- defeat (oneself) by going too far
- …‘を'飛び越える,飛び越す
English Journal
- An evaluation study on the nurse shifting information system.
- Chen BL, Lu SJ, Wang MT.SourceTNIA Taipei, Taiwan. blchen@vghtc.gov.tw
- Studies in health technology and informatics.Stud Health Technol Inform.2009;146:751.
- Nurse shifting has long been a headache for nurse management. The traditional paper-and pencil shifting is time consuming and inefficient due to the huge work shift data and other considerable factors, such as overlap shifting, overtime shifting or even overleap shifting. In order to focus on the we
- PMID 19592961
- Hybrid particle swarm optimization and tabu search approach for selecting genes for tumor classification using gene expression data.
- Shen Q, Shi WM, Kong W.SourceChemistry Department, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China.
- Computational biology and chemistry.Comput Biol Chem.2008 Feb;32(1):52-9. Epub 2007 Oct 22.
- Gene expression data are characterized by thousands even tens of thousands of measured genes on only a few tissue samples. This can lead either to possible overfitting and dimensional curse or even to a complete failure in analysis of microarray data. Gene selection is an important component for gen
- PMID 18093877
- A subset of cingulate cortical neurones is specifically activated during alcohol-acquisition behaviour.
- Alexandrov YI, Grinchenko YV, Shevchenko DG, Averkin RG, Matz VN, Laukka S, Korpusova AV.SourceLaboratory of Neural Basis of Mind, Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
- Acta physiologica Scandinavica.Acta Physiol Scand.2001 Jan;171(1):87-97.
- A new need is associated with the formation of behaviour directed at its satisfaction. In chronically ethanol-treated rabbits a bodily need develops to acquire and consume alcohol. The present study examined the firing properties of single neurones in the cingulate (limbic) cortex of chronically eth
- PMID 11350267
Japanese Journal
- 1A1-E03 脚車輪ハイブリッド動作によるASTERISK Hの段差踏破解析(脚移動ロボット)
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- overleapとは。意味や和訳。[動](-leaped or -leapt)(他)1 …を(向こう側へ)飛び越える.2 ((〜 -self))飛びすぎる, やりすぎて失敗するHis ambition overleaped itself.彼は野心にはやって失敗した.3 …をとばす, 略す, 見落とす. - goo辞書は国語 ...
- Translations of overleap. overleap synonyms, overleap antonyms. Information about overleap in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Printer Friendly Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary ? ...
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