- 関
- longitudinal axis、ordinate
- the value of a coordinate on the vertical axis
- running lengthwise; "a thin longitudinal strip"; "longitudinal measurements of the hull"
- of or relating to lines of longitude; "longitudinal reckoning by the navigator"
- over an extended time; "a longitudinal study of twins"
- terminate; "The NSF axed the research program and stopped funding it" (同)axe
- an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle (同)axe
- chop or split with an ax; "axe wood" (同)ax
- 縦座標
- 経度の / 長さの;縦の
- ax, axeの複数形
- axisの複数形
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English Journal
- Symmetry based prostate cancer detection.
- Yang L1, Xie Y, Li B, Xie M, Wang X, Zhang J.
- The British journal of radiology.Br J Radiol.2015 Jun;88(1050):20150132. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20150132. Epub 2015 Apr 22.
- OBJECTIVE: To retrospectively assess the value of left and right half symmetry analysis in prostate T2 weighted images (T2WI) for improving prostate cancer (PCa) screening.METHODS: T2WI and other data of a total of 66 males were collected; the control group and cancer group had 33 patients each. Thr
- PMID 25899893
- Variation in maternal urinary cortisol profiles across the peri-conceptional period: a longitudinal description and evaluation of potential functions.
- Nepomnaschy PA1, Salvante KG1, Zeng L2, Pyles C3, Ma H2, Blais JC2, Wen L2, Barha CK3.
- Human reproduction (Oxford, England).Hum Reprod.2015 Jun;30(6):1460-72. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dev086. Epub 2015 Apr 22.
- STUDY QUESTION: How do women's first morning urinary cortisol levels, a marker of stress axis activity, vary during the peri-conceptional period (the 12 weeks around conception) SUMMARY ANSWER: First morning urinary cortisol follows an overall increasing trajectory across the peri-conceptional perio
- PMID 25904636
- Variability in reference point microindentation and recommendations for testing cortical bone: Location, thickness and orientation heterogeneity.
- Coutts LV1, Jenkins T2, Li T3, Dunlop DG4, Oreffo RO5, Cooper C6, Harvey NC7, Thurner PJ8; OStEO group.
- Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials.J Mech Behav Biomed Mater.2015 Jun;46:292-304. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2015.02.004. Epub 2015 Feb 17.
- Reference Point Indentation (RPI) has been proposed as a new clinical tool to aid the diagnosis of Osteoporosis. This study has examined the performance of the tool within entire femurs to improve the understanding of the mechanical properties of bone and also to guide future RPI testing to optimize
- PMID 25837158
Japanese Journal
- Quadrupole Effects of Vacancy Orbital in Boron-Doped Silicon
- Baba Shotaro,Goto Terutaka,Nagai Yuta [他],Akatsu Mitsuhiro,Watanabe Hajime,Mitsumoto Keisuke,Ogawa Takafumi,Nemoto Yuichi,Yamada-Kaneta Hiroshi
- J Phys Soc Jpn 80(9), 094601-094601-8, 2011-09-15
- … We have investigated low-temperature properties at a longitudinal elastic constant C_{\text{L[111]}} of a boron-doped silicon crystal grown by a floating zone (FZ) method. … Appreciable anisotropy in the softening of C_{\text{L[111]}} at magnetic fields along the [111] and [1\bar{1}0] axes up to 10 T is described in terms of a quadrupole susceptibility for the vacancy orbital consisting of a \Gamma_{8} quartet ground state and \Gamma_{6} doublet excited state due to the spin--orbit interaction. …
- NAID 150000090169
- Magnetization and Magnetoresistance of CeRu2Al10 under High Magnetic Fields along c-Axis
- Kondo Akihiko,Wang Junfeng,Kindo Koichi [他],Takesaka Tomoaki,Ogane Yuta,Kawamura Yukihiro,Nishioka Takashi,Tanaka Daiki,Tanida Hiroshi,Sera Masafumi
- J Phys Soc Jpn 80(1), 013701-013701-4, 2011-01-15
- … The magnetization curves for H \parallel a- and c-axes below the antiferro magnetic (AFM) transition temperature T_{0} behave as if the magnetic anisotropy in the AFM-ordered phase is small, although there exists a large magnetic anisotropy in the paramagnetic phase, which favors the easy magnetization axis along the a-axis. … The longitudinal magnetoresistance for H\parallel \text{c-axis} at low temperatures shows no anomaly originating from the phase transition, but shows oscillations below 4.2 K. …
- NAID 150000089810
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- 関
- longitudinal axes、longitudinal axis
- 英
- ordinate、longitudinal axis、longitudinal axes
- 関
- 縦座標
- 関
- longitudinal axes、ordinate
- 関
- long-term、longitudinally
- 関
- axial、axis、shaft