- nuts of forest trees (as beechnuts and acorns) accumulated on the ground
- a vertical spar for supporting sails
- any sturdy upright pole
- nuts of forest trees used as feed for swine
- extinct elephant-like mammal that flourished worldwide from Miocene through Pleistocene times; differ from mammoths in the form of the molar teeth (同)mastodont
- excessive development of the breasts in males; usually the result of hormonal imbalance or treatment with certain drugs (including some antihypertensives)
- flagellate protozoan lacking photosynthesis and other plant-like characteristics (同)zooflagellate
- informal terms for a mother (同)mama, mamma, mom, momma, mommy, mammy, mum, mummy
- having or furnished with a mast; often used in combination; "probably was so masted when she set forth"- S.E.Morrison; "a three-masted bark"
- 『マスト』,帆柱 / (装飾用の)高い柱;(無電用・起重機用の)鉄塔
- ブナ(クリ・カシワなど)の実(豚の飼料にする)
- マストドン(第四紀洪積世の象に似た巨獣)
- ブナの実
- 《M-》《話》おかあちゃん(mamma)
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Look up MAST, Mast, mast, mast-, or masts in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Mast or MAST may refer to:
- 1 Engineering
- 2 Biology
- 3 Science
- 4 Society and culture
- 5 Places
- 6 Organizations
- 7 Schools
- 8 People
- 9 Other
- Mast (sailing), a pole that holds a sail on sailing ships and boats, or antennas on modern warships
- Flagmast, on which a flag is flown
- Guyed mast, a type of tall structure supported by guy-wires
- Mooring mast, a structure designed to allow for the docking of an airship
- Radio masts and towers, poles or lattice towers that carry antennas/aerials
- The primary support for a helicopter rotor
- The main vertical structure of a forklift truck
- The electrical conduit attached to the side of a house or building that channels electricity to the customer's electricity meter
- Multi-axis shaker table, an automotive test system
- Model for Assessment of telemedicine - MAST - a model for assessment of telemedicine
- Mast (botany), the edible seed and fruit produced by trees or shrubs that wildlife species will consume
- Mast Arboretum, Stephen F. Austin State University, in Nacogdoches, Texas
- Mast cell, involved in the allergy response
- MAST, marine stramenopiles (also referred to as Heterokonts)
- Mast., in botanical naming, the standard author abbreviation for Maxwell T. Masters
- Two microtubule-associated serine/threonine-protein kinase enzymes:
- MAST1, an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the MAST1 gene
- MAST2, an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the MAST2 gene
- Multi-Application Survivable Tether, an experimental space mission
- Multimission Archive at STScI, a component of the National Space Science Data Center
- Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak, a nuclear fusion experiment in the UK
Society and culture
- Mast (hieroglyph), an Egyptian language triliteral
- Mast (naval), in naval tradition, a non-judicial punishment disciplinary hearing
- Mast (Sufism), in India, Pakistan, and Iran, a type of religious intoxication
- Mast (film), a 1999 Indian movie by Ram Gopal Verma
- Mast General Store, an American regional store chain
- Mast-e Olya, a village in Markazi Province, Iran
- Mast-e Sofla, a village in Markazi Province, Iran
- Maritime Archaeology Sea Trust, a UK-based maritime heritage charity
- Masters And slaves Together (MAsT), an international BDSM organization with local chapters
- Men Against Sexual Trafficking, an organisation opposing human trafficking
- Military anti-shock trousers, a medical device used to counteract severe blood loss
- Municipal Ambulance Services Trust, an EMS provider in Kansas City, Missouri
- Marine Academy of Science and Technology, a career academy located in Sandy Hook, New Jersey
- MAST Academy (Maritime and Science Technology Academy), a high school located on Virginia Key in Miami, Florida
- MAST Academy @ Homestead Medical Magnet, a medical high school located in Homestead, Florida
- José Martí MAST 6-12 Academy, a middle and high school located in Hialeah, Florida
- Austin Mast (born 1972), American botanist
- Dick Mast (born 1951), American professional golfer
- Peggy Mast (fl. 20th/21st century), American politician
- Rick Mast (born 1957), American NASCAR driver
- Toby Mast (born 1976), Video game development
- Michigan Alcohol Screening Test, a test for alcoholism
- An honorific title for a young male under the age of 18, in which the title becomes Mr regardless of marriage status.
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English Journal
- The extra-cellular signal regulated kinases ERK1 and ERK2 segregate displaying distinct spatiotemporal characteristics in activated mast cells.
- Bar-Gill AB, Efergan A, Seger R, Fukuda M, Sagi-Eisenberg R.SourceDepartment of Cell and Developmental Biology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2013 Sep;1832(9):2070-82. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2013.04.016. Epub 2013 May 5.
- ERK1 and ERK2 are highly homologous isoforms that often play redundant roles in regulating cellular functions. We analyzed the spatiotemporal patterns of ERK1 and ERK2 in resting and activated mast cells. Strikingly, we identified distinct pathways for these kinases. ERK1 localized to the cytosol an
- PMID 23651922
- Immunological aspects of atherosclerosis.
- Woollard KJ.SourceDivision of Immunology & Inflammation, Department of Medicine, Imperial College London, Hammersmith Campus, Du Cane Road, London W12 0NN, U.K.
- Clinical science (London, England : 1979).Clin Sci (Lond).2013 Sep 1;125(5):221-35. doi: 10.1042/CS20120576.
- Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in several countries. The underlying process is atherosclerosis, a slowly progressing chronic disorder that can lead to intravascular thrombosis. There is overwhelming evidence for the underlying importance of our immune system in atherosclerosis.
- PMID 23668229
- Mast cells: from lipid droplets to lipid mediators.
- Dichlberger A, Kovanen PT, Schneider WJ.SourceWihuri Research Institute, Helsinki, Finland, Kalliolinnantie 4, 00140 Helsinki, Finland. andrea.dichlberger@wri.fi
- Clinical science (London, England : 1979).Clin Sci (Lond).2013 Aug;125(3):121-30. doi: 10.1042/CS20120602.
- LDs (lipid droplets) are metabolically highly active intracellular organelles. The lipid and protein profiles of LDs are cell-type-specific, and they undergo dynamic variation upon changes in the physiological state of a cell. It is well known that the main function of the LDs in adipocytes is to en
- PMID 23577635
- Phylogeny of Heterokonta: Incisomonas marina, a uniciliate gliding opalozoan related to Solenicola (Nanomonadea), and evidence that Actinophryida evolved from raphidophytes.
- Cavalier-Smith T, Scoble JM.SourceDepartment of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX13PS, UK. Electronic address: tom.cavalier-smith@zoo.ox.ac.uk.
- European journal of protistology.Eur J Protistol.2013 Aug;49(3):328-53. doi: 10.1016/j.ejop.2012.09.002. Epub 2012 Dec 4.
- Environmental rDNA sequencing has revealed many novel heterokont clades of unknown morphology. We describe a new marine heterotrophic heterokont flagellate, Incisomonas marina, which most unusually lacks an anterior cilium. It glides and swims with its cilium trailing behind, but is predominantly se
- PMID 23219323
Japanese Journal
- 3.まとめと今後の研究の方向性(<小特集>球状トカマク研究の進展-核融合エネルギー開発に向けて-)
- 高瀬 雄一
- プラズマ・核融合学会誌 88(12), 755-759, 2012-12-25
- … とともに閉じ込めが改善されることを示している.この傾向がより低衝突度まで続くのであれば,少ないトリチウム消費で大きい中性子壁負荷を提供できる小型のST核融合核科学施設を実現することができる.NSTX,MASTともプラズマ電流2MA,トロイダル磁場1T,加熱パワー10MW以上,放電時間約5秒の装置へと大規模な改修を行っている.これらの装置では,低衝突度において分布が緩和した完全非誘導駆動プラズマを得ることができる …
- NAID 110009562831
- 2.5球状トカマク改善閉じ込めプラズマにおける乱流揺動研究(2.最近の研究成果と研究動向,<小特集>球状トカマク研究の進展-核融合エネルギー開発に向けて-)
- 永島 芳彦
- プラズマ・核融合学会誌 88(12), 740-746, 2012-12-25
- … 球状トカマクの改善閉じ込めプラズマにおける乱流輸送研究について,NSTXやMASTにおける最近の研究動向を紹介する.球状トカマクコアプラズマの熱輸送については,イオンの熱輸送は新古典輸送が支配的である一方,電子の熱輸送は異常輸送であり,その原因となる不安定モードの特定が急務である.数値計算による線形不安定モードの推定,温度や密度勾配・速度場などの平衡量とモードの不安定性の比較,乱流密度揺動の実 …
- NAID 110009562829
- 2.4球状トカマク合体の応用(2.最近の研究成果と研究動向,<小特集>球状トカマク研究の進展-核融合エネルギー開発に向けて-)
- 小野 靖,井 通暁
- プラズマ・核融合学会誌 88(12), 733-739, 2012-12-25
- … ス研究として長い歴史が存在するが,今回のテーマである球状トカマク(ST)としては1980年代後半からは東京大学TS-3合体実験,1990年代には英国カラム研究所START実験,2000年代には東京大学TS-4,UTST実験,カラム研究所MAST実験などが行われ,昨年からは韓国ソウル大学VEST実験も加わった.近年の研究で明らかになったその利点は,1)磁気リコネクションによるMW-GWクラスのプラズマ加熱,2)超高ベータプラズマの急速生成,3)STプラズマの …
- NAID 110009562828
- 2.2プラズマ-壁相互作用,ダイバータ研究(2.最近の研究成果と研究動向,<小特集>球状トカマク研究の進展-核融合エネルギー開発に向けて-)
- 花田 和明,吉田 直亮
- プラズマ・核融合学会誌 88(12), 714-723, 2012-12-25
- … Experiment with Steady State Spherical Tokamak)とリチウム(Li)による壁コンディショニングから液体リチウムダイバータ(Liquid Lithium Divertor;LLD)に取り組んでいるNSTX(National Spherical Torus eXperiment)の例を紹介する.ダイバータは,通常のトカマクよりも熱負荷が大きくなることが予想されるSTの最重要課題の一つである.先進的なダイバータを含めた研究の現状とMAST-U(Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak-Upgrage)でのダイバータの将来計画について紹介する. …
- NAID 110009562826
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