- 関
- iodination
- cause to combine with iodine; "iodinate thyroxine"
- the substitution or addition of iodine atoms in organic compounds
- remove iodine from; "de-iodinate the thyroxine"
- combining or causing to combine with iodine; "the active iodinating species"; "the in vivo iodinating mechanism"
- treated with iodine; "iodized salt" (同)iodized, iodised
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English Journal
- Acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) ultrasound imaging of pancreatic cystic lesions.
- D'Onofrio M, Gallotti A, Salvia R, Capelli P, Mucelli RP.SourceDepartment of Radiology, University Hospital G.B. Rossi, Piazzale L.A. Scuro 10, University of Verona, 37134 Verona, Italy.
- European journal of radiology.Eur J Radiol.2010 Jul 12. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: To evaluate the ARFI ultrasound imaging with Virtual Touch tissue quantification in studying pancreatic cystic lesions, compared with phantom fluid models.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Different phantom fluids at different viscosity or density (water, iodinate contrast agent, and oil) were evaluat
- PMID 20630676
- Preoperative T and N staging of gastric cancer: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) versus Multi Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT).
- Maccioni F, Marcelli G, Al Ansari N, Zippi M, De Marco V, Kagarmanova A, Vestri A, Marcheggiano-Clarke L, Marini M.SourceDepartments of Radiological Sciences, University 'Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
- La Clinica terapeutica.Clin Ter.2010;161(2):e57-62.
- Background and Aim. Multi Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) is widely used in the preoperative staging of gastric cancer. MRI has an emerging role in the evaluation of intestinal diseases, al-though its role in the staging of gastric cancers is still to be defined. The aim of our study was to comp
- PMID 20499021
Japanese Journal
- 健常ビーグル犬を用いた造影CT検査における造影剤注入速度とヨードデリバリーレートの比較(外科学)
- 立石 耕右,岸本 海織,清水 純一郎,山田 一孝
- The journal of veterinary medical science 70(10), 1027-1030, 2008-10-25
- 小動物に対する造影CT検査において,再現性のよい造影効果を得る目的で造影剤注入条件(注入速度,ヨードデリバリーレート)を比較した.健常ビーグル犬(n=5,クロスオーバー法)を用い,注入速度固定群(1.0ml/秒),ヨードデリバリーレート固定群(注入時間30秒,注入時間60秒)の3群で実験を行った.造影剤は非イオン性ヨード造影剤(800mgI/kg)を用いた.大動脈および肝臓の造影効果がピークに達す …
- NAID 110006967083
- A new solid-state reagent to iodinate proteins.
Related Links
- v. 1. (Chem.) to cause to combine with iodine; as, iodinate thyroxine . ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Verb, 1. iodinate - cause to combine with iodine; "iodinate thyroxine". alter, change, modify - cause to change; ...
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- 英
- iodination、iodinate
- 関
- 塩素化、ハロゲン化、フッ素付加、ブロム化
- 関
- bromination、chlorination、fluorination、halogenation、iodinate
- 関
- radioiodination