核濃縮指数, KPI
- provide with an index; "index the book"
- a numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number
- the finger next to the thumb (同)index_finger, forefinger
- a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time (同)index_number, indicant, indicator
- an alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discussed
- adjust through indexation; "The government indexes wages and prices"
- list in an index
- the act of classifying and providing an index in order to make items easier to retrieve
- (本・雑誌などの)『索引』;図書目録 / 指し示すもの,印 / (計器などの)指針 / 指数・虜 / 《the I-》(カトック教会の)禁所目録 / 〈本など〉‘に'索引をつける / 〈語など〉‘を'索引に載せる
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English Journal
- Characteristics of nasal epithelial cells in naturally postmenopausal women receiving hormone therapy with 1 mg 17beta-estradiol and 2 mg drospirenone: a prospective study.
- Caruso S1, Serra A, Grillo C, Maiolino L, Agnello C, Di Mari L, Cianci A.
- Menopause (New York, N.Y.).Menopause.2008 Sep-Oct;15(5):963-6. doi: 10.1097/gme.0b013e3181612271.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of drospirenone on nasal respiratory epithelium in postmenopausal women who are treated with hormone therapy (HT).DESIGN: Thirty-five naturally postmenopausal women participated in the prospective study. Women received continuous-combined HT containing 1 mg 17be
- PMID 18391834
- The effect of a soy-rich diet on urogenital atrophy: a randomized, cross-over trial.
- Manonai J1, Songchitsomboon S, Chanda K, Hong JH, Komindr S.
- Maturitas.Maturitas.2006 May 20;54(2):135-40. Epub 2005 Nov 16.
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of a soy-rich diet on urogenital symptoms, vaginal health index, and vaginal cytology in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-six perimenopausal and postmenopausal women (mean age 52.5+/-5.1 years) participated in a randomized, cross
- PMID 16297576
- The effect of red clover isoflavones on menopausal symptoms, lipids and vaginal cytology in menopausal women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
- Hidalgo LA1, Chedraui PA, Morocho N, Ross S, San Miguel G.
- Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology.Gynecol Endocrinol.2005 Nov;21(5):257-64.
- BACKGROUND: The unexpected results of the Women's Health Initiative study have decreased the use of conventional hormone therapy (HT), changing physicians' and patients' attitudes towards HT and increasing their interest in alternative options.OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to evaluate the effec
- PMID 16373244
Japanese Journal
- 乳癌術後Tamoxifen内服による内性器および血中性ホルモンへの影響について
- 井谷 嘉男,野田 恒夫,伊藤 公彦,安達 進,東條 俊二,新谷 雅史,大西 泰彦
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 49(12), 1099-1106, 1997-12-01
- 乳癌術後 tamoxifen (TAM) 内服による内性器および血中性ホルモンへの影響を検討した. (1) TAM 内服73例(TAM 群)の婦人科受診理由を調査したところ, 月経異常, 性器出血, 帯下増量感など TAM との関連を疑わせた症例は33%(24/73)であった. (2) TAM 群73例と基礎疾患がなく TAM 群と年齢分布に差を認めない非内服例68例(対照群)で, 子宮膣部上皮細 …
- NAID 110002112794
- 安田 雅弘,倉林 工,山本 泰明,藤巻 尚,織田 和哉,源川 雄介,児玉 省二,田中 憲一
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 47(2), 157-162, 1995-02-01
- … ホルモン細胞診は子宮頚癌検診目的で子宮頚部より採取した細胞診検体から eosinophilic index(EI), karyopyknoticindex(KPI), maturationvalue(MV : 表層細胞×1+中層細胞×0.5+傍基底細胞×0)を算出した. …
- NAID 110002111104
- 乳癌患者におけるTamoxifen長期服用の腔上皮と子宮内膜への影響および内膜病変の合併
- 横須賀 薫,手島 英雄,片瀬 功芳,藤本 郁野,山内 一弘,荷見 勝彦,達木 泰裕
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 47(2), 125-132, 1995-02-01
- … 1989〜1992年の間に当科外来を受診し, follow upされている Tamoxifen (TAM)服用中の乳癌術後症例56例について, Maturation Index (MI), Karyopyknotic Index (KPI)を用いて TAMの腔上皮細胞への影響と, 子宮内膜への影響および内膜病変の合併について検討した. …
- NAID 110002111092
Related Links
- :an index that is calculated as the percentage of epithelial cells with karyopyknotic nuclei exfoliated from the vagina and is used in the hormonal evaluation of ... Seen and Heard What made you want to look up karyopyknotic index?
- karyopyknotic index Type: Term Definitions: 1. an index used to monitor the hormonal status of the patient as reflected by exfoliated vaginal cells and their morphology; an expression of the percentage of intermediate and superficial ...
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- 英
- karyopyknotic index, KPI, KI
- 関
- 細胞診指数、スミアインデックス
- 索引、見出し。目録
- (正式)(~を示す)しるし、あらわれ。指標(sign)(of,to)
- (まれ)目盛り、(計器などの)指針、針(pointer)
- =finger
- (pl.)指数(事象の性質・程度の指標として特定の方式で表した数値)。(数学)指数(exponent)
- (コンピュータ)インデックス
- (物理)(屈曲などの)率
- 関
- indication、indicator、indices