- a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine (同)glitch
- a small hidden microphone; for listening secretly
- general term for any insect or similar creeping or crawling invertebrate
- abrupt electric discharge from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth accompanied by the emission of light
- the flash of light that accompanies an electric discharge in the atmosphere (or something resembling such a flash); can scintillate for a second or more
- =firefly
- 《米》昆虫,(一般に)虫;(特に)カデトムシ(beetle) / 《おもに英》=bedbug / 《話》病原菌 / 《話》(機械の)故障 / 《話》(病的な)熱狂家;《the ~》…熱 / 《話》隠しマイク / …‘に'隠しマイクを取リ付ける / 《おもに米》…'を'悩ます,てこずらせる
- 『いなずま』,雷光 / いなずまのような,す早い
- 競気の,気が競った
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/24 17:07:44」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Lightning Bug can refer to:
- A firefly
- Photinus (beetle)
- Photuris (genus)
- Pyractomena
- Reflex Lightning Bug, an American kit aircraft design of the 1990s
- Ryan Model 147 Lightning Bug, an unmanned aerial vehicle
Popular culture
- Lightning Bug (film), a 2004 horror film by writer/director Robert Hall
- Lightning Bug (novel), a 1987 novel by American author Donald Harington
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- Directed by Robert Hall. With Bret Harrison, Laura Prepon, Kevin Gage, Ashley Laurence. A drama/thriller, set in the South, about a young boy who longs to escape the misery of his childhood and the misunderstanding of his ...
- 雷バグ、雰囲気とホワイトノイズミキサー。
- 関
- worm
- 関
- electric shock、electroconvulsive