- stopping and starting at irregular intervals; "intermittent rain showers"
- separation of substances in solution by means of their unequal diffusion through semipermeable membranes
- of or relating to or affecting the peritoneum; "peritoneal cancer"
- 断続する,間欠的な
- 透析(コロイド溶液を半透膜で分離すること)
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English Journal
- Stability of Antibiotics for Intraperitoneal Administration in Extraneal 7.5% Icodextrin Peritoneal Dialysis Bags (STAB Study).
- Ranganathan D1, Naicker S2, Wallis SC2, Lipman J3, Ratanjee SK4, Roberts JA5.
- Peritoneal dialysis international : journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis.Perit Dial Int.2016 7-8;36(4):421-426. Epub 2015 Oct 22.
- ♦ BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Patients with peritoneal dialysis (PD)-associated peritonitis may be advised to store PD-bags with pre-mixed antibiotics at home, although there is a paucity of antibiotic stability studies in the commonly used icodextrin solutions. The purpose of this study was to ass
- PMID 26493753
- Peritoneal dialysis can be an option for unplanned chronic dialysis: initial results from a developing country.
- Dias DB1, Banin V1, Mendes ML1, Barretti P1, Ponce D2.
- International urology and nephrology.Int Urol Nephrol.2016 Jun;48(6):901-6. doi: 10.1007/s11255-016-1243-x. Epub 2016 Feb 20.
- AIM: Starting dialysis in an unplanned manner is frequent situation in dialysis center even for patients with regular nephrology follow-up. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) appears as an option for unplanned initiation of chronic dialysis, offering the advantage of not using central venous catheters and pre
- PMID 26897038
- Efficacy and outcomes of continuous peritoneal dialysis versus daily intermittent hemodialysis in pediatric acute kidney injury.
- Basu B1,2, Mahapatra TK3, Roy B3, Schaefer F4.
- Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany).Pediatr Nephrol.2016 May 14. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Acute kidney injury (AKI) requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT) is associated with high patient morbidity and mortality. There is no consensus on the best RRT modality for pediatric AKI.METHODS: The efficacy and safety of continuous peritoneal dialysis (cPD) and daily intermittent he
- PMID 27180178
Japanese Journal
- 頭蓋内圧亢進症急性期に高張グリセロール併用頻回低効率短時間血液透析 (frequent, low-efficient and short hemodialysis : FLESHD) が有用であった維持血液透析症例
- 岡田 一義,阿部 雅紀,水盛 邦彦 [他],小林 伸一郎,佐々木 裕和,鈴木 紘子,谷口 真知子,逸見 聖一朗,北井 真貴,鈴木 緑,奈倉 千苗美,池田 和也,梶原 麻実子,清水 千枝,矢吹 美奈子,松本 史郎,伊藤 謙,井下 篤司,丸山 高史,福家 吉伸,藤田 宣是,相馬 正義
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis
- 脳卒中治療ガイドライン2009において,頭蓋内圧亢進症急性期の血液浄化療法として腹膜透析または持続的血液濾過(hemofiltration:HF)が推奨されているが,標準的な間欠的HFまたは連日短時間血液透析も実施されている.当院では,浸透圧と重炭酸イオン(bicarbonate:HCO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>)の変化をより少 …
- NAID 10029407195
- Neisseria subflava 腹膜炎を発症した1型糖尿病の腹膜透析患者の1例
- 小寺 永章,三瀬 直文,内田 梨沙 [他],石本 遊,田中 基嗣,田中 真司,栗田 宜明,杉本 徳一郎
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis
- … 34歳,男性.1型糖尿病による腎不全のため,2008年4月腹膜透析(peritoneal dialysis:PD)導入し,マニュアル接続によるダブルバッグシステムにて夜間間欠的腹膜透析(nocturnal intermittent peritoneal dialysis:NIPD)を施行していた.2009年1月22日腹痛・下痢・嘔吐・PD排液混濁を認め受診.来院時体温37.4℃,腹膜刺激症状あり,WBC 12,800/μL,CRP …
- NAID 10029406293
- A Case of Idiopathic Basal Ganglia Calcification Associated with Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
- Tsuchiya Yoshiki,Ubara Yoshifumi,Anzai Makoto,Hiramatsu Rikako,Suwabe Tatsuya,Hoshino Junichi,Sumida Keiichi,Hasegawa Eiko,Yamanouchi Masayuki,Hayami Noriko,Marui Yuji,Sawa Naoki,Hara Shigeko,Takaichi Kenmei,Oohashi Kenichi
- Internal Medicine 50(20), 2351-2356, 2011
- … A 17-year-old Japanese female was admitted for investigation of intermittent proteinuria from the age of 12 years. … Peritoneal dialysis was started for end-stage renal failure when she was 24 years old. …
- NAID 130001087746
Related Links
- Intermittent peritoneal dialysis (IPD) has occasionally been used to deliver long-term renal replacement therapy or as an in-center “bridge” therapy for the new patient not trained in self care (1,2). In-center IPD can be ...
- Looking for online definition of intermittent peritoneal dialysis in the Medical Dictionary? intermittent peritoneal dialysis explanation free. What is intermittent peritoneal dialysis? Meaning of intermittent peritoneal dialysis medical ...
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- 英
- intermittent peritoneal dialysis, IPD
- 時々とぎれる、断続する。間欠性の、周期性の。時々の
- 関
- episodic、intermission、intermittence、intermittently、interrupted、saccadic
- 関
- peritoneum