞,be動詞,時にhaveと共に,また一般動詞にはdoを添えて文の否定を表して》…『でない』,しない / 《語・句・節を否定して》…『でなく』 / 「not+形(副)」は否定される形容詞・副詞の反対の意味を強調することがある / notの意が及ぶ範囲の違いによって,意味解釈に違いが生じることがある / 《不定詞・分詞・動名詞を否定して》…[『し』]『ない』 / 《all, everyなどとともに用いて部分否定を表して》(全部が…なのでは)『ない』,(必ずしも…では)『ない』 / 《any, eitherなどに伴って全面否定を表して》(全然…)『しない』,(どちらも…)『しない』 / 《省略文でnotを含む句・節の代用として》『そうではない』
- (V字形の)刻み目 / 《米》山あい / 《話》段階(STEP),等級(degree) / …‘に'刻み目をつける / 《話》〈競技の得殿など〉'を'記録する,〈勝利〉'を'収める
- 乳様突起の / 〈C〉乳様突起(耳の後ろの側頭骨にある)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/02/09 17:59:50」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Mastoid notch |
Left temporal bone. Inferior surface. (Mastoid notch visible at bottom center.) |
Latin |
incisura mastoidea ossis temporalis |
Gray's |
subject #34 141 |
On the medial side of the mastoid process is a deep groove, the mastoid notch (digastric fossa), for the attachment of the Digastricus.
External links[edit]
- Diagram - #5 (source here)
- Roche Lexicon - illustrated navigator, at Elsevier 34257.000-1
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
Bones of head and neck: the neurocranium of the skull (TA A02.1.01–07, GA 2.129–155)
Occipital |
Squama |
- external
- Inion/External occipital protuberance
- External occipital crest
- Nuchal lines
- planes
- internal
- Cruciform eminence
- Internal occipital protuberance
- Sagittal sulcus
- Internal occipital crest
- Groove for transverse sinus
Lateral parts |
- Condyle
- Condyloid fossa
- Condylar canal
- Hypoglossal canal
- jugular
- Jugular process
- Jugular tubercle
Basilar part |
- Pharyngeal tubercle
- Clivus
Other |
Parietal |
- Parietal eminence
- Temporal line
- Parietal foramen
- Sagittal sulcus
Frontal |
Squama |
- Frontal suture
- Frontal eminence
- external
- Superciliary arches
- Glabella
- foramina
- Zygomatic process
- internal
- Sagittal sulcus
- Frontal crest
Orbital part |
- Ethmoidal notch
- Fossa for lacrimal gland
- Trochlear fovea
- Frontal sinus
- Frontonasal duct
Temporal |
Squama |
- Articular tubercle
- Suprameatal triangle
- Mandibular fossa
- Petrotympanic fissure
- Zygomatic process
Mastoid part |
- Mastoid foramen
- Mastoid process (Mastoid cells)
- Mastoid notch
- Occipital groove
- Sigmoid sulcus
- Mastoid antrum (Aditus)
Petrous part |
- Carotid canal
- Facial canal (Hiatus)
- Internal auditory meatus
- Cochlear aqueduct
- Stylomastoid foramen
- fossae
- Subarcuate fossa
- Jugular fossa
- canaliculi
- Inferior tympanic
- Mastoid
- Styloid process
- Petrosquamous suture
- (note: ossicles in petrous part, but not part of temporal bone)
Tympanic part |
Sphenoid |
Surfaces |
- Superior surface: Sella turcica
- Dorsum sellae
- Tuberculum sellae
- Hypophysial fossa
- Posterior clinoid processes
- Ethmoidal spine
- Chiasmatic groove
- Middle clinoid process
- Petrosal process
- Clivus
- Lateral surface: Carotid groove
- Sphenoidal lingula
- Anterior surface: Sphenoidal sinuses
Great wings |
- foramina
- Rotundum
- Ovale
- Vesalii
- Spinosum
- Spine
- Infratemporal crest
- Sulcus for auditory tube
Small wings |
- Superior orbital fissure
- Anterior clinoid process
- Optic canal
processes |
- fossae
- pterygoid plates
- Pterygoid canal
- Hamulus
Other |
Ethmoid |
Plates |
- Cribriform plate
- Crista galli
- Olfactory foramina
- Perpendicular plate
Surfaces |
- Lateral surface Orbital lamina
- Uncinate process
- Medial surface Superior nasal concha
- Superior meatus
- Middle nasal concha
- Middle meatus
Labyrinth |
- Ethmoid sinus
- ethmoidal foramina
anat (c/f/k/f, u, t/p, l)/phys/devp/cell
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
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English Journal
- Ultrasonographic comparison of two landmarks for the internal jugular vein: high versus conventional approach.
- Hwang JY1, Ju JW, Min SW, Do SH, Ryu JH.
- European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine.Eur J Emerg Med.2016 Aug;23(4):292-297.
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- McNamara JR1, Fulton GJ2, Manning BJ2.
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Japanese Journal
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- ニホンカモシカ(Capricornis crispus)の骨格に関する研究-4-頭蓋(頭蓋骨・顔面骨)について
Related Links
- Mastoid notch. Gray141.png. Left temporal bone. Inferior surface. (Mastoid notch visible at bottom center.) ... On the medial side of the mastoid process is a deep groove, the mastoid notch (digastric fossa), for the attachment of the Digastricus.
Related Pictures

- 英
- mastoid notch ()
- 英
- mastoid notch
- 関
- 乳様突起
- 関
- mastoid process、processus mastoideus
- 刻み目のある/切りの込みのある
- (動・植)鋸歯状の