- bend or lay so that one part covers the other; "fold up the newspaper"; "turn up your collar" (同)fold up, turn up
- an angular or rounded shape made by folding; "a fold in the napkin"; "a crease in his trousers"; "a plication on her blouse"; "a flexure of the colon"; "a bend of his elbow" (同)crease, plication, flexure, crimp, bend
- a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock (同)folding
- incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating; "Fold the egg whites into the batter"
- the act of folding; "he gave the napkins a double fold" (同)folding
- a pen for sheep (同)sheepfold, sheep pen, sheepcote
- a folded part (as in skin or muscle) (同)plica
- become folded or folded up; "The bed folds in a jiffy" (同)fold up
- running lengthwise; "a thin longitudinal strip"; "longitudinal measurements of the hull"
- of or relating to lines of longitude; "longitudinal reckoning by the navigator"
- over an extended time; "a longitudinal study of twins"
- the part of the small intestine between the stomach and the jejunum
- 《副語[句]を伴って》〈紙など〉‘を'『折る』,折り重ねる / 〈両手など〉‘を'『組む』;〈鳥が〉〈翼〉‘を'畳む / (…に)…‘を'巻き付ける《+『around(about)』+『名』》 / …‘を'抱き締める(embrace) / 《副語[句]を伴って》〈扇などが〉折リ畳める / 《話》〈事業などが〉つぶれる,閉じる《+『up』》 / ひだ / 折り目,畳み目 / (土地の)くぼみ / 起伏
- (家畜,特に羊を入れておく)囲い,おり / 《比喩(ひゆ)的に》キリスト教会
- 《所有・所属》…『の』,…のものである,…に属する・《材料・要素》…『でできた』,から成る・《部分》…『の』[『中の』] ・《数量・単位・種類を表す名詞に付いて》…の・《原因・動機》…『で』,のために(because of) ・《主格関係》…『の』,による,によって・《目的格関係》…『を』,の・《同格関係》…『という』・《関係・関連》…『についての』[『の』],の点で・《抽象名詞などと共に》…の[性質をもつ] ・《『It is』+『形』+『of』+『名』+『to』 doの形で,ofの後の名詞を意味上の主語として》・《分離》…『から』・《起原・出所》…『から』[『の』](out of) ・《『名』+『of』+『a』(『an』)+『名』の形で》…のような・《『名』+『of』+『mine』(『yours, his』など独立所有格)の形で》…の…・《時》(1)《副詞句を作って》…に《形容詞句を作って》…の・《時刻》《米》…前(to,《米》before)
- 経度の / 長さの;縦の
- 十二指腸
- 折り畳みの
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English Journal
- The Pharmacology of TD-8954, a Potent and Selective 5-HT(4) Receptor Agonist with Gastrointestinal Prokinetic Properties.
- Beattie DT1, Armstrong SR, Vickery RG, Tsuruda PR, Campbell CB, Richardson C, McCullough JL, Daniels O, Kersey K, Li YP, Kim KH.
- Frontiers in pharmacology.Front Pharmacol.2011 May 30;2:25. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2011.00025. eCollection 2011.
- This study evaluated the in vitro and in vivo pharmacological properties of TD-8954, a potent and selective 5-HT(4) receptor agonist. TD-8954 had high affinity (pK(i) = 9.4) for human recombinant 5-HT(4(c)) (h5-HT(4(c))) receptors, and selectivity (>2,000-fold) over all other 5-hydroxytryptam
- PMID 21687517
- Activation of neurokinin 3 receptor increases Na(v)1.9 current in enteric neurons.
- Copel C1, Osorio N, Crest M, Gola M, Delmas P, Clerc N.
- The Journal of physiology.J Physiol.2009 Apr 1;587(Pt 7):1461-79. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2009.169409. Epub 2009 Feb 9.
- The intrinsic primary afferent neurons (IPANs) of the guinea pig enteric nervous system express Na(v)1.9 sodium channels that produce a persistent TTX-resistant current having a low activation threshold and slow gating kinetics. These neurons receive slow EPSPs induced mainly by the activation of ne
- PMID 19204045
- Claudin profiling in the mouse during postnatal intestinal development and along the gastrointestinal tract reveals complex expression patterns.
- Holmes JL1, Van Itallie CM, Rasmussen JE, Anderson JM.
- Gene expression patterns : GEP.Gene Expr Patterns.2006 Aug;6(6):581-8. Epub 2006 Feb 2.
- Members of the claudin protein family are key regulators of tight junction selectivity and are implicated in influencing development and cellular differentiation in the intestine and other tissues. The goal of the present study was to profile claudin gene expression and protein location during postn
- PMID 16458081
Japanese Journal
- ERCP時胆管末端部での造影にて内視鏡上明らかになったcholedochoceleの1例
- 内視鏡的逆行性胆管ドレナージ法(内瘻法)の検討:―挿入手技の変法を中心に―
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